Chapter 676


The long whip hit the ground heavily, leaving a few cracks. Before Xie Ming dodged his feet before landing, the three long weapons of spear, spear, and fork had already pierced his vitals from three directions at the same time.

The body twisted, grabbed the spear with one hand, pulled it, broke it down, and then released it. The tough spear rebounded under the guidance of Xie Ming, blocking the attack of the fork ghost. Using his flying ability, he lifted his body slightly, stepped on the hard rod of the spear and turned over and leaped, avoiding this wave of attacks.


The attacks of the commanders of the ghost tribe would not end that way, the sword and the two ghosts flew up and simultaneously slashed towards Xie Ming from the air. On the ground, the halberd ghost and the stick ghost also wielded their weapons separately, attacking from Xie Ming’s front and back at the same time.

“With less than half a step, the grandmaster dared to play sword and sword dance in front of me. It’s really looking for death.”

The demon sword in his hand swung out, tracing a cold trail in the air, and the weapons in the hands of the sword ghost and the sword ghost were cut off along with their necks. Both feet kicked out at the same time, and the broken blade and blade turned into two frosty lights, and they respectively shot at the axe ghost and hammer ghost that were accumulating, causing them to interrupt their actions and raise their weapons to block them.

Of course, Xie Ming’s free hand was not free either. Grasping the long stick, attached his own inertia to the stick, bending it into a dangerous angle, avoiding the swing of the long halberd. He immediately used the elasticity of the stick to shoot his body, and pounced on the whip ghost who was about to swing the long whip again.


The body of the demon sword shook slightly, making a crisp sound. Behind Xie Ming, the whip ghost, together with his whip, turned into two halves.

In the first round of offense alone, three of the ten ghosts were beheaded, and the time before and after was not even a minute. This made the eyes of the remaining seven ghosts full of shock. It’s not that they haven’t hunted the master-level characters. But the sword master in front of him was completely different from the ones they had hunted before.

If Xie Ming knew what they thought, he would definitely turn to Byakugan. Can a master-level powerhouse in the main god space be the same as other master-level ones? Grandmaster-level powerhouses who are not in the main god space will suffer from physical limitations, limitations of vision, and no bonus to equipment skills.

But what about the master-level powerhouse in the main god space? What kind of weird moves can be seen, and physical fitness can also be enhanced by data points. With the addition of equipment and skills, it can definitely be one or two levels stronger than the outside master-level powerhouse.

Why can Xie Ming defeat someone with better skills when he hasn’t reached the master level? Doesn’t it depend on the bonus of skills and equipment?

“Hey, disappointed.”

With a light sigh, Xie Ming glanced at the remaining seven ghosts: “Ten guys in the Grandmaster realm, they cooperate well, and they can’t do any exercise for me. Forget it, in a hurry, I won’t play with you anymore. .”

The fluctuation of killing intent, 100%.

The canine teeth in the mouth are stretched out and slightly exposed. The dark hair turned pale, the skin turned blue, and his eyes turned into two blood-red streams of light because of the killing intent. This is the ultimate state of the wave of killing intent: crazy ghost!

Inserting the blood-red demon sword into the scabbard, Xie Ming lowered his body slightly, and his voice resounded like nine ghosts in the 80th floor of this source tower. This sound was also a funeral bell for the remaining seven ghosts.

“A Thousand Blades, Instant Hell Kill, Change!”

It was only a moment of time. I am afraid that in the presence of the scene, only the two quasi-fourth tiers who saw this scene through the monitoring facility could slightly capture the figure of Xie Ming. However, that is only a slight catch.

Xie Ming, I don’t know when he has passed through the seven ghosts and stood behind them. A scarlet-like word for’天’, which seemed to drip with blood, appeared behind Xie Ming. As the last section of the demon sword slowly slipped into its sheath, the seven ghosts that stood still, turned into countless pieces of flesh, fell to the ground.


Exhaled in vain, the abnormality on Xie Ming’s body slowly disappeared. Without looking back, or staying too much, he hit the ground on his toes and flew to the top of the Source Tower through the big hole in the ceiling.



Looking at the terrible condition of the 80th floor, Huang Qiu’s face was extremely pale with fright. Dandan tried to keep calm, but from the bitten and bleeding lower lip, she was also a little frightened. And the two quasi-fourth-tier ghost clan chiefs, although they didn’t show anything, an extremely brutal aura was slowly radiating from them.

“The substitute just now…is Tier 4?”

Huang Qiu squeezed the handle of the seat and asked tremblingly.

“No, Master Huang Qiu, it’s not Tier 4.”

The patriarch of the Ghost Clan with a big sword on his back said calmly: “Just now, that should be an explosive state of this substitute. In this state, he can reach the quasi-fourth-tier combat power level.”

“However, this state is very burdensome.” Another ghost-man clan leader who wore hand armor and geared up showed a bloodthirsty smile: “Even if it can continue, he is not an opponent of either of us.”

“What you said is true? Don’t lie to me!” Huang Qiu said nervously, “The reason why I didn’t run away is because you two are here! If I find that you are invincible, don’t blame me for slipping away. what!”

“Master Huang Qiu!”

Dan Dan couldn’t stand it anymore: “Master Huang Qiu, you also have a protective item that seals the full blow of the six generals. Even if this substitute can explode no matter how high the fighting power is, it is impossible that he can compare Do you qualify for the General!?”


Suddenly remembering that there was such a thing, Huang Qiu’s pale face instantly became extremely proud: “Hmph, then there is nothing to fear. Just let him come up!”

“After coming up, all waiting for him is death and despair!!”

“Huh~, isn’t it?”

“Hey!!” The sudden voice shocked Huang Qiu.

Xie Ming flew out of the hollow and landed on the wide platform, looking at the fat man on the throne in the distance with a smile.


“You are…” squinted his eyes, Xie Ming remembered: “Oh, you are the fox girl who likes nonsense. It seems to be called… Dandan?”

“The little girl’s name is Dandan.”

Even the chief of staff of the fox race with a good personal training, was irritated by Xie Ming’s words. Unexpectedly, he didn’t even remember his name by the substitute in front of him! This makes Dandan, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, not angry.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s the dying person anyway.”

Xie Ming waved his hand and looked at the two ghost clan chiefs: “Why? Don’t plan to fight? Then hand over the pig. If you hand it over, it will save you three lives.”

“Boy, I have to say, you are very courageous.”

The patriarch of the ghost clan with hand armor jumped off the throne and grinned and said, “I just don’t know, you can still say that in a while.”

“Don’t plan to go together?” Xie Ming asked suspiciously.

“Oh, I am enough to deal with you.”

In a fighting pose, the patriarch of the ghost clan looked at Xie Ming fiercely: “Remember, it is the patriarch of the ghost clan of the ghost clan who defeated you, the master of fighting, Chongxiang!”


Hearing these two words, Xie Ming suddenly became interested: “Then, let the horse come here, fist ghost!”

“I’ve said it all, Laozi’s name is Chongxiang!!!”

Following Chongxiang’s roar, a fist as big as a sandbag blasted Xie Ming’s head like a cannonball.

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