Chapter 678

Outside the plane of Tan Ya Zhanji, two figures were sitting cross-legged in the colorful space. And between the two, a dark void wanted to close, but was stopped by a strange force.

This space is the passage of time and space. And that void was forcibly opened, the entrance to the plane of Tan Ya’s War Notes.


At this moment, the two figures sitting cross-legged suddenly opened their scarlet horizontal pupils, and they both shot at the same time, trying to tear open the entrance of Tan Ya’s Zhan Ji. However, a dark light film, I don’t know when it has been attached to this entrance.

The attack of the two hit the light film, like a drop of water into the ocean, unable to cause any waves.

“…Eagle, what do you think?” a figure asked in a dull voice.

“Use all your strength to break it open.”

Another figure said coldly, and then began to accumulate strength.

“Oh, it’s here.”


Hearing this frivolous voice, the pupils of the two sprite tribe generals suddenly shrank, and at the same time they looked in one direction. In that direction, the space-time passage was gently torn, and a man in a gray and silver robe shook his head and walked in.

“‘Dominator’, Xingye.” Eagle stared at him tightly: “You come here, it means that this is a ghost in the main god space, right.”

“That’s it.”

Xing Ye shrugged: “My task is to hold you for one hour. Although I have just been promoted to Tier 4, there should be no problem holding you for one hour. What are your plans?”

“General Eagle, General Lion.”

“Xing Ye…”

The lion roared a little violently: “Your lord God Space, do you want to start a war with our Sprite Clan again!? I believe we all know who is in this plane!”

“Yes, that’s why the main god space sent me here, isn’t it?”

Xingye said with a smiley face: “And we keep our promise very much. In this plane, all the surrogates of the second-order peak are deployed. In this regard, haven’t you all signed the original source agreement before? Now you want to break With this agreement, are you ready to pay the price?”

“If we were willing to pay the price, would you not stop us?” Ying asked coldly.

“Um…just tell you that, two generals.” Xing Ye changed a comfortable posture and floated in the air: “It is Black Lotus that blocks the plane.”

“Black Lotus!”

Hearing these two words, no matter how angry and anxious the eagle and lion were, they could only stay there. Even if they tried their best to shoot, it would shorten Black Lotus’s closing time by at most 10 minutes. And that way, the surrogate in front of him definitely doesn’t mind picking two exhausted heads of the fourth-tier high-end.

It is impossible to call other generals. Because the other party is a Tier 4 space magician, no matter what kind of communication method, it is impossible to hide from him. Unless, Lord God King shot. But now, Lord God King is still asleep. Perhaps Huang Qiu’s death will wake up Lord Shenwang. But then, it was too late.

Now, I can only hope that Huang Qiu and the two patriarchs of the Ghost-Human race can persist for an hour, or kill the killer arranged by the main god space.

With the full blow of their six Admiral forces, as long as they are used well, they should be able to fight back. A substitute for the second-tier pinnacle, no matter how strong it is, where can it be so strong?

The full strength of the six of them was enough to kill all the middle stages of the fourth stage. But even so, the unhappiness calculated by others fills the whole body.


The lion roared, and there were some black cracks in the surrounding space. He glared at Xing Ye: “This time, we will retaliate sooner or later.”

“Then come.”

Xing Ye said indifferently: “When did our agents fear a fight? I reminded you before, because if you really do your best in the space-time channel, I’m afraid it will cause some planes to shake. Otherwise, Bai Picking up two fourth-tier high-end heads, I’m happy that it’s too late.”

“If you want to fight, you can fight in the plane. If you destroy the space-time channel, both of you will not be able to eat Kabuto.”


“Lion, that’s enough.” The eagle yelled and stopped the lion’s action: “He was right. He can’t fight in the passage of time and space. If you want to retaliate, you should wait for the matter to go back, and everyone is discussing and deciding.”


After taking a look at the book he had already picked up, the lion slapped his tongue and sat down with the eagle.

“Huh, really.”

Seeing that the enemy on the opposite side became quiet, Xing Ye, who had been pretending to be calm and calm, also breathed a sigh of relief. He is a fourth-order low-level player, and he definitely can’t beat him. Desperately entangled, but can entangle for a long time. But who is willing to work hard at every turn, not a few other lunatics.

“But…” Turning his gaze to the entrance of Tan Ya’s Zhan Ji, Xing Ye touched his chin: “It seems that a guy with good potential in my regiment is also in it. If he can come out alive, it should be fine. Focus on training.”

“The premise is to be able to come out alive… Well, the affairs in the regiment are not in my control. Leave it to Xiao Ming at that time.”

After yawning, Xing Ye focused his attention on the book. The distress button handed to him before the main god space came to him was also transferred to his sleeve robe.

He has a hunch that in less than ten minutes, the opposite will definitely jump the wall. At that time, my small body can’t stand the toss.


The story of Tanya’s battle, 300 stories of the source tower.

“What is your thing!!?” Huang Qi shouted in panic, “Why did I activate the escape items that Lord God King gave me, but there was no response!?”


Hearing Huang Qiu’s roar, the bodies of the two Guiren tribe ten thousand chiefs couldn’t help shaking. The props given by Lord God King are useless, what does that mean… The two patriarchs dare not continue to think about it.

“Master Huang Qiu, two patriarchs, that is a time and space treasure that can only be born when the plane is broken, broken black lotus!”

At this time, only Dan Dan still barely remained calm: “It has nothing to do with this KT, the broken black lotus only has the effect of sealing the plane, and it will only last for 1 hour. So, as long as we kill KT, it will be an hour later. It will be all right!”

“Now, I invite Master Huang Qiu to use the props given by the Six Admiral Army to kill this dangerous substitute!!”

“Oh oh!!!”

Hearing Dandan’s command, Huang Qiu calmed down a bit, and the lion head seal came out automatically, floating in his hand. With five points of fear, three points of hideousness, and two points of blankly crushed the seal.

“Go to hell! This is Lord Lion’s full blow, the angry lion shook the ground!!!”


Following the roar of a lion that seemed to shatter the world, two huge heavy hammers were shot from the seal, and they smashed at Xie Ming together.

Xie Ming couldn’t move at all with the full blow of the fourth-tier high-end. However, he doesn’t need to move either.

“Start, Avalon, far away!”

The golden and blue scabbard emerged from his body.

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