Chapter 712: Five Minutes

Xie Ming’s cough awakened Kurxiu and Phyllis, who were intoxicated in the peak duel, and Wilhelm slowly put away his aura. Only then did they remember that this young man who was fighting fiercely with Sword Demon was seriously injured.

Although the battle just now was a competition in name, it was not much different from Dongzheng. At least, Wilhelm himself understands that he has displayed 80% of all his skills. And the other party, it is estimated that only less than 50%.

I was actually suppressed by a young man who was seriously injured and hadn’t tried his best…

Knowing this fact, Wilhelm couldn’t help sighing again in his heart that now it really belongs to young people.

On the other side, Xie Ming looked at the countdown of 1 minute and 29 seconds left in the spiritual world, and shrugged helplessly in his heart. He could indeed defeat Wilhelm just now, but he took the initiative to withdraw. One is to leave some fighting time to prevent accidents from happening, and the other is that this type of battle does not need to be divided.

The most important thing is that in his fierce battle with Wilhelm, the level of perfection of the ‘secret killing’ style has been further improved. At least, the unloading part of the frontal confrontation has been almost perfected. Therefore, there is no need to continue.

“Ahem, sorry Sir Wilhelm.”

After coughing a few times, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “As you can see, my physical condition can’t fight for a long time, so today’s discussion will end here.”

“No, I was rude.”

Wilhelm’s aura slowly receded, and he became an elderly gentleman again: “This battle with your Excellency has yielded a lot.”

“To each other.”

Xie Ming smiled slightly: “Swordsmanship, swordsmanship, in the battle against the strong, is the fastest progress. I have learned a lot from the discussion with Your Excellency Wilhelm.”

Seeing the two began to talk, Felice approached and took the wooden sword in Xie Ming’s hand: “Xie Ming is so amazing! The only person who can be like that with Lord Will is in Felice’s impression. How many people.”

“Thank you.” Xie Ming was noncommittal, and then said: “So, Phyllis, are you free today?”

“Of course meow.”

Phyllis smiled and said: “When we go to eat breakfast together, we can start. Let’s go, morning exercises are so long, shouldn’t you be hungry?”

“Yes, I am looking forward to the food at the Kalsten family.”

“Hehehe, don’t worry, you will never be disappointed.”

In this way, Xie Ming and Phyllis walked into the mansion together. On the lawn, Kurxiu and Wilhelm were left.

“How is it?” Kurxiu asked, “What do you think of this man.”

“On skill alone, he is above me.”

Wilhelm did not conceal it, and said frankly: “In the entire kingdom, in pure use of the sword, I am afraid that only he can match.”

Who is this ‘him’? It is not necessary for Wilhelm to say it clearly, Kurxiu also understands. The knight among the knights, the strongest on the ground, the sword saint Reinharut. Because of this, Kurxiu couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“You actually have such a skill, but why is there no rumors of him in the world?”

Such a doubt arose in Kurxiu’s heart, but it was immediately relieved. The world is so big, and the Kingdom of Lugonika is only the tip of the iceberg. How could the duke of her kingdom know all the strong in the world?

But in this way, with such a strong person comparable to Reinharut, then her plan may go smoother.

Wilhelm thought of this too, his hands clenched slightly.

But all this depends on whether Felice can heal Xie Ming’s injury.


“Wow… I really don’t understand why you can survive Xie Ming.”

With both hands resting on Xie Ming’s back, Felice said solemnly.

After eating breakfast, Xie Ming was pulled back to his room by Felice. At Felice’s request, she took off her shirt and lay on the bed. However, Felice started to check Xie Ming’s physical condition with a light blue halo in her hands.

During this inspection, Felice’s face appeared cold sweat. That’s why Phyllis would say the above sentence.

The origin of a person’s life is limited, and a figurative metaphor is that the origin of a person’s life is a glass full of water. In addition to energy consumption, any life activity of a person will also consume the source of life.

The flow of blood, the division of cells, and the production of magic power all come from the source of life. When the source of life is exhausted, this person will come to the end of life.

As the most outstanding water magician, Phyllis naturally knows the concept of the origin of life. But the origin of life like Xie Ming was broken, and he was still so alive and kicking, which really frightened him a bit. And he also understood why Xie Ming would say that the time he can fight is limited.

The fiercer the battle, the more vitality is needed. And if he, who is already losing his vitality, fights for a long time, he doesn’t need enemies, he can squeeze himself out.

“How about it, is there a way to cure it?” Xie Ming asked calmly, lying on the bed.

“It’s hard to say, meow…”

Felice frowned and said solemnly: “The container of the origin of life has been broken, and I can’t restore it.”


Xie Ming was not surprised, and continued to ask: “So, can you mend the gap?”

“Fix the gap… I can only say that I will do my best.”

After all, the blue light on Felice’s hand became deeper, and she began to try to repair it. But it was the first time that he repaired the origin of life. Maybe even if the magic power of the whole body is exhausted, it will not be effective.

But as a therapist, no matter how serious the patient is, he will do his best to do it. This is the principle of the therapist, and also his self-esteem as a ‘green’!

The next moment, light blue light filled the room.

After half a day slowly passed, the blue light in the room finally disappeared. And Xie Ming also opened the door. In front of the door, Kursho and Wilhelm were waiting. Seeing Xie Ming coming out, but not seeing Felis, could not help but make Kurxiu’s face sink.

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, Phyllis…”

“It consumes too much magic and energy and fell asleep.”

Open the door completely, Xie Ming said softly. And seeing Phyllis who was sleeping very heavily on the bed in the room with a murmur from time to time, Kurxiu also felt relieved.

“So, Lord Xie Ming, how is the injury cured?”

“Yes… It hasn’t been cured, but it’s a relief.”

Looking at the countdown in the spiritual world, Xie Ming smiled slightly.

The countdown protection given by the roots, the time shown above is…


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