Chapter 667

The former capital of the empire, Bolun.

The city that was once very prosperous has now become a magic cave occupied by the sprite tribe. This is also the only place where no humans exist in the area occupied by the Sprite tribe. And the most eye-catching thing in the city is the tall tower that stands in the center of the sky.

The name of the tower is the original source tower. There are three functions. First, extract the world origin of the current plane and send it to the Sprite family’s origin through a special channel. Second, break through the barriers of the plane and open up spatial channels so that the soldiers of the Sprite tribe can teleport into the current plane.

Third, the place where the person in charge of the plane lives is also a place where the high-level sprite tribes of the current plane discuss important matters.

Now, in addition to the strategic formulation of the first invasion, the ten thousand chiefs who ruled the cities of the entire European continent once again gathered in the meeting room of the high tower through projection. However, more than 30 seats in the conference room have lost its owner.

All the sprite clan chiefs, looking at these empty spaces, their faces were a little uneasy. At this time, a fat man with a big belly, holding his beer belly, pushed open the door of the meeting room with a bored face. Behind him, followed by a strong man with cyan and red skin and two horns on his head.

The fat man was floating, sitting in the main seat of the conference room, with one hand on his face. The two ghosts, Qinghong, stood behind him on the left and right, with serious expressions.

“Unexpectedly, I called everyone together…” The fat man nodded the table and looked at the fox-human female on his left hand side: “Dandan, what’s the matter so serious?”

“Master Huang Qiu, Master Ten Thousand Lords, Dan Dan will not hesitate to summon everyone. The matter is naturally related to the 30-odd Lord Ten Thousand Lords who have died.”

The fox-human female named Dandan said with an indifferent expression: “Originally, the occupation plan of the European continent has entered the final stage. But from half a month ago, Captain Heiqiwan, who led his troops in the front-line city of Genoa, Your lord suddenly died in battle, Genoa was recaptured by humans, and our internal territory frequently had problems.”

“Yadi, Serbia, Budapest, Munich, Lyon, Warsaw… Within half a month, more than one tenth of the 300 lords have fallen. This loss makes us have to Consider a question.”

“The main god space has sent a substitute to enter this plane, and it is still quite powerful, enough to kill the ten thousand chief-level strength, the substitute.”


The meeting room fell into chaos. Every ten thousand captain has seen the substitute team sent by the main god space on the battlefield of the plane. They cooperate tacitly, have various abilities, and are extremely survivable. There were even many former colleagues or partners of the ten thousand chieftain who were beheaded by the substitutes.

But in the same way, they also know what the purpose of the surrogate is. The substitutes of the main god space did nothing to prevent them from invading, to prevent the sprite god king from resurrecting these thoughts. They are a group that pursues interests. Under the premise of completing the task, they can get as much as possible for themselves.

This is a group of desperadoes who want money but don’t want their lives. Under the bondage of the main god space, they are going to give up their lives.

“If it’s really a substitute…” a Jiao-Human clan leader asked suspiciously: “Then what’s their mission? Kill a certain number of the ten thousand captains?”

“I don’t know, but it’s very possible.”

Dandan replied calmly: “Although the substitute itself does not conflict with us, the conflict between the main god space and our sprite clan has lasted for more than Ten Thousand Years. So if we meet our sprite clan, the mission of the main god space It may be related to the beheading of me. But for now, I don’t know yet.”

“You said… Is the purpose of the surrogate going to be Huang Qiu?” At this time, another lion-man clan leader issued an idea. But as soon as he said this idea, he made himself amused.

“Hahahahaha, old lion, you are quite good at joking.”

The head of the bear human race laughed exaggeratedly: “Kill the little fellow Huang Qiu? All of us can’t do it together. Didn’t the main god space send someone to die.”

“That’s right, Huang Qiu has super self-defense items bestowed by the generals on him. Any general’s full blow, I wait for the captain to become a meatloaf.”

“kill me?”

The fat man Huang Qiu sitting on the main seat is also a little dumbfounded. It is very difficult for him to commit suicide himself. Is there anyone else whose purpose is to kill him? It’s really desperate.

“Although the possibility is very small, it does not rule out such a possibility.”

Dandan covered his mouth and showed a slight smile, but his tone was still calm: “But if that’s the case, we can save trouble. Let go of the defense and let him come in here. I also want to see that substitute will How to kill Master Huang Qiu.”

“Hey, Dan Dan.” Huang Qiu said with some dissatisfaction: “The generals’ self-defense props are very precious. I will not use these props to kill this kind of beam jumping clown. Okay?”

“Yes, the little girl is impolite.” Dandan chuckled lightly, and then resumed her serious state as a military teacher: “Actually, the purpose of these substitutes going deep into the battlefield is not difficult to guess. Together we are about to gather forces. If you think about the plan to attack Genoa and completely conquer the European continent, you can easily guess it.”

“They want to interfere with our plan. Through internal destruction, we will slow down the gathering of forces and reduce the number of our ten thousand chiefs. After all, the strongest native humans we have detected so far are just The second-order peak.”

All the captains nodded slightly. Indeed, this possibility is the greatest.

“Now that I know the purpose of this surrogate team, then the matter is well resolved.” Dandan waved his hand gently, and the map of the European continent was projected among everyone.

“From the situation of Yadi, it can be seen that the two lords cannot stop their actions. However, we cannot let them continue. Then two lords are not enough, so three, four, five What’s your name?”

“The last place where the surrogate team appeared is here, the city of Amsterdam. Then, I would like to invite all the elders who guard the passage of space to form a five-person team to encircle this area.”

With a flick of his finger, Dan Dan drew an area on the map: “Through the interval between the first and second attacks, the girl can be sure that the surrogate team will never escape from this area. So expand the encirclement here. Suitable.”

“The net is woven, so you need bait. In the near future, we will make a big announcement to prepare to assemble the military rations in the city of Prague, and send it through the space channel there to the nearest space channel city in Li Genoa, Istanbul, to carry out humans on the European continent. Total attack.”

“In fact, we did the same. During this period, the Lord of Prague was asked to completely wipe out the little mice in Prague, replace these little mice with humans who have become secondary slaves, and provide intelligence and induce them.”

“Once they bite the bait, it’s time for this net to tighten. I don’t know everyone, do you have any other opinions?”


“No comment.”

“Just do what you said.”

The captains nodded in agreement.

“Okay, according to human habits, every battle has a corresponding battle name. Then our battle this time will be called it…”


As he said, Dandan showed a charming smile unique to the fox race, but all the ten thousand chiefs trembled.

Because what this smile contains is absolutely cruel.

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