Chapter 673

When Xie Ming and the four came to the temporary research base in the rear, a man in white coats who looked a little crazy and had a dangerous hairline greeted him head-on.

“Oh oh oh~~~, welcome~~~”

“You are?”

Xie Ming frowned and asked coldly.

“Oh oh oh, this is really disrespectful.”

The man bowed slightly and smiled: “Below is the chief technician of the former Imperial Army’s Technical Development Department, Adeheit von Xiuglu. It is also the designer of the V1 additional acceleration device you are about to board this time.”

“Ah… it’s you.” A faint flash in Xie Ming’s eyes, remembering this mad scientist who made Tan Ya afraid of three points: “I heard Major Tan Ya talk about you some time ago, this time it is Will you help us predict the flight path?”


Alderhead grinned and said, “I didn’t expect Major Tan Ya to remember me. It’s really surprising.”

“Well, because in every sense, you have created unforgettable memories for her…”

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Xie Ming waved his hand: “So, is the V1 acceleration device you mentioned is ready for debugging?”

“Of course, please follow me.”

Looking at Adeheit who walked into the factory with his hands behind his back, Hua Sakura and Chen Zhong shed a few drops of cold sweat.

“Captain…” Hana Sakura whispered, “Really, there is no problem, right?”

“No problem.” Xie Ming paused, “Maybe, probably, should, maybe, may be…”


“Ahem, as a substitute, how can you be afraid of this little thing!”

Xie Ming’s expression was serious: “The 203 brigade of Tan Ya got on board when it fell and died. What are we self-preserving substitutes afraid of? Don’t worry, you can’t die!”


There are millions of MMP words in my heart that I want to say, but I can’t say them because I can’t beat them. At this time, this was the only thought in the minds of Shunkong and others.


Two days are not long, not short. For the Sprite Clan side, it is an ordinary two days. But for the human side, time is too short.

In these two days, the four of Xie Ming were not idle. The inspection of the equipment, the forecast of the weather, the grasp of the wind direction, and the calculation of the landing location and flight time all need to be kept in mind.

According to calculations, if there is no special weather or enemy interference on the day of take-off, ten rockets will fall near the Imperial Military Academy in Ballen. And in order to cause more chaos, except for the rockets carried by the four of Xie Ming, the other six rockets were filled with explosive bombs full of gunpowder.

Although the explosive bombs without magic power cannot kill the enemy, they can make enough noise and dust to cover up the actions of the four of Xie Ming.

On the same day, the American Army, the Asian Army and the Allied Army, will also launch a general attack on the sprite tribe’s front line, trying to attract as many ten thousand chiefs as possible to provide cover for the actions of the four of Xie Ming. The magic cannons newly created by Adehait for the sprite tribe were also pulled out and placed on the front line.

According to the original words of this newly developed magical cannon, if it weren’t for an extraordinary period, he would never develop such inferior products. Because this magic cannon has no technical content at all, it depends entirely on two words to start it: burning money.

Its cannonballs are calculus orbs. Utilize the large amount of magic power released by the orb of calculation when it is overloaded, and condense it into a light cannon. Each launch lasts for 2 minutes and consumes ten calculus orbs. Without the assistance of the other two continents, the coalition forces would simply not be able to use this broken thing.

But at this time, I can’t take care of that much. Knowing the outcome of this war is to see the result of the battle of Xie Ming and the three armies, and they are ready to consume all their military supplies in this final battle. As the saying goes, if you fail, you will become benevolent. The fate of the entire plane depends on the four of Xie Ming.

Although many people feel that the total decisive battle after only two days off is simply nonsense, but the initiative is not in their hands at all. Who said, their native residents don’t have the high-end combat power that can fight against the sprites?

Xie Ming also understands that two days are really insufficient. But for them, the truth of Chi Zesheng is the most important thing. It’s not that the sprites of the other party have no brains. The fox-human woman named Dandan, although some of the ideas and layouts are still too immature, it can’t bury her excellent strategic talent and intelligent brain.

If she noticed something and let Huang Qiu run away, then Xie Ming and others would really want to cry without tears. This is especially true for Xie Ming. He will do everything he can to do what he promises. Even now, Xie Ming still feels a little uneasy. Because he only approximated Huang Qiu’s image from the captive’s few words, but he didn’t understand his true character.

Of course, if Xie Ming really understands Huang Qiu’s character, then the anxiety in his heart will be completely eliminated. Because this guy is really an idiot with no merits except for his special talent.

If it weren’t for the Six Admiral Army’s repeated instructing him to use parasitic skills to hide in the new world, maybe Xie Ming didn’t need to take action at all, he would have died in the hands of the Imperial Army.

Why do you say that? So let’s take a look at what this guy is doing when the enemy is in front.


Bolun, the source tower, the combat command room.

Holding his belly, Huang Qiu walked into the room. I completely ignored that Dandan and the captains were discussing tactics, and sat down beside Dandan.

“Master Huang Qiu.”

A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, Dan Dan stood up and walked away a few steps, and said indifferently: “My lord, what do you want to do when you come to the command room?”

“Don’t say so, Dandan.”

Huang Qiu said solemnly: “You are my fiancee anyway. After this experiment is over, we will be married. I came here naturally because I heard the news that there was a substitute who did not have eyes and bullied me. Fiancée. So just to inquire.”

Looking at his maid coldly, Dan Dan’s eyes flashed with killing intent, and then he calmly said to Huang Qiu: “My lord, the little girl and the adult are only engaged. The adults also understand the character of the little girl. , So please don’t call the shots for the little girl without authorization.”

“As for the word bully, where do I start? The relationship between the sprite tribe and the surrogate is a life-and-death relationship, this time it’s just that the little girl is inferior to humans and has failed. This time the failure, the little girl will personally wash it away. No need to bother adults.”

“How can this be done, Dandan, you have been bullied, so naturally you need to get revenge. Otherwise, others will really think I was bullied!”

Huang Qiu stood up and said resolutely: “Although I said before, it is too wasteful to use the generals’ self-defense props against the beam jumping clown. But for Dandan, I think it is worthwhile to use one or two. ”

As soon as he said this, most of the captains looked at Huang Qiu a little differently. Unexpectedly, this idiot has a rare spirit. But the insider really laughed out of his heart.

Dandan tried to maintain a calm face, but he couldn’t hold on anymore. Who is this damn fat guy fooling? Who doesn’t know that you guy only uses those self-defense props and throws them like paper. I heard that in the first experiment, this guy wanted to grab the queen of a country but couldn’t beat the patron saint of that country. As a result, he directly used the self-defense props given by three generals to directly wipe out half of the life on that planet. .

But it doesn’t matter, he and this guy are married by the general’s name, and he has no right to refuse. Then just use this guy to complete this occupation mission perfectly. Everything is available, this is a common saying among the fox people. That being the case, it’s okay to take advantage of this stupid fiance yourself.

“Then, at the next critical moment, the little girl will rely more on the adults.”

With a faint smile, Dan Dan said softly.

“Hahahaha, wrap it on me!” Huang Qiu raised his head and laughed, very proud.


At this moment, the voice of the correspondent was heard in the front-line projection of the ten thousand chieftain.

“The human army has launched a total attack!!”


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