Chapter 681: Unyielding

“TMD, it’s a big joke…”

In the space-time passage, looking at the two generals, the Lion and the Eagle, who were kneeling on one knee, Xing Ye did not hesitate to press the button for help. Immediately afterwards, each figure broke through the space and came to Xing Ye’s side.

There are swordsmen with knives, there are mages with solid elements floating around, and there are holy and gentle priests. Overall, there are about twenty people. This is all the substitutes of the fourth level of the main god space, and the most powerful force currently held by the main god space.

Normally, these people are basically old and dead, each looking for ways to improve their strength. But at this moment, they all gathered here because of Xingye’s request for help.

No need to say more, no need to ask more, seeing those eyes, these fourth-order generations already know everything.

Similarly, on the Sprite Clan’s side, the remaining four generals of the Tiger, Bear, Jiao, and Fox also broke through the air at the same time, kneeling on one knee together with the Lion and Eagle, waiting for their god king to give orders. But they also understand why the god king would suddenly wake up.

Huang Qiu died, the Sprite Clan’s efforts for thousands of years were ruined, and the chance of Lord Shenwang’s recovery became smaller.

At this time, there was a wave of fluctuations, and a ruthless and indifferent voice echoed in everyone’s mind.

“Six generals.”

“Subordinates are here!”

The six generals shouted in unison.

“I want to break through the blockade, wait, and block the surrogate.”


The six Tier 4 seniors took out their weapons and stared at the Tier 4 generations. The order of the god king is absolute, he allows himself to wait for others to block, then the six of them will take their lives to block.

“The Sprite God King.”

At this time, the strongest of the surrogates stepped forward and said coldly: “There is no breach of contract in the main god space. You are, can’t you afford to lose?”

“To shut up!”

Tiger violently shouted: “Don’t you dare to be rude to Lord God King, be careful I will take off your head!”

“Big cat, it’s not your turn to interrupt here.” The male surrogate who asked the question glanced at General Tiger indifferently, and with just one look, he took two or three steps back.


“Tiger, step back.”

The Sprite God King said calmly, his eyes in the void looked at the male substitute: “The strongest person in the realm of the Lord God’s space, swordsmanship half-step supreme, blade. You are qualified to ask Yu questions.”

“Yu just wants to break the blockade and see which substitute can actually kill Huang Qi with the strength of the second-order pinnacle, who has our heavy protection. Yu’s curiosity, you shouldn’t stop it. Bar?”

“Then, the King of Sprites, can you promise not to make a move?”

“Yu, I will only shoot once.” Sprite God King said lightly.


Blade knew that this was not the time to start a decisive battle with the Sprites. Only because of his strong combat power can he be regarded by the King of Sprites. In terms of realm, he only has fourth-order high-end.

On the side of the main god space, plus himself, there are only three fourth-stage high-level players. If the decisive battle is really started, then the three of them must spare their lives in order to hold back the King of Sprites. On the opposite side, the Six Admiral Army can only be desperately driven by the remaining Tier 4 substitutes.

Therefore, this is by no means the best time to go to war. So even if he heard the meaning in the words of the King of Sprites, he could only accept it.

All they can do now is to pray that the brave younger generation from the lower plane can survive.


“Heh….. This is why you have been unable to enter the supreme realm, blade…”

On the throne of the sprite tribe’s home star, the sprite god king said softly, and then in his eyes, Xie Ming, who was waiting in a stern formation on the plane of Tan Ya’s War Records and the source tower, was reflected in his eyes.

“If you destroy Yu’s plan, let’s use death to atone for it, Ant.”

Then, his index finger slowly pressed down.

“Spirit…One finger.”

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

The index finger entered the time tunnel and quickly became extremely huge. In the eyes of the fourth-order generations and the sixth Admiral army, they pressed on the light film formed by the black lotus.

In Xie Ming’s eyes above the source tower, the rotation speed of the black lotus in the sky began to continuously accelerate. The black petals began to fall quickly. But seeing this scene, Xie Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

“There is still some time to adjust your physical condition…”

He took out a fairy bean from his portable space and threw it into his mouth to restore the injury caused by the mad god state. Xie Ming didn’t care about Dan Dan who was sluggish beside him, sat down cross-legged, and began to adjust and restore his mental state.

“…… Facing the attack of Lord God King, I still have the mood to sit down and adjust!?”

Dandan’s eyes were full of horror: “How dare this person is to be brave!? Doesn’t he know? Lord God King is the only fifth-order in this entire time and space!”

“Is it possible, does he still want to counterattack!!?”

The answer is yes. Xie Ming is definitely not a person who is greedy of life and fear of death, but he will never let anyone slaughter him. It doesn’t matter what you are the King of Sprites or what, if you want Laozi’s life, come and try! !

“Funny ants…”

Seeing this scene, the Sprite God King slightly raised his interest. Originally, he wanted to crush the ant directly. But now, he has changed his mind.

“I will increase my strength again, and then cut off the power supply. I hope you can bring some fun to Yu.”

With a flick of his finger, a force capable of directly blasting the ordinary fourth-stage high section was injected into the huge index finger, making it more obvious. After that, the King of Sprites dragged his chin and stared at Xie Ming silently.

It’s been too long asleep, and I always wake up to find some fun, isn’t it? For him, planning and everything are actually second, and fun is the most important.

But the idea of ​​the King of Sprites is naturally not understandable by the fourth-order generations. They only saw that after the Sprite God King was strengthened, this sprite finger was enough to crush most of them. With this kind of power, how could a second-tier peak surrogate escape.

That little guy is dead.

This is the thought in the minds of all the substitutes.

In Xie Ming’s perception, the black lotus withered faster. But his mood became calmer. The countermeasures have already been figured out. Then the rest, just need to work hard to do it.

At the juncture of this kind of crisis, he not only failed to concentrate on restoring his mental power, but instead recalled the beginning of the ancient book he had in his pocket, the beginning of the sword breaking ten thousand laws.

“If there are thousands of ways, I only have one knife.”


With a slight cracking sound, the black lotus finally withered completely. The index finger, which was like Optimus Prime, also passed through the plane channel and slowly fell.

“…Hehehehe.” Dan Dan looked at the index finger and let out a desperate laugh: “It is worth the whole life to be buried with the whole plane. The little girl’s life is also worth it.”

“Huh…Finally, I understand something.”

Xie Ming took off the mask on his face, and his barely delicate face showed a smile at this time. His dark eyes were extremely shining at this time.

“Swordsmen understand clearly that they always have to take some things to test the sword. And the test stone, actually appeared in front of me, I am very lucky.”

Regardless of Dandan’s look like a madman, Xie Ming rose to the sky.

“The fluctuation of the killing intent is 100%, the ban (BalanceBreaker), the fury of Sparta, all open to me!!!”

Destined to be rebellious for a lifetime and ignoring the rules, the god-killing dragon once again unfolded that pair of unyielding wings and rushed towards the invincible enemy.

“There are thousands of ways, I only have one knife!”

“An Unknown Sword Technique Profound Meaning!! Reverse Blade!!”

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