Chapter 674

With the unique high-speed mobility of the magical flying unit, the surprise attack launched by the human side was very successful. The burst technique fired by tens of thousands of magic rifles directly emptied the sprite tribe’s forward troops.

Immediately afterwards, the magic cannon began to advance, and the magic infantry began to charge. Leading the way are the soldiers with swords in the Asian Army.

Unlike Europe and the United States that use magical machinery like the “Calculation Orb” to control magic power, soldiers in Asia can control magic power by themselves, using metal with good magic power to make weapons, allowing magic power to penetrate the blade, even tanks can be knifed. The guests chopped through with a few knives.

This is also the confidence that the Asian army can have a place in the world, the magical swordsman.

The American continent also has a very peculiar class of troops, the Magic Gunner. With the help of magical skills and their own superb skills, these gunners’ bullets can hit their targets from any tricky angle, and they can even be shot. On the battlefield, the Swordsman is an unrivaled striker, so the Swordsman is the assassin who can’t be defended.

Of course, both the American Army and the Asian Army have their own air force. But if it is said that the most eye-catching existence in this airspace, it is definitely the 203rd Aviation Magic Team led by Tan Ya.

“Lord, may you grant thunder for punishment and let the enemies of the Lord suffer the punishment they deserve for their sins.”

The pupils turned into bright gold, and the countless gears in them bite into each other and began to rotate. In front of Tan Ya, dozens of magic circles that were about the same height as her appeared, and then they put them round and round on the magic rifle in her hand.


With a cruel smile, Tan Ya gently shook the trigger. The bullets fired from the magic rifle split into dozens in an instant, leaving a light golden light trail in the air, accurately shot into the middle of the enemy formation, and then burst.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

“Second, third, fourth brigade, follow me to raise the height! Don’t let the enemy suppress it!! Let this group of monsters see the true level of our brigade known as the imperial demons!!”

“No, you are the only major who is called the devil, demon of Rhein.”

“Huh? Did you say something? Serebyakov Lieutenant Junior Grade.”

Tan Ya smiled ‘kindly’ and turned to ask.

“Hey!! Wha…Nothing!!!”

Her body trembled, and the long-haired, big-eyed girl known as Serebuyakov Lieutenant Junior Grade hurriedly lifted into the air to engage the enemy.

“Really… this kind of war is too unreasonable and too illogical. But…the signed contract has to be completed. This is the so-called professional ethics!”

With a helpless shrug, a bloodthirsty light flashed in Tan Ya’s eyes, speeding up and rushing up, using the bayonet on the rifle to quickly pierce the head of a winged human soldier.

Kicked the corpse forcefully, and the petite body shuttled between the magic of the sprite clan magician, and became a Shinigami on the battlefield.

It had always been a defensive battle before, so Tanya’s 203 brigade had been playing a little frustrated. But the total decisive battle at this time is exactly the assault battle in line with their brigade style! At this time, they no longer need to worry about defense issues, all they need to do is to kill, destroy, and destroy!

This is exactly the business of their 203rd Aviation Magic Team.


At the rear scientific research base, the ten-shot rocket was already lying quietly on the launch orbit, and the four Xie Ming also sat in the seats of the one-way ticket to this hell.

“Everyone of the surrogates, the battle has already begun enthusiastically! So, in 1 minute, you will experience this exciting two-minute air journey. I don’t know if you are ready~~”

Listening to the under-beating sound coming from the headset, several people in Shunkong had the urge to rush out and beat him.

“It’s ready, start the countdown, Director.”

Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, and replied faintly.

“OK, the things that should be said have been made clear before. And today’s weather is also very good for us, so unless intercepted by the enemy, everyone should land accurately at the predetermined location~”

In the control tower, Alderhead said happily: “Then, tens of seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7…….”

“3, 2, 1, light up!!”


At the tail of the rocket, there was an instant burst of high temperature enough to fuse the metal. The four surrogates in the rocket suddenly felt a strong thrust. Except for Xie Ming, who has experience in driving the aircraft, the other three leaned back unconsciously.

But now, no one cares how embarrassed his posture is. Except for the daring Xie Ming, the other three people follow their saliva and look at the stopwatch in their hands, even if the rocket accelerates further.

And Xie Ming, he had already broken through the entrance at this time, used the demon knife to insert the rocket’s head to fix his figure, standing on the rocket silently watching the front, adjusting his physical state in the wind that could tear his skin. .

Soon, the rocket began to fall, and not far away was Bolen and the tall building that could be seen at a glance, the Origin Tower.

“Use it now? Or wait a while?”

Holding the quaint wooden box with black lotus in his hand, Xie Ming squinted his eyes, thinking again and again. Whether to use or not, the most important thing is to decide whether he can kill Huang Qiu within an hour and destroy his body’s integrity to less than 70%.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Successive explosions pulled Xie Ming’s thoughts back. The first few rockets have not yet entered Bolun, as if they hit a wall and exploded. The pupils turned emerald green, and Bolun in Xie Ming’s eyes was being guarded by a huge light gray barrier at this time.

“I haven’t reached the god level… then there is no problem.”

The rainbow-colored aperture in his eyes began to spin faster, and with the crisp sound like glass shattering, the enchantment surrounding Ballen turned into fragments, and the remaining 7 rockets successfully entered into Ballen.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The sound of successive explosions instantly turned half of Bolun into a sea of ​​flames. The rest of the rocket, under the direction of Xie Ming’s demon sword, slammed straight into the tall source tower.


Accompanied by countless smoke and dust, Xie Ming drew his sword and swung it out, instantly beheading the surrounding sprites, and fell into the interior of the source tower.

Looking at the stunned soldiers of the Sprite tribe in front of him, Xie Ming put on the mask of the evil dragon, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Oh, bastards of the Sprite tribe, are you ready for death?”

The demon knife pointed diagonally at the ground, Xie Ming looked around and asked coldly.

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