Chapter 703


Slowly waking up from the coma, Ram felt that under his head, he seemed to have pillowed a piece of good-quality clothing. Then, instantly recalled everything before losing consciousness.


Sitting up suddenly, Ram found that his sister was sleeping peacefully next to him, and the wound on her body was roughly wrapped up with a bandage. Only then did she relax and began to look around and observe the surrounding situation.

Then, she found Xie Ming who was sitting on a rock and reading a book in a black shirt. The clothing used as pillows by the two of them is obviously the dark red windbreaker that he has been wearing.

“Yo, I woke up.”

Closing the book, Xie Ming stood up and walked to Ram’s side: “Do you still feel uncomfortable? Of course, I can solve it physically, so I don’t need to say it in terms of spirit and magic.”


Ram said in a low voice, “Rem has taken all the physical damage for Ram, what a foolish sister.”

“I can see it.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Your sister’s injuries are okay. I have treated more serious areas with drugs. As for some small wounds, I believe this with the powerful self-healing effect brought by your race. Time is almost all right.”

Your race… These four words made Ram’s pupils flicker. She raised her head to look at Xie Ming: “Master Xie Ming, don’t you ask anything?”

“Ask? What can I ask?”

Xie Ming smiled and said indifferently, “If you want to say it, then you will naturally tell me. If you don’t want to say it, it’s useless to ask me, doesn’t it?”

“Well, it’s the same.” Ram also quickly adjusted his emotions and returned to his original selfish attitude: “In short, without Master Xie Ming this time, Ram and Rem would be in danger. So, for the time being. Thank you anyway.”

“It’s really the first time I have seen you with such a superior way of thanking you.”

Turning over Byakugan, Xie Ming said, “Now, you have two choices. One is that I will send you out of the forest, and then you will come back to the mansion together after Rem wakes up in the village. The second one is. , Is here to wait for Rem to wake up, and then I will take you two to solve the conjurer and return to the mansion together. Which one do you choose?”

“Of course, it’s the second one.” Ram said bluntly: “Originally, Ram and Rem were here to help Master Xie Ming. Going back now will only make others doubt the quality of the Rozval house maid.”

“Also quality?”

Xie Ming vomited: “Does the so-called maid quality in your body mean that you are a daily guest? Moreover, it seems that the entire mansion is cleaned by Rem, and you are basically lazy, okay?”

“of course.”

Ram looked terrific: “Don’t look at it like that, Ram is also trying to help and didn’t trouble Rem.”

“……. In other words, if you do work, you are causing trouble to others?” Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face: “It’s really a shame that you can say it in such a great tone.”

“Yeah… Now Ram can only rely on his sister.”

Ram looked at the sleeping Rem gently, and said softly: “But this little sister is still worrying as always.”

“This is not a normal thing.” Xie Ming leaned against the rock: “After all, my sister doesn’t worry about my sister, so who can worry about my sister?”


Rahm couldn’t help but show his dead fish eyes and look at Xie Ming: “Normal people will always ask about Ramrem’s situation at this time? How can Ram take the initiative to tell you if you don’t take the topic.”

“Uh…” Xie Ming was stunned for a moment: “If you want to say it, just say it directly, why do you need me to answer the topic? You are talking, I am listening, isn’t it all right?”

Facts have proved that no matter how much experience he has, the nature of Xie Ming’s KY will not change.

“…” Ram’s eyes twitched, and at this moment he also understood the essence of Xie Ming. He sighed helplessly, and said faintly: “Ram and Rem are ghosts. I believe Master Xie Ming already knows.”


Among the many demi-human races in this world, there is a rare and powerful race. This race is the ghost race. And the strength of this race is the source of strength on their foreheads, the horns.

Normal ghosts have two horns. But Ram and Rem are special individuals in the ghost tribe, twins.

The ghosts of twins have only one horn on their foreheads. And the lack of a horn as a source of strength makes the twin ghost tribes less effective in combat. Therefore, within the ghost clan, twins are usually treated as rubbish and punished. However, Ram is completely different.

When the village chief of the ghost tribe was about to execute Ram and Rem, Ram showed super talent and strength and directly repelled the village chief. Because of this, Ram and Rem survived. Ram, also known as the once-in-a-hundred-year genius in the ghost tribe, has been appreciated and anticipated by everyone.

Under Ram’s brilliance, Rem’s life can be imagined. As Ram’s twin, Rem did not have any outstanding talents, very mediocre. Even under Ram’s protection, Rem would often hear some gossip.

Therefore, in the eyes of young Rem, Ram is the strongest and most outstanding existence. Although he will also feel inferior, Rem has already admitted his mediocrity and gave up the idea of ​​chasing after his sister.

If there were no accidents, the two might be able to spend their entire lives in peace. Unfortunately, there is a restless organization in this world.

Witch teaches.

In one night, the Witch Cult attacked the village of the ghost tribe and began a massacre. The fire even dyed half of the night red. The sorrows and screams of the ghost people are the embellishment of the bloody night. In front of a large number of Witch Cultists, the ghost tribe members died one by one. In the end, only Rem who was sleeping in the room was left, and Ram who was still resisting.

Even in the face of an extreme number gap, Ram can still resist with ease. Because at that time, Ram was already the most powerful existence in the entire ghost tribe.

However, Rem is not like this. So when saving Rem, Ram’s horn, the source of power, was cut off by the witches. When the two were in desperation, it was Rozval who came to save.

Rozval took them in and let them work in their mansion. So Ram and Rem have been working in the mansion until today.

“Since that day, everything has changed.”

Ram said softly, “Ram lost his power and became a burden. And Rem seems to think that it is his own reasons that caused me to lose the horns, so I have been trapped in guilt and closed his heart. Ram did not I know how to enlighten this foolish sister.”

Yes, it’s not that Rahm doesn’t know Rem’s situation, but he doesn’t know how to do it. I can only think that time will heal everything, and I can always be by Rem’s side. But judging from the situation just now, the emotion in Rem’s heart has not disappeared, but has become even stronger.

“Probably I understand everything.”

Xie Ming nodded, then picked up a small pebble from the ground and lightly bounced it on Rem’s head: “This maid lady, since she is awake, don’t pretend to be asleep.”

“Sit up, let’s talk together.”

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