Chapter 666

The so-called one-time birth and two-time ripening, after destroying the space passage of Yadi, the four of Xie Ming continued to move forward, combined with the map data of the local resistance army, and quickly destroyed every key city that they passed through.

As the number of destroyed cities increased, the incident of ‘there were four surrogates performing internal destruction’ also spread to the entire sprite tribe. The actions of the four began to become difficult. However, this is also a matter of course.

The actions of myself and others have become difficult, which means that the situation in Genoa will be much better. Their main purpose is not to destroy, but to harass. Destruction is only secondary.

Do what you can, give up if you can’t, and harass. See if you can take the cold to kill the local Lord of the Great Wall and reduce the enemy’s high-end combat power.

The enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy garrisons us, the enemy is exhausted and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we chase. The four of them brought the essence of guerrilla warfare to Ultimate.

Of course, Xie Ming and others have gained more than just this. In a sabotage operation, they successfully annihilated and captured a winged human tribe’s ten thousand chief. Through torture, he inquired more information from this captain that he hadn’t learned before.

Why did the Sprites invade and occupy thousands of planes? To rule all planes is one reason, but there are more important reasons. The Sprite God King was seriously injured. It needs tens of thousands of planes of world origin to relieve and heal its own injuries.

It is said that a long, long time ago, the King of Sprites personally led people to conquer the Ten Thousand Realms, but was bumped into by the only fifth-order surrogate in the main god space at that time, and there was a life-and-death battle between the two sides. As a result, the fifth-order generation traveler died, and the Sprite King was also injured to his source of life and fell into a state of dying.

In order to save the King of Sprites, the three physicians with the best Chinese medicine skills of Sprites sacrificed their lives without hesitation, and laid a large recovery array on the Sprites native star. Taking the world plane where the Sprite tribe is located as the center, draw and absorb the origin of all the planes conquered by the Sprite tribe to repair the wounds of the Sprite King.

As for the plane that has been absorbed into the origin, because of the continuous decrease of the origin, the level of strength of the plane will continue to decline, then the decline of the life level, and finally the demise of the entire plane. At that time, in order to stabilize the sprite god king’s injury, the planes and original worlds that were directly drained of the origin totaled more than 3,000.

For this matter, the 3,000 local residents at the time joined forces with the third-order and fourth-order surrogates of the main god space to launch a war that shocked the entire time and space against the sprite tribe. There were countless casualties on both sides, and even several planes were directly destroyed on the spot.

As a result of the war, the origin of 3000 planes was drained, but the seeds of plane recovery were rescued. The local residents of the plane all died in battle. Six Admiral of sprites, five died in battle and one was seriously injured. The third-order and fourth-order substitutes are left with only single digits.

The badly injured Sprite Clan Admiral returned to this star and tried every means to relieve his injury. Finally, after cultivating a new Six Admiral, he left. And the new Six Admiral is the current six races of Liger, Bear, Eagle, and Fox.

And the original six Admiral races, the extinction of extinction, the hidden world of seclusion, are still visible, and only the ghost race. After all, when it comes to the degree of loyalty to the Sprite God King, no race can compare to the ghost race.

After that, I don’t know how many years passed, and the Sprite King once awoke for a short period of time. In order to heal his wounds, the King Sprite spent all his accumulated power and explored the entire time and space, and fell into a deep sleep after leaving a sentence.

“Looking for the world where there is a root.”

Therefore, the Sprite Clan began to invade tens of millions of planes again, with two goals. First, the more world origins, the more stable the Sprite King’s injuries. Second, it is to find the so-called ‘rooted existence’ world.

During this long battle, every time the Sprite King awakens, he will use his power to locate the ‘Root World’. Although the scope is shrinking, every time after the positioning is successful, the prince who is invested in, the prince will be killed in advance before the effect of the parasitic talent.

And after positioning again and again, the ‘root world’ will become deeper and deeper. This also made the positioning of the Sprite King more and more expensive, so in the end, the Sprite King decided to cultivate an existence with a special ‘parasitic talent’.

Since ‘parasites’ will be detected, then cultivate a sprite tribe with a special ‘parasitic talent’ that will not be detected, isn’t that enough? And this special existence is the heir of the King of Sprites.

Through the best maternal body, coupled with the transformation of special forces from the mother’s womb, after thousands of years of failure, it finally succeeded. However, this successful individual did not have any fighting ability.

However, it must be tested again and again for its talent. Regarding the wounds of the King Sprite, even if this waste is an eye-catcher, it must be taken care of as a treasure.

The plane of “Tan Ya Zhan Ji” is the final test of a special individual. After the test is over, Six Admiral will take the initiative to awaken the King of Sprites, once again locate the “Root World” and put it in.

But this is also the last position of the King of Sprites, because others are not stupid. After each successful positioning, the “Root World” will make up for its own shortcomings and become more concealed. The King of Sprites also spoke bluntly, this is the last positioning. Next time, unless its injury recovers to half, it will not be possible to locate it again.

For the Sprite Clan, there can be no mistakes in this plan. Therefore, every time a special individual is tested in the world, there are three Admiral protecting them outside the plane. The special individual also carries the escape items personally bestowed by the King of Sprites and the items made by Admiral himself, possessing their full-strike power.

Coupled with two quasi-fourth-tier ghost guards and ten ghost-human guards, as well as prohibiting the entry of combat power above the third-tier peak. Even if it is killed, as long as the corpse is intact at more than 70%, then you can spend a lot of money to use the resurrection magic for perfect resurrection.

Such comprehensive protection measures have minimized the variables. Six Admiral is very relieved, and the Sprite God King is also very relieved, even the special individual Huang Qiu feels at ease Wu You. But it is a pity that a Tier 2 peak can burst out of Tier 4 super monsters in the main god space.

“So, the Sprite Clan’s plan is doomed to fail.”

After exterminating the winged human tribe leader, Xie Ming did not share any news with the team members, and proceeded to the next destination.

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