Chapter 705

“Just made you laugh, Master Xie Ming.”

Rem, with his eyes flushed, gave Xie Ming a shy smile. This is the expression that Rem before this can never show.

It can be seen from this that Rem’s heart knot has been completely untied.

“Although I am a little dissatisfied with your act of beating rem with stones, but seeing the result is good, Ram will not care about it.” Ram said with a great expression.

“Ah, isn’t it?”

Hearing this, Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “I really want to see how you can care about me.”

“Master Xie Ming, please allow Rem to apologize to you for all the things that happened before.” Rem bowed deeply: “I hope you can forgive me.”

“Ram also apologizes to you.” Ram also bowed deeply like Rem: “Whether it was the discovery of the curse before, the rescue of Rahm and Rem, or just now, I thank you for your care. NS.”

“Compared with the previous attitude of business affairs, the change is really big.”

After making a complaint, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Since your sister’s matter has been resolved, we should return to business.”


When it comes to business matters, both of them look serious.

“Have the conjurer left yet?” Ram asked suspiciously: “And Master Xie Ming, how did your master determine the position of the conjurer?”

“Forgot? My eyes.”

Looking at the previous direction, Xie Ming squinted his eyes: “Don’t you think it is weird? Why do the local dogs attack us in an organized way?”

“Dog…. Master Xie Ming refers to Warcraft, right?”

Rem froze for a moment, then reacted, and couldn’t help smiling bitterly: “For Master Xie Ming, those beasts are really only native to the level. But indeed, if you don’t raise the waiting beasts, these low-level beasts shouldn’t be too much. Wisdom. That kind of expendable attack method is very unusual.”

“That is to say, those monsters are controlled by someone?” Ram reacted with a sudden flash in his eyes: “In other words, did we fall into the enemy’s control from the first moment we entered the forest?”

“Is that so.”

Picking up the walking stick leaning on the rock, Xie Ming said lightly: “In the same assassination organization as the’Intestine Hunter’, there is an assassin named’Warcraft Envoy. Horn, to control the actions of the beast.”

“Have you noticed that the horns on the heads of these stubby dogs are all mutilated?”

“So that’s it…” Ram frowned, “That is to say, is this an action against Emilia-sama again?”

“A matter of course, isn’t it?”

Xie Ming sighed, “Obviously she is such a lovely and kind girl, why is the world always being so cruel to her? You two, the conjurer is directed at her, don’t tell her.”

“Yes, I understand.” Rem said softly: “If you tell Master Emilia, she will definitely blame herself.”

“So, what should I do next?”

Ram said bluntly: “In addition to eliminating magic, can your eyes have a similar effect to clairvoyance?”

The clairvoyance of this plane from scratch is different from the normal clairvoyance and clairvoyance in the crescent moon. It is an ability that allows the caster to share the field of vision with the creatures of the wavelength. But what this ability can do is only the extension of the field of vision. What the creatures with the shared vision cannot see can also not be seen by the caster. And when performing the operation, the operator will be in a defenseless state.

Compared with the clairvoyance of the Moon World, I simply don’t want people to admit that this is a kind of clairvoyance.

“That’s not true.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “It’s just that since this assassin uses a certain ability to control the beast, then there must be a magic line connecting the beast and the assassin. And I can see the roots in the forest. The place where the threads from Warcraft converge.”

“And the huge black mist made up of silk threads is undoubtedly the place where the assassin is located. From the very beginning, the black mist has not moved. In other words, people are still waiting patiently for us as guests of the prom to take their seats.”

“Prom guests…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s analogy, Ram and Rem couldn’t help but laugh. I have to say that Xie Ming’s indifferent attitude greatly eased the pressure on the two of them.

“Then, two ladies.”

To Ram and Rem to perform a party invitation etiquette, Xie Ming smiled lightly: “Are you willing to go to this party with you?”


Ram and Rem looked at each other, one foot turned back, the toes touched the ground, both hands slightly lifted the two sides of the maid dress skirt, and said in unison.

“I am glad to.”


On the next journey, Ram and Rem became spectators completely and didn’t need to take action at all. Because the Warcraft just threw out the grass, the fragments split by two to three sticks would quickly be cut into pieces and fall to the ground.

From beginning to end, Xie Ming paid no attention to these stinking beasts. Walking towards the goal leisurely and indifferently, it makes people feel that this place is not a dangerous habitat for monsters at all, but its own courtyard.

Of course, the two people still have the qualities of being a maid. One left and the other followed Xie Ming unhurriedly. If Rem’s damaged maid outfit were to be aside, it would really be like a nobleman coming out for a picnic with two lovely maids.

After a leisurely time, the three of them walked through the forest and came to a clearing in the forest. On the boulder in the middle of the clearing, there was a puppy with dark hair but a bald head, wagging its tail cutely towards the three of them.

“That’s the puppy that bit Rem, Master Xie Ming.”

Moving forward slightly, Rem said softly.

“Is that it…”

Ram’s eyes became extremely sharp, and he endured the thought of slicing this guy in half with a wind blade, and muttered, “So, where is the monster who controls the monster?”

“Behind that rock.”

Xie Ming said faintly towards the rock, “Don’t hide. In my eyes, the black mist is constantly rising from the back of the rock. How about getting out and solving it quickly?”


The other party seemed to think for a while, but finally walked out slowly from behind the rock. The puppy on the rock also jumped into the arms of the assassin and looked at the three of Xie Ming with a ferocious grin.

“She is…”

“Warcraft ambassador?”

Rem and Ram looked at the figure that appeared, a little unbelievable.

Because the one who came out was a little girl about 10 years old. Wearing a dark suit, his long dark blue hair was tied into a braid and fell on his shoulders. Well, dangerous hairstyle.

“Big brother is what Elsa said…” the little girl whispered, “My name is Meili. I really want to see if I can let the big brother pull out the knife with my abilities. Coming?”

“Listen to Elsa?”

Xie Ming frowned, “Isn’t Elsa dead? I really broke her neck.”

“Well, strictly speaking, Elsa has already died once.” Meili smiled lightly: “But Elsa is a half vampire, and that kind of injury can still be recovered.”

“…Ram, Rem, remember my lesson this time.” Xie Ming said with his face covered: “In the future, kill the enemy, don’t pretend to be cool to break the enemy’s neck. You must definitely give the enemy’s head to Cut it off.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.” Rem replied with a smile, and Ram couldn’t help turning over Byakugan.

Is this guy reliable?

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