Chapter 718

Anastasia naturally has the decisiveness. It was just out of the merchant’s instinct that she wanted to seek more benefits. So she talked about one hundred thousand sacred gold coins, just plainly saying that you are the one who pitted you.

However, Xie Ming backhanded and dug an even bigger hole for Anastasia. With intelligence worth more than 100,000 holy gold coins, it depends on whether you have the courage to place this bet.

The stuff of intelligence varies from person to person. Perhaps some inadvertent things are particularly important to some people. Anastasia herself is also a very good at discovering information from other people’s words. So she understands the value of intelligence better.

Although I just met Xie Ming today, she also had a general judgment about Xie Ming from the information she obtained and the short exchanges. Overall, this is a very good partner. IQ is always online and sensible, coupled with the superb personal strength.

There is no disadvantage to befriend such a person.

Thinking of this, Anastasia also had a decision in her heart. If the information Xie Ming said was not of such a high value, then just sell him this time as a favor. Anyway, I won’t suffer anyway.

However, superficial effort still needs to be done.

“Oh~, Mr. Xie Ming really likes to bully weak women like us.”

With a pitiful expression on her face, Anastasia said aggrievedly: “Well, let’s agree to Mr. Hope this time. Mr. Hope, don’t bully us too much.”

Play fine.

Turning to Byakugan in his heart, Xie Ming smiled and said, “Relax, this information of mine is very important to anyone.”

“Then, let’s look forward to it.” Anastasia blinked and quietly waited for Xie Ming’s following.

Xie Ming took a sip of tea, cleared his throat, and then said softly: “Before this, I want to ask the president first. Do you think the official start of Uranus election will cause any disturbance?”

“What kind of disturbance? I don’t know, we are just a businessman.”

“Haha, okay.” With a smile, Xie Ming understood that Anastasia could not reveal any news, so he had to go on: “The announcement of the identities of the five kings will inevitably cause commotion in all quarters. But this Among them, the announcement of Emilia’s identity will definitely become the biggest commotion.”

“Moreover, it will definitely cause some crazy people to come.”

“…The Witch’s Cult?” Anastasia asked softly, her expression gradually stern.


Nodded, Xie Ming said lightly: “As you know, I brought the Warcraft Envoy to my subordinates. With her ability, in the forest of Rozvar, she is definitely the best detective and combatant. In me A few days before leaving the Rozval Mansion, I found traces of the Witch’s Cult in the forest.”

“When the Wangxuan launching ceremony is over, I believe it’s time for the madmen to do it. Since the Witch Cult has arrived in the forest of the Rozval Mansion, a creature that moves with the Witch Cult will naturally come. ”

“The creature that moves with the Witch’s Teaching…Could it be!”

Anastasia’s pupils contracted and she murmured a name: “White Whale.”

As I said before, Warcraft is a by-product of the witch. Among the beasts, there are three existences at the top, and people usually call them the three big beasts. And Beluga is one of these three monsters.

Beluga, as its name suggests, is a huge white whale flying in the sky, also known as the “Beast of Fog”. Its power is fog. Where it appears, it is often filled with invisible white mist. The existence that is swallowed by it will disappear together with other people’s memories of it.

For merchants, this is a real natural enemy.

Xie Ming nodded and played with the teacup in his hand: “I believe President Anastasia also has statistics in his hands. Every time the white whale appears, there will inevitably be the appearance of the Witch Cult. Therefore, the Witch Cult must have something to do with the white whale. Relationship. Now that the Witch’s Cult has appeared in the forest of Mezas Territory, white whales will naturally appear nearby.”

“You know, although the distance between the Rozval Mansion and the capital is not very close, it is definitely not very far. Especially for a huge creature like the white whale.”

Looking at Anastasia who fell into silence, Xie Ming smiled and said: “I don’t know if the president thinks, is this news worth the price of 100,000 Saint gold coins?”


Anastasia thought for a moment, and then smiled and said with a smile: “Reluctantly. But the transaction is a transaction after all. Although it is somewhat at a loss, we are not such a small-hearted person. Tomorrow, my husband will go to the Wangxuan hall with us. .”

“Tonight, sir, please stay in this tavern. It will be convenient to go together at that time.”

“Then thank you for the kindness of the president.”

Without refusal, Xie Ming and Anastasia walked out of the room together, and then moved in under her arrangement.

A very stressful day in every sense, it just passed.


The next day, after having breakfast with Anastasia, the two walked out of the tavern. In front of the pub, there is a luxury dragon car with the logo of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce. In front of the dragon cart, a handsome knight full of aristocratic atmosphere was standing there, waiting quietly.

“Oh, Julius, you are here.”

Anastasia chuckled softly: “Mr. Xie Ming, let me introduce you. This is our knight, known as the “best knight”, by Rius Ukuleus.”

“I have heard of Mr. Xie Ming’s name for a long time.”

The knight known as Julius smiled politely, his eyes full of scrutiny when he looked at Xie Ming: “A long time ago, I heard that Reinharut’s dragon sword once broke out for you, so I always wanted to see it. Last side. I didn’t expect to see it in places that I didn’t expect. It’s really unpredictable.”

Reinhardt’s dragon sword is a weapon with its own thinking. Only when the opponent is a person recognized by it, it will get out of the sheath. But in the entire Knights of Guards, no one is qualified to let the dragon sword out of its sheath. In other words, no one in the entire Knights of Guards can be recognized by Dragon Sword.

“Hey, there is such a thing.”

Knowing this, Anastasia couldn’t help but make Anastasia even more curious about Xie Ming. She was actually a strong man who could unscath the dragon sword…

“Although it is my honor to make you curious, but…” Xie Ming shrugged: “Aren’t we going to the Wang Xuan Hall? If we continue to talk like this, is there still time?”

Only then did the two react, and the three of them boarded the dragon cart together.

The goal is, Wangcheng

However, Xie Ming had to deal with questions from Julius during the time he arrived in the royal city. This is really…..


Xie Ming sighed deeply.

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