Chapter 682

“Draige! Don’t care about my physical limits, give me as much as I want!!!”


In the flames of consciousness, Draig laughed wildly: “Yes, that’s it! This is what my Chilong Emperor should have!! Xie Ming! You are the real, unprecedented Chilong Emperor! ”

“Then, today! Let’s break this piece to destroy our heavens!!!”

Under the full control of Draige, the Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor began to continue to increase regardless of Xie Ming’s physical limits. Each increase made the black and red light on Xie Ming’s body more shining.

Xie Ming at this moment is like another sun in the sky! Blooming with incomparable light, burning everything about yourself!

“it’s time!”

The demon sword was suddenly pulled out of the scabbard, and the scabbard blood seal that accompanied Xie Ming’s entire Tier 2 world was shattered. But at this time, how can I take care of these! ?

“Anonymous sword technique profound meaning! Reverse blade!!!”

Roaring, Xie Ming held the handle of the knife with both hands and cut out a knife that tore through the shattered space! The extremely concentrated black and red thread flew out from the blade and slammed hard against the huge index finger. Compared with the index finger that can smash the earth, how small is that line!

But it was the light of such a small knife, but it firmly resisted the index finger, and did not let it go forward a bit!

“Roar!! Not enough!!! Draig, go on!!!”



The power that has been multiplied countless times is constantly exerted on Xie Ming’s body. At this time, Xie Ming’s body was in a mess. The bones were all shattered, and the internal organs were basically out of shape, but only those eyes were extremely shiny.

The blood was sprinkled like no money, and the dragon wings were inciting desperately. The so-called dragon of rebellion can only move forward, not shrink back! This kind of crazy spirit, even the Six Admiral Army and the fourth-order generations who acted as spectators in the time-space tunnel, seemed to be a little embarrassing.

“This son, must die! Must!!!”

“The second-tier peak, unexpectedly hit a fourth-tier low-level blow…”

Blade looked at Xie Ming in shock: “Is this the substitute for the younger generation now?”

Except for some lone rangers, many Tier 4s present have their own team power. But seeing Xie Ming, recalling the seeds cultivated in his own power, they all shook their heads.

Incomparable, incomparable, and incomparable with this kind of monster. Fortunately, he is dying.

That’s right, Xie Ming is dying. Burning out his life, regardless of the increase in his physical condition, even if he is a brilliant genius doctor, he cannot save his life at this time. However, this situation has long been counted by him.

Breaking through the black lotus blockade, the power of this index finger has been cut off. After such a long time of confrontation, this index finger has been weakened again. At this time, the power of this index finger was only a full blow in the middle of the fourth stage.

“Use props, Phoenix Feather.”

At the last moment of the annihilation of consciousness, Xie Ming used the resurrection props that had been eating ashes in the warehouse. Good steel must be used on the blade! The cautiousness has been rewarded at this time!

With bright red flames burning all over, Xie Ming once again recovered to his best condition following the phoenix’s roar. No, it is 30% better than the best state!

The effect of the Phoenix Feather, within ten minutes after the resurrection, the surrogate’s all attributes are increased by 30%!

Title skill, start!


The god-killing dragon that shocked time and space once again fluttered through the air. It has injected new energy into the already faint black-red line.

But this time, the situation is different!

In the normal state of Killing the Gods Dragon, the strongest broke out a fourth-stage low-level blow. However, the 30% increase in the fighting power of the God Killing Dragon, which can burst out, is the real mid-stage of the fourth stage.

“It’s also in the middle of the fourth stage, I have no reason to… lose to you!!!”


With the cooperation of Draige, Xie Ming’s body increased once again to the limit he could increase! Compared with the index finger, the black and red shadow, which is the same as the ant, is now pushing the index finger and moving forward!


Xie Ming pushed his index finger with all his strength and let out a wild and unruly laugh: “The King of Sprites, but so!!!”

“This obstructive index finger, give it to me!!! Extinction!!!”


A crack finally appeared in the huge index finger. And this crack, like a collapsed Domino domino, continues to expand and expand, and finally, it is completely shattered.

And Xie Ming’s knife skills also dissipated.

Exhausting all his strength, Xie Ming fell from the sky and smashed into the source tower fiercely. The black and red armor all over his body shattered, and he was hit hard again. But at this time, he still had a mocking smile, looking at the eyes in the sky.

“Interesting…this substitute…”

Since fighting with that fifth-order generation walker, the Sprite God King, who has no emotional fluctuations anymore, slightly raised the corners of his mouth. A wave of fluctuations spread throughout the entire space-time channel.

“Six generals, reclaim all the soldiers and give up the plane. By the way, don’t move that kid.”


The second lion and eagle was silent for a moment, took out a prop that looked like a temple, and used his power to control and throw it into the plane of Tan Ya’s War Records.

All sprite tribes in the entire plane, whether they are fighting or parasitic, as long as they are still alive, they turn into a stream of light and fly into the sky that has been restored to the blue sky.

Beside Xie Ming, Dan Dan who looked at Xie Ming complicatedly also turned into a stream of light and rose into the air. Together with the hundreds of thousands of streamers, they entered the temple.

Sixth Admiral Army, took a deep look at Xie Ming, who was immovable on the floor, and turned and left. But it seemed intentional, General Fox, seemed to fan his feather fan deliberately. And this scene was seen by the blade.

“…….not good!”

Blade reacted, and hurriedly broke out at the fastest speed, rushing into the plane of Tan Ya’s Zhan Ji.

At this time, Xie Ming had already fallen into a desperate situation.

A funny-looking puppet was floating in the air at this time, holding a fake gun made of wood, and aimed it at Xie Ming’s heart.

The breath that this puppet exudes is the fourth-order low-end.


“Those who are rebellious to God, those who have the power to kill God, must be punished.”

The puppet did not deny, but aimed the gun at Xie Ming’s heart, and said lightly: “Die to God’s punishment, villain.”

“Damn it…Obviously there is something to do…but I can’t take it out…It’s really annoying…”

Xie Ming was exhausted, and it was very difficult to even move a finger. Didn’t die in the hands of the God King Sprites, but to die in the hands of such a bastard who claimed to be a god, really…unwilling…

In the portable space, the Book of Followers is constantly beating. Xie Ming is also mobilizing his last thoughts, wanting to open up his portable space.

Finally, it was turned on. But the puppet also shot.


The light golden light penetrated Xie Ming’s heart. The last voice heard when Xie Ming was dead. It was calm, mixed with extremely angry female voices.

“Innocent Consciousness·The Realm of Sky.”

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