Chapter 672

In the next half month, the Union Army, the American Army, and the Asian Army attacked from the east, south, and west at the same time, and captured one city after another. In an instant, three quarters of the entire European continent had been retaken.

However, this does not mean anything. Because most of the cities that were captured were basically not guarded by soldiers, the highest combat effectiveness was only at the centurion level. It can be seen that the Sprite Clan side has completely shrunk the front line, ready to hold on to the side, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

Therefore, although the people celebrated happily because they had retaken the land, the high-level coalition army and the surrogates felt only heavy pressure. It’s like the feeling of depression just before the rainstorm is about to pour.

In the end, the three armies successfully met in front of the Rhine, and Xie Ming also successfully gathered with his teammates again. Of course, there is no time to waste at this moment. Therefore, Xie Ming rushed to the combat headquarters as soon as he converged with the three armies, and held a combat meeting with the chiefs of staff and think tanks of the three armies.

But this meeting is not so friendly…


“Do not make jokes!!”

The Chief of Staff of the American Army slammed the table and stood up and glared at Xie Ming: “You mean, let us use the lives of soldiers to help you delay time, and wait for you to enter Bolen and kill that important person?!”

“Yes, Mr. Stephen.” Xie Ming calmly looked at the sturdy middle-aged man with a hooked nose: “This is the most appropriate plan.”

“The most appropriate?! All of them are unstable factors. You tell me the most appropriate!?”

Stephen roared: “Who can guarantee that you can complete this task? Even if it is completed, then who can guarantee that the Sprites will withdraw?!”

“I also think Mr. KT’s plan is insecure.” The Chief of Staff of the Asian Army, Sima Xiantu, said calmly: “Mr. KT is the only powerful person on our side who can deal with the enemy’s commander level. If you lose you Four people, then all three of us must use human lives to fill the loopholes of the four of you.”

“In my opinion, at this time, we should fight steadily, slowly consume the enemy’s captain, and finally break through the enemy’s base camp Boren in one fell swoop. This is the safest and most secure plan.”

Hearing Sima’s plan, Stephen nodded. Obviously, he has the same idea.

“I said, did you two misunderstand something?”


“What’s the meaning?”

“We act as agents have our own tasks to do, but we are not here to do good and help you.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “The main reason for assisting you is that with the help of the local army, we can complete the task more conveniently and safely. I have also said this to the coalition army before.”

“The leader of the enemy army, Huang Qiu, is a very important key protection target in the entire sprite tribe. If he feels danger, he will run directly, causing our mission to fail. And our mission failure will have only one consequence, death. ”

“In other words, your current thinking is to make us die, understand?”

A faint intent to kill slowly emanated from his body, and Xie Ming stared at the two men coldly: “Whoever wants us to die, I will let them die first. The basis of cooperation between our agents and you is to help each other. Now, we are born to death. Helped you to recover your disadvantages, but you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge?”

“I’m bored to live, right?”

The temperature in the entire combat command room dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant. Stephen and Sima’s faces were stiff, and they couldn’t say a word.

“Okay, sir, KT, there is no need to make the scene so stiff.”

At this time, the chief of staff of the coalition army came out and said with a wry smile: “Mr. Sima and Mr. Stephen have not yet understood the situation, and in the face of such a big enemy as the Sprite tribe, if there is a problem within us, it will be more serious. The winning percentage is gone.”

Then he turned his head and said to the two reinforcement commanders seriously: “In fact, the situation is just like what KT said. Their purpose is to kill the enemy leader. If you are not sure, I believe KT will not. speak out.”

“Furthermore, as long as the enemy’s leader is killed, the enemy’s military will definitely be in chaos. This is also of great benefit to us, isn’t it? And once the Lord KT and they attack Boren, then the generals will definitely I don’t have the mind to entangle us and will definitely go back to support. So our danger is not as great as we imagined.”


“makes sense.”

Sima Xiantu gave a strong laugh, wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said softly: “Then we will follow Mr. KT’s plan to make detailed arrangements. Mr. Stephen, do you have any questions?”

“Huh, no.” With a cold snort, Stephen sat down and said with a stinky face.


“The plan for the decisive battle has come down.”

Taking the map back to the lounge, Xie Ming fixed the map on the wall. Chen Zhong, Hua Sakura and Shun Kong also stood up consciously, with serious expressions.

“In this decisive battle on the Rhine, we have to break directly into Beren and behead the enemy leader Huang Qiu.”

“Directly break into Bolun? How to break into?”

Shun Kong asked suspiciously: “Now that the enemy already knows that we have space capabilities, we will inevitably plant a magic enchantment near Boren. It is impossible to pass through space magic.”

“Yes, we can only pass by physical methods.” Xie Ming nodded and said calmly: “So, we have to ride the rocket over.”




The three of them were silent for a moment, and Hua Sakura was the first to lose his breath, and asked cautiously: “Captain, you just said, how did we get there?”

“Sit on the rocket.”

Now, all three of them heard clearly. They looked at each other and sighed at the same time. The corner of Chen Zhong’s mouth twitched: “Captain, what rocket you are talking about…”

“Developed by the Joint Army, a one-time single-person rocket for the special operations team.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “This kind of rocket can carry one person inside, cannot change direction, cannot control speed, has no escape device, and has no external observation. It is a veritable product without the name. It can only be observed and calculated by the wind direction in advance. , Probably predict the landing position.”

“At that time, the Allied Forces will prepare 10 single rockets for us, the other six are decoys, and four are for us to ride. After a speed of about 2 kilometers per second, they will enter from the rear. So when launching, we must have Calculate the time in your mind. Otherwise, all you have to wait is to explode with the rocket.”

“As for the way to escape, we manually escape. After roughly calculating the time, take your weapon, poke open the entrance on your head, and then jump out. After you escape, the three of you meet for the first time, and then Go to the most obvious building in Bolun. And I will break in directly and look for Huangqiu.”

“Our battle is probably the same. Do you have anything to ask?”

“…Are there other ways to penetrate?”


Xie Ming replied: “Okay, if there is no problem, come with me. Let’s go to the back to make preparations, and by the way, take a look at the partner who is about to ride the day after tomorrow.”


Looking at Xie Ming who walked out of the room, Chen Zhong, the three of you, look at me and I will look at you. In the end, Hana Sakura said what the three people said.

“Would you like that excitement…”

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