Chapter 704

As early as Ram talked about the fire that led to the extinction of the ghost tribe, Rem had already sobered up. Originally, she planned to just pretend to sleep like this, and wait until a suitable time to get up. Unfortunately, Xie Ming would not let her do this.

The strength of the pebbles is very measured, and it will only hurt when it hits the head, but it will not hurt. So when Rem covered her forehead and said, “It hurts,” she couldn’t continue to pretend to sleep. She can only sit up and face this embarrassing scene.

“Rem!” Seeing Rem sitting up, Ram didn’t care about her pretending to be asleep, but first asked: “How is your body? Is there any pain?”

Looking at Ram, Rem couldn’t help lowering his head: “Sister, Rem is okay.”

“Very good….”

Ram breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xie Ming: “Then let’s go.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

Xie Ming waved his hand and looked at Rem: “You heard what your sister said just now. So, what do you think? Rem.”

“This shouldn’t hurt Master Xie Ming!”

Throwing the stone in his hand, Xie Ming said with a smile, “This is the best way to educate a clumsy guy like you. If Ram didn’t talk to me, of course I won’t care. But Now that I know about this, then I must break you back properly.”

“After all, it’s the protagonist’s characteristic to be nosy.”

“…” Rem glanced at the silent Ram on the side and whispered: “What do you think… All of this is Rem’s fault. If Rem works harder, it won’t It becomes this situation. If Rem is stronger, my sister will not lose her horn.”

And my thoughts at that time, no matter what, I can’t be forgiven.

Rem did not say this sentence.

“Yes, all tragedies are caused by the lack of abilities of the parties involved.” Xie Ming said lightly: “So Ram lost his role, Rem, you are at fault.”


“But Ram’s fault is even greater!”

“!!!” Rem raised his head and looked at Xie Ming incredulously.

“If Ram is stronger, not only will she not lose her horns, but she can also save your entire ghost village. If Ram is stronger, you are still living in harmony with your parents. So in the final analysis, this Everything is Ram’s fault.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Because of Ram, she is too weak.”

“No!” Rem stood up excitedly: “Sister, she is not wrong! Sister, she is the strongest! Everything is because Rem is too weak!”

“Since you said that Ram is the strongest, why did she lose her horn? Why did she not protect the village?” Xie Ming asked back: “According to your statement, all of this is because Ram is too weak. It’s caused by the reason.”

“You don’t know Rem and sister at all, what qualifications do you have to say so!!!”

“Yeah, I don’t understand. After all, I only got along with you for a few days, and didn’t even say a few words.”

Looking at Rem with an angry face, Xie Ming asked faintly: “But what about you? What about you? You and Ram have been together since birth and spent everything together. When are you like this? Really know Ram?”


“Although I haven’t had much contact with you in the past few days, I can still feel it. Ram, she didn’t feel depressed because of losing her angle, but positively looked towards tomorrow. But What about you? What are you doing?”

Xie Ming also stood up and questioned Rem: “Every day, with a stiff expression, so that you can get Ram’s horns back? Push yourself to a desperate situation every day, so that you can make Ram happy? Your behavior like this will only Let Ram worry about you even more!”

“Do you think it’s your fault for Ram to lose his horn? Do you think you can’t get forgiveness from others? What do you think you think is what you think! Why can you be forgiven if you don’t open your mouth to apologize? Why don’t you think Ram won’t forgive you?”

“Do you think that people who don’t forgive you will quarrel with me over your business? Do you think people who don’t forgive you will put down their pride and helplessly ask for help? With Ram for so many years, you never He didn’t try to understand Ram, but was immersed in his own world.”

“This is your biggest mistake!”

A stone bounced heavily on Rem’s forehead, making a red mark. But Xie Ming’s words made Rem more painful than the pain on his forehead.

But this kind of pain is exactly what Rem needs. Because of these pains, she woke up in a muddle-headed manner. Let her start thinking, let her start reflecting.

Compared with Ram, Rem is too clumsy. When she was young, she felt that her sister was the strongest and the most correct. So she thought that as long as she followed her sister, it would be fine. She does not know other ways of expression, nor does she know other ways of getting along.

After Ram lost the corner, she also got into the blind spot. I feel that everything is my fault, and my only way to make up for it is to learn from my sister and work hard towards my sister.

Even if the housework is versatile and the cooking is versatile, Rem still feels that it is not enough, and still feels that if he has a horn, Ram will definitely do better than himself. Maybe this is the case. After all, the loss of the ghost race and the loss of the horn is like losing the second heart.

Without anyone’s help, Ram might not survive at all. It can be seen how important the angle is to the ghost tribe.

Therefore, Rem felt that he, who caused her sister to lose her role, would definitely not be forgiven. But Xie Ming pointed it out, this is what she thinks, this is her thought, this is her self-righteousness.

Remembering what happened after Ram lost his horn, Rem understood everything. Although the loss of a corner has a great impact on Ram, it is not the most important thing for Ram.

If losing a horn can save his sister, then no matter how many times, Ram will choose his sister instead of his own horn.

I really never understood my sister.

This is really my biggest mistake…


Holding his forehead, Rem squatted down, tears streaming down uncontrollably.


Ram quickly ran over, looked at Rem’s forehead worriedly, and then glared at Xie Ming: “Hey! You didn’t act too hard!!”

“Sister, sister…”

Rem stretched out his hand to save Ram, and buried his head deeply on Ram’s chest. He couldn’t cry: “Sister, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”


Hearing Rem’s apology, Ram’s expression softened, and he gently stroked Rem’s head.

“What a fool, sister.”

Looking at the twin sisters, Xie Ming shrugged, picked up his windbreaker, shook, and put it on. Then I sat behind the rock and took out the book from the portable space.

Although time is a bit tight, it doesn’t hurt. At least, there is still time for Rem to vent his emotions, isn’t it?

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