Chapter 693

“Trace on.”

On a wasteland in the slum, Xie Ming sang in a low voice, and a shovel appeared in his hand. On the side, Elsa’s body was wrapped in linen.

“That, Xie Ming…” Emilia said softly, “I’ll help too.”

“no need.”

Xie Ming smiled: “It’s rare that I am interested in letting the enemy enter the soil for peace, so I don’t have to grab this bit of life with me.”


Xie Ming asked as he shoveled the soil, “Where are Lord Roma and Firut?”

“They seem to have something to discuss…” Emilia said intermittently: “The conversation between grandfather and granddaughter… it’s better for people like me to be absent.”

“Really…” Xie Ming glanced at Emilia who was a little hesitant, and said helplessly: “Are you still caring about what Elsa just said?”

Emilia fell into silence.

Yes, she still cares. Because in this Otherworld, the silver-haired half-elves are not beautiful, heart-wrenching words.

400 years ago, a silver-haired half-elf called the “Envy Witch” swallowed half of the world and almost destroyed the entire world. Since then, the silver-haired half-elf has become a symbol of people’s fear and hatred.

The name ‘Jealous Witch’ has also been circulated as a taboo, and it is forbidden to mention it in public.

That name is: Satila.

In this context, it is possible to imagine what happens to Emelia, who has a similar appearance to the “Jealous Witch” and is also a silver-haired half-elf.

He has never been treated with a straight eye, has never been truly accepted by others, has always been discriminated against, feared and hated by people. Even if it is a good person before, after learning that she is a silver-haired half-elf, he will immediately alienate her and reject her.

Emilia, who is kind by nature, also understands that she will bring fear to others, so she will alienate others. The reason is that I am afraid that my appearance and identity will scare others. This is why Xie Mingming is talking to her now, she is still so evasive.


Shaking his head and throwing the corpse on the side into the pit he dug out, Xie Ming began to fill in the soil: “It seems that you have no plans to make a friend like me.”


Hearing this word again, Emilia looked very complicated: “I, too, can I have friends?”

“Why not?”

Xie Ming asked strangely: “The so-called friend is that I want to make friends with you, and you want to make friends with me. Then these two people are friends? Now I am quite willing to make you such a friend, but You have been reluctant to give me a positive response. To be honest, it hurts people.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to want…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Emilia hurriedly raised her head to look at Xie Ming. At this time, Xie Ming also looked at her with a smile.

At this time, Emilia realized that she was being joked by others again.

“That, Xie Ming. I think it’s a very rude and very rude behavior to always make jokes like this.” Emilia preached earnestly.

“Yes~, Teacher Emilia.”

Xie Ming, who filled in the soil, cancelled the projected shovel, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: “But, who’s Miss Emilia always doesn’t look at me when talking. You know, when you talk to others, you don’t look at others. , It’s also very rude.”

“Hey! I’m telling you this question very seriously! Also, when did I become Xie Ming’s teacher?”

“Yes, Teacher Emilia.”

“I’ve said it all, this title…”

The two walked to the city side by side. Although Emilia seemed a little angry, if outsiders who heard the two talk, I believe no one would think so.

The two have a good relationship.

Not long after walking, in the dirt pit that Xie Ming had just filled, one hand broke through the dirt and pressed it on the ground. Then, the cracks gradually expanded, and a plump woman broke out. It was Elsa whose neck was broken by Xie Ming before.

Looking at her now, it seems that all her injuries have recovered. The only difference is that her dark pupils have turned bright red.

“Ah, what a gentle gentleman.”

Taking the dirt off her body, Elsa stroked her face with one hand, and said intoxicated: “Really, thinking about it more and more to see the color of your intestines.”

“But for now, let’s retreat temporarily.”

Muttering, Elsa’s figure disappeared into the darkness.


“Speaking of which, Xie Ming.”

Walking on the streets of the royal capital, Emilia said abruptly: “If you have nothing to do, I would love to entertain you.”

“Entertain me?”

Xie Ming asked suspiciously: “Why?”

“Because, you helped me a lot today.” Emilia counted her fingers: “Helped me retrieve the badge, helped me defeat the assassin, and…”

“Huh? What else?”

“Nothing at all!”

Emilia skipped this topic with a flushed face, and then seriously said: “Although I also live in someone else’s house, I still hope to entertain you to thank you for what happened today.”

“Although I really want to be handsome and say,’You don’t need to be so polite between friends’, etc., reality often makes people bow their heads…” Xie Ming sighed, then laughed: “Say To be honest, this really helped me a lot. After all, I have just arrived in this country and I am still penniless. If there is no one to entertain me, then I can only go to the construction site and work hard.”

Hearing what Xie Ming said, Emilia couldn’t help covering her mouth and chuckled. The person who could get Reinharut’s dragon sword out of its sheath actually worked on the construction site of the royal capital. That kind of scene, thinking about it, will make people a little bit ridiculous.

“However, Xie Ming, why did you come to Lugnica at this time?”

“Well, it’s also related to my body injury.” Xie Ming shrugged: “I also said before that my injury prevented me from fighting for a long time. So this time I came to Lugnica. It is also to find a good therapist to see if I can solve my physical problems.”

“It really doesn’t work, it’s good to slow it down a little bit.”

“So that’s it, an excellent therapist…” Emilia said thoughtfully: “In this case, I also have some clues. But if you want the other party to make a move, I might need to borrow. Some help from the owner of the place…”

Speaking of the owner of this borrowed place, Emilia’s expression became a little subtle. And Xie Ming, who knew the plot, could only shrug his shoulders.

“Speaking of which, where are we going now?”

“The guard room in the royal capital.” Emilia said in a concealed manner: “I still have a companion, but for some reason…the two of us separated.”

“For some reason, it~”

Xie Ming, who already knew that Emilia was natural, repeated it quite meaningfully.

“Hmm! I got it! It’s because I wanted to go shopping, and I ended up walking away with her! How is it, are you satisfied?” Emelia said defiantly.

“Huh? I didn’t say anything.” Xie Ming said funny.

“Xie Ming, you bullied me again!!”

“Ahem, what is it. Don’t talk nonsense, I have never had the habit of bullying girls.”

“It was originally! You said you bullied me today…” Halfway through, Emilia stopped, her face a little embarrassed. Xie Ming also stopped and blinked.

Because in front of them, a young girl with short pink hair and a maid costume was staring at them.

“Did Ram, bother you?”

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