Chapter 680

Feeling that the enemy in front of him burst out with power that surpassed his brothers, Chong Zhen and Chong Xiang looked at each other, and both saw the bitterness in each other’s eyes. A series of endless hole cards, a frightening Master, a strategizing strategy.

Among the substitutes, when did such a demon appear? If he doesn’t die, he might even reach the level of Lord God King.

Even if he burns out his blood, he must be broken here!

Chong Zhen and Chong Xiang’s skin became extremely red, and heat waves even began to rise all over their bodies. That is not an illusion, this heat wave is the proof that their blood is burning.

After the ancient wars, the ghost race can survive to this day as a powerful force of the sprite race. The reason why they can fight across classes depends on the secret technique that they have developed through their innate tyrant blood—burning blood!

The effects of Burning Blood and Tyrant Blood are similar, but different. Tyrant blood improves all aspects of abilities by accelerating metabolism. Although it cannot be maintained for a long time, it does not have any side effects. But to burn blood is to directly ignite the blood in one’s own body.

The blood of the ghost people is the source of their power. Their battles are all directly supplied with energy through blood. Overpowering blood speeds up the blood flow rate and makes the energy supply more rapid. Burning blood directly evaporates blood, allowing the energy in the blood to burst out directly.

Once the mystery of burning blood is activated, they will continue to fight until the last drop of blood in their bodies is burned. There is only one way to stop them: kill him!

Now that the Secret Technique of Burning Blood was activated, Chong Zhen and Chong Xiang had really touched the ridge of Tier 4. Now, the strength of the two has surpassed Xie Ming, who started the Fury of Sparta, and become the strongest existence under the real Tier 4.

“Hey…really, the two uncles are still so passionate. Isn’t this giving me trouble for this young man?”

But the battle is like this, you never know what kind of hole cards the enemy hides. Just as Xie Ming caught them by surprise with a series of hole cards, the enemy can also use his hidden hole cards to play Xie Ming unprepared.

Moreover, when Xie Ming was collecting information from the captives before, he did not ask the ghosts’ trump cards. This is his mistake, then the price will be paid at this time.

“Frenzy state.”

Supplemented by the wave of killing intent, it was injected into the god-killing power of Spartan’s fury, and the dark flames entwined all over the body with a vivid scarlet color.

The Demon Eye of Forbidden is excited by the powerful force, and the rainbow-colored aperture in the pupil seems to be burning, pulling up two light tracks in the air.

Now that you have become the strongest under Tier 4, then I will raise another level and become half-footed to the threshold of Tier 4, pseudo Tier 4!

This is Xie Ming’s reply to the realization of the two!


The whole body was wrapped with black electric light, and the pale long hair that grew to the shoulders automatically went without wind. Xie Ming’s voice reverberated and said calmly.

“Go to war.”


Chongxiang and Chong Zhen, who had completely turned into fighters, let out a low roar, and the two attacked Xie Ming from both at the same time. A boxing that can break through the mountains can break the heavy cut of the ocean.

But in the face of such an attack, Xie Ming’s performance was too calm.

The left hand wearing the caged hand stretched out and gently caught Chongxiang’s heavy fist. The Demon Sword tilted, and the big sword followed the Demon Sword’s blade and was guided to slash to the ground. In an instant, the 300-story Origin Tower was directly divided into two halves.

Breathing out a white breath, Xie Ming announced the fate of the two patriarchs of the ghost clan with a reverberating indifferent voice.

“Nameless Sword Skill, Dragon Breath…”

With a light twist of his left hand, Chongxiang’s hand armor shattered, and his arm became twisted. With a high kick, Chong Zhen didn’t even have time to hold his weapon, and he was kicked into the air.

Throwing Chongxiang also, followed Chong Zhen. Xie Ming slashed out the demon knife wrapped in black and red flames, and the blooming light was like the last afterglow when the sun was sinking, taking away all the surrounding light.

“Night comes.”

The sky within a radius of a hundred miles turned into darkness in an instant. It seems that all the rays of light, together with Xie Ming’s demon sword, have been put into the scabbard.

After a few seconds, the light reappeared. However, the figures of the two patriarchs of the ghost clan have disappeared.

After beheading the two patriarchs of the Guiren tribe, Xie Ming did not cancel the mad god status. Step forward, as if stepping through space, directly in front of the throne. Seeing that spit, nose, tears and tears, his face was full of waste, without any fluctuations on his face, he gently swung down the demon knife.


The pendant in Huang Qiu’s hand flew up and turned into a barrier in front of the blade. The strength of the barrier is in the middle of the fourth stage, but because of the lack of energy source, Xie Ming only needs a few more seconds to break open.

But what made Xie Ming a little surprised was that when he attacked this pendant, his instinct and heart reminded him.

Don’t go on anymore! Some very scary existence is waking up! !

“The King of Sprites…?”

Muttered softly, there was no fluctuation in Xie Ming’s eyes. However, the black and red flames entwined on the demon sword burned further. Lifting the knife again, Xie Ming grabbed the handle with both hands and cut it off suddenly.

“Give me, break!!”

The barrier shattered, and the blade cut off Huang Qiu’s head, turning his body into two halves. Immediately afterwards, the flames scattered, and his entire body was burned to ashes.

Now, let alone 70%, 1% would be good.

Without looking elsewhere, Xie Ming suddenly raised his head, all the cold hairs on his body stood up.

Not only him, but everyone on the plane of Tanya’s War Records made the same actions as Xie Ming. The battle on the battlefield was suspended, and all the sprite tribes knelt down and bowed in one direction.

On the human side, it was because of great fear, but he couldn’t help but raised his head, looking pale to the sky.

Because it’s getting dark.


Sprite tribe’s home star, and all the sprite tribes living on this star knelt in unison at this moment. And the direction they bowed down was in the central palace.

And in the lonely dark hall of the palace, sitting on the primitive throne, the black figure dressed in plain clothes is filled with countless pipes. In the pipeline, the transportation is naturally the original force from each plane.

At this moment, the black shadow’s fingers moved lightly. Afterwards, the eyes that had been asleep for hundreds of years slowly opened. The scarlet horizontal pupils crossed countless planes, crossed the blockade of the black lotus, and were reflected in the sky, staring at the ants mercilessly.

Use the sky as the curtain to mirror the eyes. Kamui is like a prison, and all tribes surrender. No one can continue to act under these eyes.

This is the most powerful person in time and space since eternity, who has conquered the ruthless violence of thousands of planes -kun.

This is the King of Sprites.

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