Chapter 671

I have to say that Xie Ming’s strategy is still successful. In seven days, every time I left with injuries, and the interval between each appearance became longer and longer, this also made the sprite tribes search more and more vigorously.

What does a longer interval mean? It means that the injury is getting heavier and heavier, and it means that they will soon be able to drive this dangerous enemy into desperation! Therefore, even if there were some doubts in their hearts, the captains did not deliberately think about it. This proves that Xie Ming’s acting skills are still very passable.

If Dandan also participated in this encirclement and suppression, she would have noticed something wrong that day, but unfortunately, she did not. This is also the biggest gap between the two strategists. A strategist who can be on the front line and adjust the plan at any time is definitely more flexible and outstanding than a strategist who only stays at the headquarters to command.

Finally, on the eighth day, Xie Ming was finally ‘forced’ into Prague. Hundreds of thousands of sprites army and hundreds of sprites ten thousand chiefs will also gather in the city of Prague.

“Hey, hey, I’m finally here.”

Over Prague, Xie Ming looked at the densely packed army outside the city, and then at the sprite clan chiefs who were holding weapons and flaring their claws, and sighed.

“Your Excellency, is this the substitute sent by the Lord God Space to fight?”

Suddenly, a projection appeared in front of Xie Ming, with silver hair, snow-white ears and tail, and narrow eyes.

“The little girl is the chief of staff of this sprite clan battle, Dandan. I wonder if you can tell the name of the little girl.”


Wearing the evil dragon mask, Xie Ming said coldly.

“Your Excellency KT.”

I didn’t care that Xie Ming said the code name. Dan Dan squinted his eyes and showed a smile: “It’s a pity for the little girl to be honest. Although the little girl and you only fought each other once, the little girl can also feel it. A very good strategist. But unfortunately, the difference between the strengths of the two sides this time is too great.”

“If your Excellency has half of the troops that the young lady has, I believe this confrontation will not end with this kind of ending. In all fairness, the young lady would like to have more fights with your lord. But unfortunately, the ability of Your Excellency KT makes the sprites. The clan had to extinguish your hazard that might threaten the entire clan at the time of the flames.”

“To show off?”

Xie Ming sneered: “You don’t need to talk so much with me, it’s too fake. Anyway, this time I lose and you win. Faced with so many Tier 3 peaks, it is difficult for me to rush out, but It’s okay to fight for your life and pull more than a dozen back cushions.”

“Your Excellency KT, the little girl doesn’t mean to show off.” Dandan’s brows flashed a hint of anger: “The little girl just regrets that a Tianjiao like yours will come to such an end.”

“Sorry? Your sprites still have this kind of feeling?” Xie Ming’s tone contained undisguised irony: “The use of drugs from other intellectual races into a’meat pig’, wanton aggression and enslavement. This sort of thing. Race, actually feel sorry for the death of people of his race?”

“It makes people laugh out loud.”

“…Yes, it’s the little girl who is whimsical.”

After a moment of silence, Dandan’s expression became extremely cold: “Then, your Excellency will try to get a few more people to bury him. No one of my sprites will be afraid of death.”

“Yes, you don’t fear death. But you guys, are you afraid of mission failure?”


“Master Dandan!!!”

At this time, in Dandan’s projection, the correspondent panicked: “Emergency communications from many cities such as Gibraltar, Istanbul, and Yadi. A large number of human magisters and sea warships landed and launched an offensive! And everywhere The city’s resistance army launched an uprising at the same time!”


Dandan’s pupils shrank, and all the captains suddenly shaken when they heard the news. You know, this encirclement and suppression, all ten thousand chiefs are here. The only one who stayed behind was the middle stage of the third stage at the highest level.

“Look, doesn’t failure come?” Xie Ming stretched his arm and mocked.

“…This is your plan?”

“Of course, I don’t have the idea of ​​giving up my life for justice.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “All the nearby spatial passages have been completely destroyed. Now the only city with spatial passages is Prague under our feet. Of course, it is impractical for you to expect this spatial passage, because… ..”


With a snap of Xie Ming’s finger, the building with a spatial passage in Prague below, together with the soldiers guarding it, was broken into pieces by the spatial turbulence caused by the destruction of the spatial passage. The sprites around Xie Ming’s pupils became more scarlet, and the aura became thicker, and the murderous aura could not be restrained from leaking out.

Dandan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, all he had in his pupils was endless ice cold: “Your Excellency KT, girl, I still underestimated you.”

“But, you haven’t counted it. If you die here, will all the cities and regions we lost be taken over again?”

“Do you think I haven’t considered this?”

Under the mask, Xie Ming said with a smile but a smile: “Why don’t you have confidence in you, do you think you can keep me?”

From the portable space, Xie Ming slowly withdrew another pitch-black Tang knife with a white mark on its body.

“The Sprite Clan, you can’t hurt you unless you have the power and weapons of the origin of the world. However, being unable to hurt you does not mean that you cannot be repelled. Impact, gravity, and wind pressure can also prevent you from pursuing them. ”

Lv5 ability, vector control.

The sky began to change instantly. Countless gusts of wind began to revolve around Xie Ming, and in just a few seconds, several extremely violent tornadoes surrounded Xie Ming’s body. The captains, there is no way to get close at all.

“Look, right?” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Although this ability can’t hurt you, it can limit your actions, but I have no influence. And taking this opportunity, you think I can How many captains did you kill?”

“Miss Dandan?”


During the projection, there was the sound of crushing hard objects, and Dan Dan gave an order coldly: “All sprites, retreat!”


“Can’t just let this bastard go!!!”

“I don’t believe that his ability can always be maintained like this!!”

“Lead the soldiers to retreat! This is an order!” Dan Dan said coldly: “Do you want to be here to exhaust all our forces to conquer this plane?”


The captains gritted their teeth and screamed. Finally, he glanced at Xie Ming coldly, turned and led the soldiers away.

If the line of sight could kill people, then Xie Ming would have already died countless times. Therefore, Xie Ming didn’t feel any pain or itching for these sights, and even waved his hand to send them off.

“Your Excellency K, T.”

Dandan showed an extremely bright smile, and emphatically read the word’KT’: “If your Excellency has the ability, welcome to Bolun as a guest. Whether it is me or anyone else, you will warmly’welcome’ your arrival. .”

After that, the projection dissipated.

“Berren? Will go sooner or later, don’t worry.”

Smiling, Xie Ming flew in the direction of Yadi.

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