Chapter 695 Magician and Elf Warlock

Although it is natural to say hello to the owner of someone else’s home. But at this time, it was late at night, and it was a bit unreasonable to disturb others. Therefore, under Ram’s proposal, it was decided to formally greet each other at breakfast tomorrow.

Emilia had returned to the room under Rem’s service, and Xie Ming was led by Ram to the guest room of the mansion.

“Then guests, please rest in this room tonight. Tomorrow morning, I will meet with Lord Rozval.”

Ram said in a voice without any ups and downs: “Also, please don’t wander around the mansion at night. After the meeting tomorrow, Ram will take the guests on the tour. Then, Ram will leave first.”

After speaking, Ram stepped out and gently closed the door.

“Really a straightforward warning.”

Looking at the closed door, Xie Ming couldn’t help but laugh. But telling the truth like this, such direct words, would not make Xie Ming angry.

“Then I will follow the advice of the maid and stay in the room obediently.”

Randomly threw the windbreaker on the hanger aside, took out the alchemist’s portable notes from the portable space, and started the night study with the light of the room. It wasn’t until a few more hours that the lights in the room went out.


The next day, early morning.

The grass on the lawn still had some dewdrops. Before the sun completely rose, Xie Ming opened the door of the mansion, sat cross-legged on the grass, and closed his eyes slightly.

When the sun rose, Xie Ming opened his eyes, and a trace of purple air was caught by these emerald green pupils and penetrated into Xie Ming’s spiritual world. Then Xie Ming closed his eyes again, slowly turning this purple qi into his mental power, and he was pregnant with his pupils.

And when all this is done, the sun has completely risen.

Patting the blade of grass on the windbreaker, Xie Ming took out the demon knife from the portable space, ready to start morning exercises.

“Guest, what are you doing?”

At this time, Rem, who had already walked out of the mansion, stared at Xie Ming closely, and said with some caution.

“Oh, good morning Rem. As for what I’m doing…I will know as soon as I don’t see it, morning exercises.” Xie Ming shrugged and said lightly.

“No, what Rem wants to ask is, why can a guest take out a weapon from a place where there is nothing.”

“This, it’s a kind of protection that I have.”

Xie Ming thought for a while and replied: “This is a kind of space protection. You can create your own personal space and put weapons into it. You can also perform space transfers and other actions, but if you want to use it with practice, it makes perfect. It still needs some practice.”


“Rem, have you found the guest?”

At this time, Ram also walked out. Seeing his sister, Rem trot to Ram’s side and said softly: “Sister, sister, the guest said that he has the space to protect him, and he can peek at his sister to take a shower at any time.”


“Remrem, did you say that the guest used the extra space to watch Rem take a shower last night?”

The two crossed their fingers, face to face, and asked in an unwavering tone.

“Really…” Hearing what the two said, Xie Ming couldn’t help but waved his hand helplessly: “Yes, I’m going to start morning exercises now. You guys probably didn’t come to me just to entertain me. Bar?”

“Yes, guest.”

When it comes to business, the two maids are more serious. A slight bow to Xie Ming, Ram said: “Wait, Ram will prepare breakfast with Rem. Lord Rozval will meet the guests during breakfast. So before that, please feel free to act. ”

After speaking, the two returned to the mansion. Xie Ming also drew out the demon sword and began a day of morning exercises. But after a while, Emilia in casual clothes also walked out, looking at Xie Ming who was already exercising, she couldn’t help being a little surprised.

“Xie Ming, you got up so early.”

“Oh, Amelia, good morning.” Xie Ming stopped the movement in his hand and smiled: “Also, good morning, Parker.”

“Good morning, Xie Ming.”

From the jewel pendant on Emilia’s chest, Parker got out and beckoned mentally: “How was your sleep last night?”

“Well, it’s okay. But it’s definitely not as good as you, a nine-to-five elf.” Xie Ming joked.

“There is no other way.” Parker shrugged: “The so-called wizard has this kind of restriction.”

The wizard is a warlock who signs a contract with the wizard, so it can also be called a wizard warlock. Because the existence of the elves consumes a lot of magic power (called Mana on the plane), there will be a certain limit on the time that the elves can exist.

Like Parker’s case, its activity time is from nine in the morning to five in the evening. The rest of the time is all sleeping in the green magic spar on Amelia’s chest, and during her sleep, Amelia’s strength will also be greatly weakened.

Of course, compared with ordinary magicians in this world, the wizard warlock also has an advantage that cannot be ignored, that is, there is no need to worry about the amount of magic power.

A magician needs to use the magic power in his body to activate magic. The wizard warlock directly uses the magic power in the atmosphere to activate magic. So if anyone is stronger, the wizard warlock is stronger.

Of course, the strength and weakness of an elven warlock is also related to the strength and number of elves that he has signed. As Xie Ming observed before, the elves floating in the air are existences called little elves. The elves in this world generally exist in that way.

And Emelia, who signed a contract with a tangible elf like Parker, can be said to be one of the strongest elf warlocks in the world.

But it doesn’t mean that Emilia, who signed a contract with Parker, doesn’t need to sign a contract with other elves. If this were the case, once Parker went to sleep, Emelia would not be able to use the wizard warlock. So besides Parker, Emilia also needs to sign contracts with other little elves.

Because only in this way, in the case of losing Parker, Emilia can have a stronger ability to protect herself.

Having said that, let me introduce the magical properties of this world by the way. The magical attributes of this world are divided into four basic attributes of fire, wind, earth, and water, as well as the rare yin and yang.

But in this world, fire magicians often launch magical attacks such as ice cones. But don’t doubt, he is a magician with fire attributes.

Unlike regular magic, the attributes of this world have their own unique characteristics.

Fire attribute magic is the magic to control temperature. So you can shoot fireballs or ice cones.

Water attribute magic is a magic that controls the flow of life and has a healing effect.

Wind attribute magic is a magic that produces effects outside the body.

Earth attribute magic is a magic that produces effects in living beings.

This is why Xie Ming said that this world might be able to solve his injury problem. Because water magic is related to the flow of life. And Xie Ming’s current injury is exactly the flow of his life.

Perhaps the water magician who can control the flow of life can solve this problem. Of course, there is only a little hope.

But it’s not bad if there is hope, isn’t it?

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