Chapter 677: Bloom, Black Lotus

With a wrong footstep, Xie Ming’s figure looked like a ghost, flashing past the bombardment of the fist ghost. Facts have proved that this is a wise move. The fist that blasted like a cannonball was really blasted out by a cannonball.

That’s right, the air cannonball blew up behind Xie Ming with a muffled noise.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong and one inch short and one inch risky means that the shorter the weapon, the greater the risk. Because often your short weapon doesn’t reach people’s homes, other people’s long guys can already shave your head off.

The boxing ghost in front of him used the air cannonballs that came with his punches to make up for the disadvantage of his attack distance. I have to say, this is very fantasy.

“Smelly kid, hide away very fast!”

The fist ghost said cursingly, one blow was unsuccessful, then there were two blows, three blows and four blows behind. Once a master-level fighter was fully deployed, it would be a human demolition machine. It is unrealistic to dodge all the boxing like a storm, and there is no time to enter a war of attrition with offense against offense.

Then, get closer.

His pupils turned into emerald green, Xie Ming cut away all the air cannonballs blocking him, and greeted him with a wide open.

“There is a kind, kid!!”

Even in the realm of the same master, there is still a difference between a sword master and a fighting master. A master of swordsmanship actually dared to take the initiative to get closer to the master of fighting, either with confidence or arrogance. But in any case, this decision is worthy of Chongxiang’s respect.

The respect between the masters is to use their best to defeat the opponent!

With a low growl, Chongxiang’s skin began to turn red. This is the talent of their ghost race, domineering blood! Through the acceleration of one’s own metabolism, one’s physical fitness and five senses can be doubled. At this moment, he is the invincible hand below Tier 4 in the true sense.


There was a low growl, and at this time, the fist of this fist ghost, just the wind of the fist could cut through the thick steel plate. There is no difference between being hit by him head-on and being hit head-on by a meteorite. Xie Ming’s physical fitness in a normal state, even with the bonus of equipment, was a bit unable to hold on.

“Tsk…there is no way.”

The cage hands of the Chilong Emperor flickered on both hands, and Xie Ming said in a low voice.

“Balance Breaker. (Hands prohibited)”

The crimson light instantly enveloped Xie Ming’s whole body, and a set of scarlet ferocious armor was worn on his body. The power of the whole body was liberated explosively. The rapid increase in speed caught Chongxiang by surprise.


Chong Xiang roared, his skin became more reddish, and his fists slammed out more quickly and fiercely.



Following Xie Ming’s sneer, the demon knife in his hand tilted sideways, unloading one of the fists of the fist to one side, and the blade rubbed his hand armor straight in, trying to chop off his arm by the root.

“If you want my arm, then trade your life for it!!”

Realizing that he was too late to close his fist, Chong Xiang couldn’t take care of his arm. The other hand armor was instantly put on a heavy magic circle, and the thunderbolt hit Xie Ming’s head like a bolt, wanting to replace his injury with his life.

“Anonymous sword level, secret kill…”

The body twisted and turned, and the demon sword was held back in his hand. Chongxiang’s fist wiped the helmet of Xie Ming Chilong Emperor’s Armor, but it did not hit. Xie Mingrao got to the right of Chongxiang’s punch, and the blade traversed a perfect path in mid-air, slashing towards the enemy’s neck.

“Shadow·Full Moon.”

“Don’t think about it!!!”

At this time, a big sword was thrown out. If Xie Ming wants to cut off Chongxiang’s head, then this big sword will also penetrate Xie Ming’s body. With a slight sigh, the dragon wing behind Xie Ming opened the distance between the two.


The big sword plunged straight into the ground, without any cracks around it. It can be seen that the strength of the thrower, the Master, is also very good. Another patriarch of the ghost clan next to the throne jumped down and came to the panting Chongxiang, slowly pulling out the big sword, and reinserting it behind him.

“Why, call a helper if you can’t beat it?”

The Chilong Emperor’s armor faded, and Xie Ming secretly crushed a fairy bean hidden in the back of his teeth and swallowed it into his abdomen. Then squinted his eyes, taunting.

“…Damn kid!”

Chongxiang cursed, but it was not as arrogant as before. He knew that if his old man hadn’t taken a shot, his head had already been cut off. The guy in front of him has entered the second stage of the Grandmaster Realm, and coupled with the explosive state that can temporarily enhance the combat power, even if the two of them are shopping at the same time, it is estimated that they can’t help others.

“I have to say, surrogate, you are the most powerful surrogate this lord Huang Qiu has ever seen.”

Huang Qiu stood up from the throne and walked down slowly. On his body, the seals of six animal heads floated out, forming a rotating halo behind him.

“The liger, the bear, the eagle, and the fox…the self-defense props bestowed by the six generals?”

“Next, let this master be your opponent. Of course, this master is so powerful that he can only make six moves. If you take these six moves, then this master will lead all the sprite tribes to retreat, how about?”

“Smelly shameless thing!”

This is the thought in the hearts of everyone present, and the realistic version of the fox and tiger’s might have been seen with their own eyes. But even so, no one dared to look down upon him.

Because although this guy has no face and skin, the six seals at the back are really awesome. The Sixth Admiral Army of the Sprite Clan is all at the high level of Tier 4 strength. If you add your own racial talent, the ordinary Tier 4 Peak is not an opponent at all.

These six seals are the full blows of the six generals. Even Xie Ming felt a little drumming in his heart at this time. But after thinking about the root-like sweet smile, his mood gradually calmed down.

He knew that it was time.

“Okay, fat man. Then, I will pick you up these six tricks. However, this bet will need to be changed.”

“Oh~ change it.”

Hearing Xie Ming calling himself fat, Huang Qiu’s eyes flashed a bit of viciousness. He looked at Xie Ming like a dead person, and asked faintly: “Okay, how do you want to change?”

“If I take these six tricks from you, I will use your pig head to instantly let me destroy your body integrity below 70%, how about?”


Hearing the figure of 70%, the pupils of everyone on the Sprite Clan’s side suddenly shrank. Huang Qiu instantly wanted to reach out and take off the pendant hanging on his neck. It was made by the King Sprite and given him a life escape item.

Once the pendant is taken off, the power of the Sprite King inside will carry him with him, travel through countless time and space, and return to the safest sprite main star. The Lion and Eagle Admiral armies on standby in the dimension channel outside this plane will also receive the message and join forces to directly destroy this plane.

However, before he did it, Xie Ming had taken out the simple wooden box from the portable space and opened it.

In the horrified sight of the sprite tribe, a lotus flower with a little bit of starlight slowly rose in the pitch black.

“Bloom, Black Lotus.”

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