Chapter 715

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, welcome back.”

After teleporting to the door of Karlsten’s house, Wilhelm said hello to Xie Ming: “Not long ago, Lord Emilia and the blue-haired maid accompanying him visited Ke’s Mansion to inquire about your condition. of.”

“Amelia and the others are here?”

Xie Ming sighed: “I really shouldn’t go out to hang out today, in various senses.”

“From your expression, it seems that today’s trip to the royal capital is not so pleasant.” Wilhelm looked at the irritability that had not disappeared from Xie Ming’s face, and couldn’t help but wonder what it was like. People can make him so irritable.

But as a housekeeper, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. Wilhelm still understands the truth. So he hid his doubts in his heart, and took out an envelope from the Kabuto in the black tuxedo.

“This is what the blue-haired maid asked me to hand over to your Excellency, saying that it was a letter from Lord Rozval that must be handed over to your Excellency today.”

Taking the envelope, Xie Ming frowned. Rozval’s request that ‘today’ must be entrusted to his letter. So, Xie Ming can guess the contents without looking at it.

“These one or two, they all use me as a soft persimmon…”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming smiled lightly and said to Wilhelm: “It’s hard work, Mr. Wilhelm.”

“…No, this is my duty.”

Wilhelm was silent for a moment, and then said with concern and advice: “Your Excellency Xie Ming, although you are strong enough to fight Reinharut. However, no one wants to see such a result. And no one wants to see that result. , Your Excellency is still wounded.”

Obviously, the elderly gentleman caught the cold light in Xie Ming’s eyes, so he spoke to persuade him.

Young people are inevitably angry. Especially if a young powerhouse like Xie Ming really broke out, then in order to protect the royal capital and the people, Reinhardt would definitely stand up and fight Xie Ming.

At that time, the king’s capital will definitely be overwhelmed. In order to avoid this most terrible situation from happening, Wilhelm said this somewhat transgressive remark.

Naturally, Xie Ming didn’t understand Wilhelm’s meaning. He looked at the worried old man in front of him, and said dumbfounded: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wilhelm. He doesn’t know forbearance, or he only knows violence. Rogue, it is impossible to exercise to this point alive.”

“Haha, I’m very sorry.”

Wilhelm reacted and smiled bitterly: “I’m really old, I can’t even react to this kind of thing.”

“Well, but I have already appreciated the kindness of Mr. Xie Ming.” Xie Ming waved the envelope in his hand and smiled: “Then, I will go back to the room to read the content of the letter, so I won’t disturb my husband’s work. Thank you for your help. ”

“This is where I am responsible.”

Bowing slightly, Wilhelm watched Xie Ming enter the mansion.


The second requirement: Please find a way to enter the Wangxuan Hall.

On the white paper in the envelope, there is only one line written on it.

“Really, very courageous.”

He threw the white paper into a trash can, and Xie Ming closed his eyes.

Just looking at this requirement is actually not a big deal. To go or not to go is just between Xie Ming’s thoughts. After all, don’t forget that Xie Ming said that he had the right to refuse when he agreed to Rozval.

But the requirements this time are not so simple. Since Rozval dared to deliver this letter to himself, then it means that he is ready to follow…..It is a bit inaccurate to say that.

It should be said that if Xie Ming does not show up, he is ready to put Emilia into the most ugly and embarrassing situation.

If Xie Ming had gone, it would have fallen into Rozval’s plan. But if Xie Ming doesn’t go, then Emilia will be very pitiful at the opening ceremony of the king’s election and will be bullied and insulted by everyone.

Rozval, once again used Emilia, to force Xie Ming to submit.

Although Xie Ming had expected this kind of thing when he got the envelope. But when I really saw it, my anger still couldn’t stop. That’s why Xie Ming said that Rozval was really bold.

In other words, this clown is not dead at all. Does he really think that Xie Ming dare not kill him?

Everyone believes that Xie Ming has the same strength as Reinharut. But he was seriously injured and could not beat Reinharut. Therefore, Wilhelm reminded him that Rozval used this to threaten him.

But are things really the same as they thought?

Don’t forget that Xie Ming’s passive protection is that he won’t be hurt by any magical attacks. However, it still has active skills. And this active skill made Xie Ming an invincible existence in this world.

Can interfere with any magic, power, and protection on the plane.

Why is Reinhardt so strong? His own strength is only part of it, but what pushes him to the strongest throne is his countless protections.

The reason why the jealous witch is feared by everyone is because she is beyond imagination and can swallow half of the world’s power. But what she relies on is the power she has.

And Xie Ming’s protection can interfere with any protection and power. In other words, if Xie Ming really wants to, he can interfere, permanently eliminate, and even permanently seize any protection and power from any person. Including, Rein Harut and the Envy Witch.

Why doesn’t Xie Ming use this protection? That’s because this protection is really horrible. Once someone sees the terminal, then he will become the second existence like the jealous witch, and become the real public enemy of the world.

However, the name of this protection is called ‘Friends of the Plane’. A protection that will make the owner become a public enemy of the world is actually called ‘Friends of the Plane’. What an irony, what a ridiculous thing.

So obviously there is more convenient protection, but Xie Ming still uses Forbidden Demon Eye. Because the eyes that can eliminate magic, although powerful, they are not the kind of bug-level existence. At least, there are people who can restrain.

But once people learn about Xie Ming’s protective existence that can take the protection of others, then Xie Ming will inevitably be pursued endlessly. Pursue and kill, gather more people to chase and kill, and then kill more people.

At this point, what will happen to the innocent and kind silly girl like Emilia? What will happen to the two little maids, Remram?

The final result will only become one kind.

Xie Ming completely destroyed this plane and became the real Demon King. Don’t doubt that Xie Ming, who has this protection and has captured countless protections, can become such an existence without even having to do it himself. But this ending is not what Xie Ming expected. Therefore, he must hide this protection to the end.

However, this does not mean that Xie Ming will be arbitrarily pinched and threatened by others.

With a plan in mind, Xie Ming slowly opened his eyes.

“Since you want to play, then I will play with you.”

“However, the price of letting me play with me, I wonder if you can bear it?”

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