Chapter 713 Nosy

It changed from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. At first glance, it only adds 2 minutes, which seems to be meaningless. But in fact, this is not the case.

The real meaning of the increased time is not to allow Xie Ming to fight for 2 more minutes in a normal state, but to other states.

The increase of time in the normal state represents Xie Ming’s forbidden hand, Spartan’s Wrath, ghosts and gods, and the time of mad gods and other states will also increase. However, as Xie Ming’s current strength increases, the strength that can be increased by these states has gradually diminished.

Xie Ming in the normal state, there is no problem in defeating the third-order pinnacle with a knife. And the first stage of Forbidden Hand and Spartan’s Fury can defeat the pseudo fourth-order. The ghosts, mad gods, and rebellious dragons in the second stage have been promoted to the weakest fourth-order stage.

And the last Dragon of Killing the Gods had reached the low level of Tier 4.

With the improvement of Xie Ming’s strength, these conditions will contribute less and less to Xie Ming’s strength and achievements. Because Tier 4 is a hurdle that stumps countless generations, the less it passes, even if Xie Ming enters the top of Tier 3, he can at best use the God-killing Dragon state to fight against enemies in the middle of Tier 4.

But if you want to enter the fourth level, you must upgrade your life level. The sublimation of life levels is closely related to the origin of life. Sublimation with Xie Ming’s current broken life origin, then there will only be one ending.

Therefore, if he wanted to be promoted to Tier 4, Xie Ming had to repair his life source before the peak of Tier 3.

But you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step. On this plane, Xie Ming was already very happy to be able to repair his broken life source a little bit. So after saying hello to Kursho, he left the Kalsten house and wanted to visit the capital of Otherworld.

By the way, go and see my old acquaintances again.

But Xie Ming, who was a little happy, forgot one thing. He didn’t know where his acquaintance’s home was. More importantly, he had forgotten the people of the royal capital, but they were not so hospitable.

So of course, he was lost in the complicated alleys of the royal capital.

“……. Could it be that I really have the attributes of road idiots?”

Xie Ming stood there and fell into a state of self-doubt, but he was relieved immediately.

The capital is so complicated and big, he has only been here twice this time, and he doesn’t have a map yet. In addition, I didn’t remember the way at all, so I just went in and took a look at an alley. It’s strange if I don’t get lost!

Moreover, my original plan was to go shopping casually, and it doesn’t really matter whether I get lost or not. Anyway, he has already set a space mark at the door of Karlstern’s house, and he can teleport back directly when that happens.

Even if you don’t teleport, you run to the top of the building to open the Forbidden Demon Eye, still can’t find the location of Karlstern’s house? If this kind of trivial matter can stump the third-order surrogate, it will really make people laugh.

Shrugging with a smile, Xie Ming took his cane, ready to continue his wandering around. But a familiar voice broke his plan.

“You stupid mundanes, do you have anything to do with your concubine?”

“…Mayin’s voice.”

Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and then frowned: “However, Ma Yin’s tone is Tsundere plus a little bit of frankness. But this tone is full of arrogance and arrogance. You can tell that it is the kind of extremely troublesome woman. …..”

To be honest, Xie Ming really doesn’t want to manage. Because if you manage, you will only get yourself in trouble. But it’s a pity…..

“You guy…”

“What a joke! Are you underestimating us!?”

“It seems that you need us to use our fists to entertain your pretty little face!”

Hearing these three savage voices, Xie Ming covered his face. If you don’t hear it, then forget it. Since you have heard it, you can’t just let it go.

“Don’t bark the’barking’ dogs here. Even those with inferior character and grievances are so inferior~”


With a sigh, Xie Ming quickened his pace and came to the place where the sound was spreading. And here, a girl with long orange hair wearing a bright red dress and a proud figure opened the red lace fan to cover half of her face. The scarlet pupils were full of playfulness, as if the three punks in front of him were clowns in a circus.

Seeing Xie Ming’s arrival, the girl was visibly taken aback, and then smiled with interest. The three little gangsters also turned around and looked at Xie Ming with a bad expression.

“Ah, I understand, I understand, you don’t need to say anything.”

Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows, and said to the three little gangsters: “I am a nosy fellow, so please sleep for a while.”

“Flap! Pop! Pop!”

The cane is like a long stick, hitting the abdomen of three bastards one after another, picking them up one by one. Under Xie Ming’s special arrangement, the three gangsters were stacked into hamburgers from fat, thin, and small ones, flipping Byakugan, sticking out their tongues, and fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

Later, Xie Ming seemed to be avoiding huge troubles, turning around and leaving without even looking at the orange-haired girl.

“Hold on.”

The orange-haired girl put away the fan and ordered as if it were taken for granted. But her voice not only didn’t stop Xie Ming, but accelerated it a bit.

“Didn’t you hear my concubine telling you to stop?”

She wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, and the girl increased her tone. But at this time Xie Ming has completely turned deaf, ready to go out of the alley in his own way. At this moment, a strong man wearing an iron knight helmet blocked the exit of the alley.

“…Why did you forget the protection of this woman?”

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Xie Ming had to stop. And this strong man scratched his helmet with one hand and asked frivolously: “What’s the matter, my princess, who made you angry?”

“You did a great job, Al. It’s just time to show up”

The girl slowly approached, and confidently said to Xie Ming: “This world revolves around the concubine body. So the concubine body asks you to stop, you will stop no matter what, understand?”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “Okay, I’ll stop listening to you. Then I’m leaving now and never see you again.”

After speaking, he walked towards the exit. At the exit, the strong man named Al intuitively stepped aside. Obviously, he also heard that their princess was messing around again this time.

Unfortunately, the girl didn’t plan to let Xie Ming go just like that.

“Al, stop him.”

“Wow… princess, you are embarrassing me.”

With a deep sigh, Al again blocked Xie Ming: “Brother, I’m really sorry. But can you leave after listening to my princess?”

“can not.”

Xie Ming, who was already impatient, replied coldly. The cane in his hand was aimed at Al’s head, and he knocked it down fiercely.

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