Chapter 694

“I see…..”

Ram said lightly: “I already understand the situation, so Ram will go to prepare the dragon cart now, please wait a moment for this guest and Emilia-sama.”

After speaking, the maid who covered her left eye with pink bangs left directly. Although there is no problem with the etiquette of speech, it will give people a sense of unreasonableness inexplicably.

“I’m sorry, Xie Ming.”

Emilia apologized softly to Xie Ming: “Rahm’s character is like that, but in fact she has no malicious intentions.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not such a small belly.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Besides, for someone like me, her attitude is already very good.”

Xie Ming is also self-aware. Although Amelia doesn’t think much because of her kind character, this is not necessarily the case for others.

The Lugonika Kingdom is now in a tense moment during the election of the king, and at this moment, a powerful stranger helps a person of the election, and also wants to live in someone else’s mansion. Whatever you think about it, it’s very suspicious, isn’t it?

It is impossible for you to have trust in a stranger when you first meet, even Emilia would not be so naive. Therefore, it is only natural for people to be wary of themselves.

Xie Ming did not have any bad thoughts when he was not afraid of the shadow slanting. Rather, he is still thinking about how to complete the first main task?

And soon after, a dragon cart brought by Ram made Xie Ming’s eyes shine.

The so-called dragon cart is the horse cart of Otherworld. But compared with horse-drawn carriages, long-drawn carriages are much more comfortable. Because the animal pulling the cart is a lizard running on both feet, it is called the earth dragon. And this earth dragon possesses an inherent protection: the protection of shelter from the wind.

This protective effect will prevent the earth dragon from being affected by the wind even the dragon cart it is pulling. In addition, the earth dragon itself has very fast feet, and Lugnika is the kingdom of pro-dragon. Therefore, dragon carts have become the most common and most important means of transportation in the kingdom.

Of course, earth dragons are divided into different varieties, and the value of excellent earth dragons is even more so that ordinary people can’t afford them for a lifetime. But the earth dragon that Ram brought was the most common common species.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as it is a race like Earth Dragon, then it will inevitably have the protection of shelter from the wind. And if you have intensive care, you can be recognized as the darling of the world, which is in line with Xie Ming’s first main mission. But the problem also followed…


“Huh? What’s the matter?” Emilia tilted her head cutely and asked suspiciously.

“How can we make an earth dragon surrender?”


Hearing Xie Ming’s thoughtless question, Ram’s movements froze, and the expression looking at Xie Ming has changed from being vigilant to looking at a fool. And Emilia was also asked by Xie Ming’s question, frowned and thought for a while, then said hesitantly.

“Probably…runs…faster than it…suffices?”


Okay, now Ram’s eyes have changed from looking at one fool to looking at two fools.

“Master Emilia, silly…Guest, please get on the dragon cart.”

“Hey, I seem to have heard a very impolite word just now, this maid lady.” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched.

“Ah, what the guest is talking about, Ram doesn’t know at all.”

Ram smiled slightly: “I also ask the guests to get in the car quickly, and don’t say anything that is not a (silly) name (a) its (a) wonderful (a bubble) thing.”

Very good, Miss Ram, right? I remember you! I am Xie Ming, not a magnanimous person!

I just finished saying that I’m not a guy with a small belly, and I made a note for others in my heart.


Emilia is a candidate for the king, so of course, there is a strong backing behind her to support her running for the king. And this backing is the frontier count of the Kingdom of Lugonica: Rozval L. Mezzas.

As an earl guarding the border, Rozval naturally possesses strength far superior to others. With its full burst, it may be in the top ten or even the top five in the entire Lugenica Kingdom (of course, the first one must be the Hanging B Sword Saint). At this time, Xie Ming was in front of the mansion of the earl of the frontier.

Rozval Mansion.

If a normal person came here, he would definitely admire this mansion.

A typical medieval European mansion, with ornamental trees like works of art, verdant lawns, spacious courtyards, and lovely (poisonous) maids. How to put it, it can only make me sigh that I am worthy of being a nobleman.

But this mansion is not a big deal in the eyes of the well-informed Xie Ming.

And why are you talking about the lovely maids, then you need to look at the one who came out of the mansion to greet you.

Same appearance, height, and clothing as Ram. But unlike the jealous Ram, the expression of the maid lady was much softer. With the azure blue short shoulder-length hair, the bangs that cover the right eye, and the body that is much better than Ram, he is also a goddess-level figure.

It’s just that this goddess’s attitude towards Xie Ming is no better than Ram.

“Welcome back, Master Emilia.”

“I’m back, Rem.” Emilia replied habitually.


Ram said softly, “Has Lord Rozval return to the mansion?”

“Yes, sister.” Rem glanced at Xie Ming and answered honestly: “Do you need to see Lord Rozval right away?”

“That’s right.” Ram said straightforwardly without any evasiveness: “If a guest comes to the door, you need to report it to Lord Rozval.”

“I see, sister.”

Nodding slightly, then Rem retreated to the left, and Ram stood on the right. The two opened the door of the mansion while they were in a tacit understanding, and said in unison.

“Welcome back, Master Emilia.”

“Welcome, guest.”

Twin sisters, lovely appearance, sensational maid outfit, luxurious residence.

“Somehow, I am a little envious of the owner of this mansion.”

Turning to look at Amelia, Xie Ming joked.

“Hahaha…” Emilia gave a wry smile without saying much. But Xie Ming can understand what Emilia wants to express.

Indeed, all of this is very beautiful. But in fact, all of this is just superficial beauty for Emilia or Xie Ming.

Ram and Rem are only superficial respect for Emelia, and Emelia has nothing to do with it. Because she said it herself, it was sent under the fence. For Xie Ming, this mansion is full of dangers.

After all, neither the two maidservants nor the master of this mansion are some fuel-efficient lamps. Therefore, Xie Ming followed Emilia into the house with a serious face.

“Sister, why does this guest look so serious?”

“Rem, probably because this guest is still thinking about how to make the earth dragon surrender.”

Congratulations, Ram, you answered correctly.

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