Chapter 714

“The princess really did a good job for me…”

Al murmured and complained, but his movements were not slow. He quickly drew out the big knife hanging behind his waist and blocked it in front of the cane.


This is the sound of a broken sword.


This is the sound of the cane shifting its direction and hitting Al’s shoulder.


Al under the helmet took a breath, and hurried back with one hand on his shoulder, and said with a wry smile: “Brother, we have no grievances and no grudges, don’t we need such a cruel hand?”

“I have been merciful.” Xie Ming said faintly: “This time, at most, it hurts you for a long time, and the bones and muscles are not injured. And, do you really think this cane is used to knock people?”


Al had nothing to say, so he could only cast his eyes on the orange-haired girl: “Princess, don’t stop here? If you really fight, I might die here…”

The pitiful energy in the words really makes the listener cry and sad. However, neither of the two present would care about this kind of uncle’s cuteness, and the orange-haired girl said disgustedly: “It’s really ugly, Al. With such strength, is it embarrassing to say that it is a concubine knight? But… …”

The scarlet phoenix eyes looked at Xie Ming, and the corners of the girl’s lips curled up slightly: “The concubine is more interested in you. Although this idiot is dressed like this, his strength is still possible. However, he was knocked back by you. ….”

The girl approached gracefully and said with great interest: “Who are you in the end?”

“Guess?” Xie Ming flipped Byakugan. He has now given up the option of leaving, because unless he intervenes in the girl’s protection, sooner or later he will face the girl again. So now he can only do his best to dispel the girl’s interest in him.

Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, the girl frowned: “If you want to attract the attention of your concubine in this way, then your concubine’s evaluation of you will be lowered by a level.”

Who TM attracted your attention, I can’t wait to let you stay away from me! Hey, wait… If you lower the evaluation, that means she won’t pay attention to herself so much, and she will be relieved?

So, how can this woman lose interest in herself?

Xie Ming touched his chin, lost in thought.

“Hey you!”

A hint of unhappiness flashed in the girl’s eyes. According to her thoughts, she was rare to show kindness and gave this person the right to communicate with herself. But the man in front of him ignores himself several times, and he clearly shows impatient emotions?

It is precisely because Xie Ming knows that the girl in front of her has such a personality, that’s why she feels that she is a big trouble. Even Leng Ao, such as Ace Desi, will love and considerate his subordinates. However, she felt from the bottom of her heart that this world revolves around her, and that she is the center of this world.

Therefore, the world will change according to its own ideas. Everyone will also act according to their own ideas. I am above everyone else.

If the girl in front of her is asked to divide people into three or five classes, then she will only be divided into two classes. One is the noble self, and the other is everyone except self.

How could such a person make Xie Ming feel good and want to contact her?

Oh, by the way, I always forgot to say the girl’s name. In the entire Lugenica Kingdom, only the Dragon Miko can have knights loyal to her. So the identity of the girl is ready to come out.

One of the five kings, the Patriarch of the noble Vallier family, Priscilla Vallier.

However, although the girl named Priscilla has the surname of Vallier, she does not have the blood of the Vallier family. Speaking of which, Priscilla is really very evil.

She was married to the previous generation of Patriarch of the Vallière family, Leip Vallière as his wife, but this bad old man died suddenly without touching Priscilla. According to the regulations, Priscilla became the Patriarch of the Vallier family.

Before that, the 19-year-old girl had married six men, but these six sad guys died due to various circumstances without touching Priscilla’s finger. Because of this, Priscilla has accumulated a lot of wealth.

Perhaps Leip Vallier was greedy for Priscilla’s wealth, so he married Priscilla into the house. After all, who doesn’t like young, beautiful, white, and wealthy widows?

Yeah, everyone liked it, so everyone died. Because of this, Priscilla was dubbed the “Blood Bride” by the world.

The reason why Priscilla is so lucky is naturally related to the protection she has. Her protection is ‘the protection of the sun’, and the effect is that her actions during the day will receive various corrections.

As a simple example, why did her knight Al come so coincidental when Xie Ming was about to leave the alley? Why did Xie Ming stay here while he could leave after he defeated Al?

Here, if there is no action correction for the ‘protection of the sun’, I’m afraid even Xie Ming can’t explain it clearly. That’s why Priscilla asserted that the world revolves around her. What she wants to achieve does not require her to do anything, it will always be accomplished in various ways.

That’s why Xie Ming said that if he didn’t use his protection to interfere, sooner or later he would see Priscilla again. And the next time I meet, maybe it will be a worse way. Therefore, it is better to solve this kind of trouble as soon as possible.

“Ha~, really.”

With a deep sigh, Xie Ming thought for a long time but couldn’t figure out what behavior he should do to make this woman lose interest in him. After thinking about it, I can only let the flow go.

“Miss Priscilla, I really don’t want to have anything to do with troublesome characters like you.”

Xie Ming said straightforwardly: “To be honest, you are very troublesome. So please raise your hand, can you let me go?”

“Let you go?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Priscilla’s discomfort in her eyes grew thicker, and she immediately showed a haughty smile: “Okay, as long as you agree to a request from your concubine, your concubine will let you go.”

“Tsk, shamelessly.”

Scratching his head irritably, Xie Ming took a deep look at Priscilla and said coldly: “The world may revolve around you, and others may revolve around you. But I will never.”

“Don’t be too self-righteous, woman.”

After speaking, Xie Ming left the alley without looking back. The rare good mood was ruined by this woman, and Xie Ming didn’t want to go on wandering. The figure disappeared and teleported back to Karlsten’s house.

In the alley, Priscilla looked at the place where Xie Ming had disappeared coldly, and said nothing.

“Hey, princess.” Al asked cautiously: “Is it all right? Princess?”


Suddenly, Priscilla burst into a beautiful smile, but there was no slight smile in her eyes: “Since you let out such words, then the concubine has to respond.”

“My concubine is looking forward to our meeting again.”

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