Chapter 702

For Xie Ming, the forest is not unfamiliar, but rather kind. Of course, the forest he entered at this moment did not feel so cordial. after all…..

“It’s too quiet…” Xie Ming thought silently.

Yes, it is too quiet. Xie Ming didn’t hear the sound of insects climbing on the tree or the sound of small animals jumping on the branches. Apart from his own voice, the only thing that entered the ear was the sound of ‘Shusha’ swayed by the wind.

There is only one reason for the inhabitants of these forests to have such a reaction. That is danger.

Xie Ming’s own momentum is well hidden, so these little things are not hiding because of Xie Ming’s arrival. So, where does the danger come from?

“Does that still need to be asked?”

With a chuckle, the cane began to split, turning into fifty sharp shattered blades, surrounding Xie Ming.

The sour smell like garbage, and the body smell and bad breath like wild beasts, anyway, it is a very sour smell that slowly spreads from the surroundings. Then, in the dark place covered by the shade, blood-red eyes stared at Xie Ming.

That was the look the hunter looked at the prey, the look of the meat-eater looking at the meat. Cruel, violent, and merciless.

“It seems that you all want to enjoy my big meal.”

Surrounded by malice from all directions, Xie Ming chuckled slightly: “Then, let the horse come here, Tugou.”


Xie Ming’s frivolousness successfully angered these predators. They don’t talk about one-on-one singles, they can do only one thing.

Tear the human in front of you to pieces!

Unfortunately, this group of animals made a mistake. The two sides are not rivals of the same level at all.


It was just a moment, like an illusion. The fluttering fragments seemed to have disappeared, and there were two or three icy trajectories on each of the surrounding monsters.

Xie Ming lifted his foot, continued to keep an unhurried pace, and walked forward. And the sharp fragments around him still surround him as always. It’s just that, in the sharp part of the fragments, there are still blood drops that are not clean.

“Pattern, patter, patter…”

Countless pieces of meat fell on the soil and gradually piled up. And slowly, the soil was also stained red by the blood oozing out of these pieces of meat.

Maybe other people need to use observation methods to hunt down the trail of the conjurer, but for Xie Ming, that is not necessary at all. Because in his eyes, the rising black smoke is exposing the enemy’s location all the time.

In this way, the protection given to Xie Ming in this world is not so useless. At least, it saves Xie Ming a lot of effort.

However, Xie Ming’s direction at the moment was not the direction of the black smoke, but the other side. If you want to ask why, he might answer that way helplessly.

“If you don’t go, the two ghosts will die on the dog.”

That’s right, the direction Xie Ming is walking in is constantly coming, the roar of ghosts.



There are many scars on his body, and the black and white maid outfits are also damaged. However, the blue-haired girl still clenched the chains of the meteor hammer, her eyes still full of killing intent.

Behind her, the pink-haired girl was panting, her knees a little weak. But at this time still gritted his teeth and persisted.

These two people followed Xie Ming and entered the forest, Ram and Rem. It’s just that the two of them are in very bad condition.

“Rem…” Ram said calmly: “You can run away by yourself.”

“do not want!”

Rem’s voice at this time was more manic. And following her answer, the meteor hammer flew again, smashing several flying beasts one after another. But more monsters pounced on the two.

“El, Fula!”

A sharp wind blade shot from Ram’s hand, severing the bodies of several monsters. But after releasing this magic, Ram had completely lost his physical strength and knelt down on the ground. The rest of the monsters also took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward together.


The blue-haired girl yelled and stood in front of Ram. The meteor hammer smashed the head of Warcraft, and the fist penetrated the body of Warcraft. But a fish that slipped through the net also successfully bit her shoulder.

“Kill!! Witch Cult!!! Witch Cultist!!! Warcraft!!! All die!!!”

As if he couldn’t feel the pain, Rem yelled frantically, severely tore off the beast that was biting his shoulder, threw it to the ground, and stomped it to pieces. The azure blue transparent unicorn on her forehead seemed to release a more dazzling blue light following the emotions of the owner.


Ram fell to the ground, his white hands clinging to the soil, regretting his previous decision very much. Because of their own decision, the two people are in their current situation. Even, he had to hurt his most beloved sister to protect himself.

She once again realized how powerless she is now.

And Rem, there is only one word in his heart at this time.

kill! Kill these monsters! Just kill them all and my sister can be rescued! I must protect my sister! You have to work hard with your sister’s share! If it were the older sister, she would never be so embarrassed because of the mere beasts.

You have to work hard, you have to work harder, you have to work hard to the extent of giving up your own life! !

It was all because of my own fault, all because of my incompetence, that my sister lost her role. My sister lost her horn for herself! And what was he thinking of at the time?

“Ah, it finally broke.”

I actually have such a despicable and contemptible idea! ! That’s my sister! She has been protecting her sister! !

It must be atonement! What my sister can’t do, I have to do it myself. What my sister can do, she must do it too!

Ah… after all, why did my sister lose her horns?

By the way, it’s the witch’s teaching! That’s right, it’s the Witch’s Cult! It was the Witch Cult that cut off the horn of my sister! Everything is a witch, the fault of the witch’s teaching! He wants revenge, wants revenge, wants to kill all things related to the witch!

Wasn’t Warcraft something created by a witch? So killing them all means revenge on the witch, and revenge on the witch teaching?


With his head down, his pupils filled with murderous intent and frenzy, Rem raised his head, his face stained with the blood of Warcraft.

“Kill you all!!!”

“Oh oh oh oh!!!”


The bodies of several monsters instantly turned into pieces of flesh, wearing a dark red windbreaker, Xie Ming looked helplessly at the embarrassed two-child servants.

“You guys, why are you here.”


Looking at this man, Ram’s spirit that had been strained, finally relaxed. Later, due to the massive use of magic power, he passed out.



“…You are here to add chaos to me, right?”

Seeing the blue-haired maid rushing towards him with Warcraft, Xie Ming sighed deeply.

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