Chapter 692 Intestine Hunter

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming looked at Elsa who was nailed to the wall motionless, and said calmly: “If it were the’guthunter’ in my cognition, I wouldn’t give up because of this injury.”

“Ah, yes, this is this…”

Obviously the soles of the feet have been penetrated, and obviously he was hung upside down and nailed to the wall, but the expression on Elsa’s face was not painful, but full of intoxication.


Regardless of the wound, Elsa supported the ground with both hands, and the pierced sole began to pull out along the cane. Everyone knows that the structure of the cane is thicker as it goes to the handrail. And Elsa’s behavior will only make the wound on the sole of her foot bigger and more serious.

However, she still did. The blood ran down her legs and dyed her dark clothes red. Her self-mutilation behavior could not help causing a chill in the hearts of the people present.


The stick disappeared out of thin air and appeared in Xie Ming’s hands. It wasn’t because Xie Ming had any pity for Elsa, but because she simply didn’t want her cane to be made full of blood. You know, he still has a little bit of cleanliness.

With a flick of the cane, the blood on it was thrown to the ground. Xie Ming looked at Elsa who stood up again: “So, continue?”

“Of course~”

Elsa smiled: “As you said, giving up at this time is not the style of a’guthunter’~”


Suddenly throwing the weapon in her hand at Xie Ming, Elsa once again turned into a black shadow and attacked Xie Ming. Obviously the soles of the feet have been penetrated, but Elsa’s speed has not diminished in the slightest.

Two fingers caught the thrown weapon and threw it back, watching Elsa take out another Short Sword of the same style from the cloak, seemingly wanting to reach out and grab the weapon Xie Ming threw back.


At the moment when she grabbed the weapon Xie Ming threw back, Elsa only felt like she had grabbed a crazy horse, with her arm strength unable to control it at all. The weapon took the arm and flew with her body.

Even if she let go of her hand in time, Elsa’s right hand holding the weapon had already been dislocated, and her feet had left two marks on the ground.

“Although my physical condition is not good, it doesn’t mean that my strength will decrease, ma’am.”

Shrugged, the cane in his hand shot out mercilessly. The goal this time is her head.

“That’s really rude, sir.”

Elsa hit the ground on her toes, and her figure retreated sharply. While pulling away from the cane, he connected his right hand, and then fixed it to the wall like a spider, and pulled out the weapon that was deeply inserted into the wall.

Facing the walking stick that was already close at hand, she once again turned into a vague black shadow, and began to move quickly with any place in the entire warehouse as a foothold. Of course, Elsa can’t just move.

Every time she passed Xie Ming’s side, the two fangs in her hand would cut to different parts of Xie Ming’s body.

Belly, throat, belly, nape of neck, belly, heart… It can be seen that Elsa’s title of’Intestine Hunter’ is really well-deserved, and her obsession with intestines has almost become her biggest Weaknesses too.

However, Elsa used the wrong target in this way of fighting. How could Xie Ming, who was able to develop the ‘unlimited draw and slash’, have no way to deal with this kind of moves? This kind of attack method, which is similar to infinite drawing and cutting, depends on only one thing: speed!

The faster the speed, the greater the threat of this attack method. And when the speed is so fast that the enemy can’t react, this is an unsolvable attack. But it is a pity that although Elsa’s speed is very fast, it is a bit too exaggerated to say that Xie Ming can’t react.

Now that he can react, Xie Ming has too many coping methods. And what he uses now is the simplest way of coping.

After the cane bounced away from Elsa’s attack again, it began to slowly shatter, turning into fifty sharp fragments under the control of Xie Ming.

Broken rod, broken mode.

And when she glanced at Xie Ming’s cane to pieces, Elsa’s instinct as a killer instantly rang.

Will die, die, die, die, die! ! !

However, this kind of death crisis made Elsa’s emotions reach the highest level, and she even increased her speed by a few points, and rushed straight to Xie Ming.

“It’s over.”

The Demon Eye of Forbidden turns on automatically. In Xie Ming’s eyes, Elsa’s speed at this time is like a mosquito full of blood, which can be easily caught. Under his manipulation, the fragments were combined into five small knives.

These five small knives passed through the space, two cut off Elsa’s hamstrings, two cut off Elsa’s hamstrings, and the last one penetrated Elsa’s chest.


This is the sound of Elsa’s double knives falling to the ground.


This is the sound of Elsa falling to the ground with her body out of control.

The five small knives once again shattered into fragments in the air, then formed a walking stick and flew back to Xie Ming’s hand. Seeing Elsa who lost her life and activities not far away, Xie Ming finally took his first step since the fight.

Slowly forward, grabbing Elsa by the neck and picking it up, Xie Ming said indifferently: “You lose, Elsa.”

“I haven’t lost yet, Mr. Xie Ming…”

Elsa kept a coquettish smile and said softly: “A hunter and a prey, there is only one way to win or lose between the two. Life or death.”

“So…” Xie Ming said calmly: “So, you are begging to die?”

“No, how could it?” Elsa smiled: “I’m just reminding you that if you don’t kill me now, then sooner or later, I will come back and cut the intestines of everyone present.”

“But I’m very curious, Mr. Xie Ming. Why would someone like you protect that silver-haired half-elf?”

“Silver-haired… half-elf!?”

Hearing these five words, the expressions of Lord Roma and Filut were more horrified than knowing that Elsa was going to kill them, and they left Emilia in an instant.


Emilia was silent, and gently lifted her hat, revealing her beautiful silver hair and pointed ears.

“Sorry, Xie Ming.” Emilia whispered, “I didn’t hide it on purpose…”

“Do you have anything to apologize for?”


Raising her head suddenly, Emilia’s eyes were filled with surprise.

Xie Ming turned his head, looked at Emilia calmly, and chuckled lightly: “Isn’t she beautiful? Why are you so concealed.”

“But…I am…”

“Well, the silver-haired half-elf, so what?” Xie Ming smiled: “You know, when there is no one to help me, only you extend a helping hand to me and show kindness to me. Then, you It’s my friend.”

“Isn’t it right to help a friend?”

“Peng…you…” Emilia murmured and repeated these two words, her body trembling a little.

Xie Ming looked at Elsa again, and said lightly: “So, do you understand?”

“I see…….”

Elsa glanced at Xie Ming deeply, some bitterness flashed in her eyes for some reason. But this emotion disappeared quickly, and Elsa put on a seductive smile again.

“Go ahead, sir. Hunters and prey will often adjust their identities. If I change my position to the sir, I won’t be merciful.”

“Really…then, goodbye.”

Without hesitation, Xie Ming applied his right hand slightly, and with a soft sound, Elsa lost any signs of life.

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