Chapter 716

Now that the plan has been finalized, all that is left is to implement it. So Xie Ming left the room, after explaining to Kurxiu, he left the Kalsten mansion.

With regard to her own injuries, Felice has done her best within his ability. Utilizing the characteristics of water magic, fills up the small gap in the ‘source of life’. And the remaining big gap is the scope of his powerlessness. So it doesn’t make much sense to stay at Karlsten’s house.

The election of the king will begin tomorrow, and the time now is close to evening. There is not much time left for Xie Ming. He must find a way to enter the Wangxuan Hall without any sequelae during this night.

And there are only four kinds of people who can enter the Wangxuan Hall. The Knights of the Guards directly under the royal family, the electors, the knights of the electors, and the council of wise men in charge of state affairs when the king is not elected.

However, in the original work, the protagonist of the plot, Caiyue Subaru, enters the Wangxuan Hall as the servant of the Wangxuan. Then, to be able to enter the Wang Xuan Hall, there is one more choice.

Become an entourage of one of the five dragon maidens. In this way, Xie Ming could enter the Wangxuan Hall.

But of course, if Xie Ming did nothing, he could still enter the hall. Because Xie Ming participated in the dispute of the king’s choice, it was Rozval’s plan. How could that clown really do nothing?

That letter was a threat to Xie Ming, but it was insurance to Rozval. He cannot withstand failure, he must succeed. So even knowing that doing so would anger Xie Ming, Rozval sent this letter.

Facts have proved that this letter has indeed successfully provoked Xie Ming’s anger. When Xie Ming decided to play with him, it was destined that Xie Ming’s actions would never be expected by anyone. Because any plan is also based on intelligence.

According to the information Rozvall learned, Xie Ming would need the help of the nobles if he wanted to enter the King’s Selection Hall. In fact, shortly after Xie Ming left the Kalsten mansion, the news reached Rozval. It is conceivable that all of Xie Ming’s actions Rozval can live in Master through various channels.

Naturally, it also included the encounter between Xie Ming and Priscilla this afternoon. Therefore, for Rozval, as an existence that can bring Xie Ming into the Wangxuan Hall, Priscilla, a role that has been interested in Xie Ming and has always been arrogant and arrogant, is perfect.

Coupled with Priscilla’s own protection, if Xie Ming does not use his own protection, then tomorrow he will definitely take Priscilla’s dragon cart to the king’s city. But Xie Ming, who is close to Emelia, went with Priscilla, which would definitely make Emelia lose points again in everyone’s eyes.

Therefore, if you want to enter the royal city without causing trouble to Emilia, the option Priscilla must be removed first.

In this way, two of the five kings were eliminated. Ferut and Kursiu and another one were left.

The option of Filut must also be removed. Nothing else, just to avoid suspicion.

If unsurprisingly, Filut became the elector, he must have the support of Reinhardt. But having Reinharut’s support does not mean that she can get the support of the entire Juggernaut family—Astraea. Presumably, the current Astreya family must be in a state of civil strife.

At this time, if Xie Ming, who is kind to Filut, went to find her, he would definitely become a pawn for the Astreya family to attack Filut. And I said before, find a way to get in that doesn’t cause trouble to Emilia. So Filut also PASS.

In this way, only Kursiu and another woman are left among the five kings.

To be fair, if Xie Ming had spoken to Kuerxiu, Kuerxiu would inevitably agree without saying a word. This woman who won’t let her beard and eyebrows has such courage and determination. But in this way, even if Kurxiu didn’t say anything, Xie Ming would feel that he owed her a favor.

The so-called favor debt is the most difficult to repay. At this time, if you owe favor to Kurxiu, then it will be very difficult for future plans. Therefore, even if Kurxiu was very suitable, Xie Ming could only say goodbye to her briefly in order to make the plan smooth.

The remaining king-chosen was Xie Ming’s most suitable choice. Even if it is not the elimination method, she is more suitable than Kurt Xiu, and will not cause any trouble.

Because this kingly candidate is a very outstanding businessman.

Dealing with businessmen is the most difficult and easiest. The difficulty lies in the fact that if you can’t come up with valuable information or items that merchants can see, and don’t have a clever brain, then you will only be pitted with no pants.

But if you have something worthy enough, and a smarter head, then a businessman is your best partner. Moreover, there will be no worries at all. Because this is a pure transaction. Even if the deal is over and the war starts right away, there won’t be many problems.

Standing on the top of a building, Demon Eye of Forbidden successfully caught a young figure wearing a white robe. The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth curled up slightly, and he teleported to the young figure.

“Wow! Scared Mi Mi a big jump!”

In front of Xie Ming, there was a demihuman. With a lovely voice, emerald green pupils, orange hair and pointed ears, she is a real cat lady Loli. And this Loli’s name is Mi Mi.

“Big brother.”

Mi Mi tilted her head and looked at Xie Ming innocently: “You stand in front of Mi Mi, do you want to fight Mi Mi?”

“No, of course not.” Xie Ming smiled and said calmly: “Let’s not mention the consequences of fighting in the royal capital. Even if you look at the number of you, normal people don’t think that way.”

That’s right, the street Xie Ming teleported to was full of people wearing white robes like Mi Mi. In other words, these people are all in the same group.

“Oh, big brother, you are very smart~” Mi Mi said happily, “I didn’t come to fight, that is to say, I came to find sister Anna to do business~”


Xie Ming smiled and said, “Mimi is also very smart.”

“Humph, of course.”

Standing tall, Mi Mi jumped to a tavern: “Then my big brother will follow Mi Mi, sister Anna is here.”

“Hmm~ Did you take me there like this?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Mimi, why do you think, Big Brother, I won’t hurt your sister Anna?”

“Hey, big brother, you are so stupid.”

Mi Mi wrinkled her nose and said proudly, “Mi Mi’s nose is very smart~ Who must be killed, no one can provoke, and no one can be brought over to see Sister Anna, Mi Mi can smell it all. .”

“So, what’s the smell on Big Brother?” Xie Ming asked with interest.

“Can’t provoke, but a kind-hearted brother who can cooperate!”

A sly look flashed in her eyes, and Mi Mi said cutely.

“Tsk tsk, good kid, just like that, he was taken badly.”

“Oh, I seem to hear someone say bad things about us, isn’t it, Mi Mi~”

“Sister Anna!”

Mi Mi pounced on the white figure who walked out of the tavern and shouted happily. And Xie Ming also looked at this girl.

She is the trade partner Xie Ming selected this time.

The Chosen One-Anastasia Hexin.

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