Chapter 701 Village Alam

“Xie Ming!”

Hearing Emilia’s voice, Xie Ming stopped, turned his head, and watched the girl trot up to him.

“What’s the matter?” Xie Ming smiled: “Don’t say you want to go with me.”

“But… Even if Xie Ming you are very strong, is it a little bit alone…” Emilia was still a little uneasy: “Otherwise, I’ll ask Parker to come with you. ”

“no need.”

Xie Ming patted Emilia’s head: “Although I am very grateful for your kindness, the conjurer really can’t help me. Any spell has no meaning in front of my eyes. ….”

“A group of juniors, don’t even have the qualifications to let me use a knife.”

Seeing the confident look on Xie Ming’s face, the worry in Emilia’s heart gradually disappeared. She knew that the man in front of her was far more powerful than her. He is very reliable and very kind. Even if Rozval didn’t say anything, this man would solve this matter.

Putting her hand gently on Xie Ming’s chest, closing her eyes, Emilia whispered softly: “May the spirit bless you.”

This is the best and most true blessing from Emilia, who is an elf warlock, for the warrior who is about to go to the dangerous place. It is precisely because of this that this sentence can so touch people’s hearts and touch the heartstrings of others.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.” Xie Ming squeezed Emilia’s face affectionately and smiled: “Then, I’m going out.”

“Well, be careful all the way.”


Not far from the Rozval Mansion, there is a small village named Alam. On weekdays, the ingredients and spices purchased in the mansion are all purchased by Rem or Ram in this village.

The journey from the mansion to the village only takes more than ten minutes. But with Xie Ming’s footsteps, he arrived in less than 2 minutes. In his eyes, the entire village was protected by a light green barrier.

You know, in this forest, but there are many monsters inhabiting. And this enchantment surrounding the village was set up to prevent monsters from breaking into the village. After all, no matter how small this village is, it belongs to Mezzas’s territory. The responsibility of the lord is to protect the residents in the territory.

So every once in a while, the Rozval Mansion will send people out to maintain and inspect the enchantment.

And the monsters in this world are different from the magic cores in the ordinary Otherworld, and even high-level monsters with spirituality. They are pure monsters created by witches for various purposes. Compared with ordinary beasts, monsters are more ferocious and possess magical powers.

In the face of Warcraft, even magicians or warriors with many battles may encounter danger. The three most dangerous beasts have even become synonymous with natural disasters, and no country is willing to expend large sums of financial and human resources to crusade them.

Compared with the three big beasts, the beasts that live in this forest are really insignificant.

Ignoring the curious eyes of the villagers, Xie Ming looked around and then locked a direction.

According to memory, the conjurer had already made preparations. Destroyed a corner of the village’s enchantment, and immediately hid in the forest after finishing the curse. It seems that some children from the village were brought along.

But after looking around, Xie Ming had ruled out the possibility that the curse master would take the child hostage, and he did not see any curse on other people. Of course, I didn’t see the conjurer either.

It seems that this guy has already hid in the forest, waiting for the visitor’s door.

“In this case, I will accept your invitation.”

Looking at the road that separated the forest and the village with a wooden fence, Xie Ming leaped lightly and walked into the forest leisurely. And on the tree next to him, the crystal inlaid without any luster.

The crystals inlaid on other trees all exude a soft light. And only the crystal of this tree is bleak and dull. The damage to the barrier that Xie Ming observed was also here.

Obviously, this is the red carpet aisle that invites guests into the dance party.


A few minutes after Xie Ming left Alam village and entered the forest, Ram and Rem also came here.

For these two maid ladies, everyone in the village is very familiar with them, and they greeted them happily. Ram is still doing his own way, but Rem can’t do that, so he can only nod his head slightly.

But the footsteps of the two did not stop for a moment, walking around the village, looking for Xie Ming’s trace. But everywhere, no one was found.

“Isn’t it running away?”

After searching for a while, Rahm frowned and asked.

“…Probably not, sister.”

Rem thought: “Could it be the wrong way? After all, Master Xie Ming has never been here.”

“Lost?” Ram couldn’t help but vomit, “How old is it that you are still lost?”


If you really get lost, it’s a bit bad. After all, there is this village on this side, and other places are forests, and they can’t be searched. Suddenly, the two were at a loss. At this moment, a little girl with short brown hair and a big red bow pinned her head took the initiative to talk to the two of them.

“Sister Ram, Sister Rem, are you looking for someone?”


Looking at the little girl named Petra, Rem gently touched her head: “Well, did Petra see, an older brother with a walking stick and wearing strange clothes.”

“Well, I saw it.”

Petra said with some worry: “That strange brother has walked in that direction for about 10 minutes, and he hasn’t come back yet. The people in the village are wondering if the big brother has entered the forest. ”

“That direction…”

Ram and Rem looked in the direction Petra pointed out, glanced at each other, and ran over there. Later, they also discovered the bleak crystal. And the wet mud path with footprints left.

“Is that guy crazy!?”

Ram couldn’t help frowning and said, “He actually took the initiative to enter the forest where the monsters inhabit.”

“…Petra.” Rem looked at Petra who was following him: “Today, did you see the puppy who bit Rem and the little girl who brought the puppy again? ”

“No.” Petra thought for a while, and said softly, “That kid is not from the village, it seems that he just appeared in the village recently.”

Hearing Petra’s words, the doubts in their hearts were also resolved. Obviously, Xie Ming, who learned that the conjurer had hid in the forest, directly chased after him.

“Sister…” Rem looked at Ram, seeking advice.

“Damn it, it’s really troublesome.”

Ram bit his lip and quickly came up with a countermeasure: “Petra, you should go to the mansion and inform Lord Rozval that the barrier in the village is damaged.”


The precocious Petra nodded, knowing that it was urgent, and hurriedly turned and left.

Then Ram looked at his lovely sister: “Rem, let’s go find this troublesome guest.”

“Yes, sister.”

I didn’t know where I took out a meteor hammer with some pink decorations, Rem replied in a low voice.

The figures of the two also gradually disappeared into the forest.

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