Chapter 719: Good Morning

Anastasia walked in the front of the adorned incomparably sacred and solemn promenade, and Xie Ming and Julius followed on both sides of the rear. On both sides, a guard wearing a full armor and holding a spear, stood upright like a pine tree, without any movement. It makes people feel that maybe this is really just armor, no one in it.

But if you make any dangerous moves, believe me, you will definitely be surrounded by more than three spears in an instant. Compared with the guards patrolling outside, the one who can guard in the royal city is definitely the elite of the elite.

At the end of the corridor, there is a huge red double-opening door nearly 10 meters high. In front of the door, stood a sturdy middle-aged man with short hair. Unlike other guards, he did not wear a helmet, and the style of armor on his body was different.

He is a knight, a guard knight of the Knights of Guards.

Seeing the three people in front of him, the middle-aged man didn’t react at all. He bowed his head to Anastasia without being humble or arrogant: “Welcome to the royal city, Master Anastasia.”

“Well, you have worked hard.”

Anastasia said cutely, “Please open the door.”

“Before this, I would like to ask about the identity of this adult.” The middle-aged knight glanced at Xie Ming slightly and asked, “Is this the new knight of Lord Anastasia?”

“No, it’s our very close partner.” Anastasia chuckled lightly: “We should not be too much to invite our partner to the king’s election ceremony.”


The middle-aged knight froze for a moment, and glanced at Julius on the other side. After seeing Julius nod slightly, the middle-aged knight no longer hesitated.

“Then, please enter three people. Except for Priscilla, the other three adults are already waiting inside.”

The giant gate slowly opened under the impetus of guards on both sides. Let the situation inside enter Xie Ming’s eyes.

The red carpet directly leads to the high platform, and on both sides of the carpet, there are civil servants in black tuxedos and guard knights in white knight uniforms. The decoration of the entire hall can only be described as luxury, but it is not surprising to think that this is the hall of the Royal City’s audience.

On the high platform, there are four stools and a long marble table on the left and right sides. And deep in the center, bright red seats stood quietly. On the back, there are two symmetrical golden dragons carved. Between the golden dragons, a long sword is erected.

With the kingdom’s national emblem as the background, the chair is naturally the throne that the five dragon maidens fought for.

On the high platform, standing a woman with long green hair in a military uniform, a girl in a gorgeous dress, and a half-elf with silver hair in a white robe.

Attracted by the sound of the opening of the door, whether it was a knight, a nobleman, or the three kings on the high platform, naturally they couldn’t help but look towards the entrance. When they saw Xie Ming in a dark red windbreaker, everyone was stunned.

The nobles and knights are probably thinking about something like, “Who is this?” “,”What is the relationship with Anastasia?” This kind of conjecture about Xie Ming’s identity. But the people who knew Xie Ming’s identity were really utterly dumbfounded.

Especially, the silver-haired princess who is gentler and kinder than anyone else, for the sake of others.

“Xie Ming!”

Covering his small mouth with both hands, in the crystal-like beautiful purple eyes, he was already full of surprise and disbelief at this time.

Why, why is he here? Here, this place should have nothing to do with him!

The shaking and panic in her heart made her react a little overwhelmingly. She ran from the high platform to Xie Ming’s face: “Why are you here?”

“Sa, why? I am looking for this reason now.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming looked at the smiling clown on the high platform with a smile, and said meaningfully.

From Xie Ming’s words, Emilia felt something was wrong. Then he will look at Rozval, and suddenly understand something.

“But…why did you…”

Why come with Anastasia.

This is the thing that shakes Emelia the most. Why do my friends stay with my competitors? If it weren’t for Emilia’s complete trust in Xie Ming, she would definitely wonder if Xie Ming was a spy for Anastasia’s camp.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Miss Half-elf.”

Anastasia said faintly: “Mr. Xie Ming specifically found me, a businessman, and asked me to bring him in through a transaction. Understand? The relationship between me and Mr. Xie Ming is a transaction relationship.”

After speaking, Anastasia didn’t even look at Emilia, and smiled at Xie Ming: “Then the content of the transaction between our doors is over, I will be separated first.”


Xie Ming nodded, and then looked at Emilia who was somewhat at a loss, and said softly: “I understand your current mood, but as a friend who met again after two days of parting, what do you think should be said? ?Emilia.”


As a friend who meets again, what should I say?

Emilia doesn’t know, because so far she has only one friend, Xie Ming. Xie Ming slowly taught her how to get along with friends during that month. But Xie Ming never taught her such a scene.

“It’s okay, relax. It’s like we say hello and chat every morning. Feel free and natural. Tell me what you think.”

The gentle words, like a breeze, blew away the anxiety and panic that permeated Emelia’s heart at this time.

Slightly closed her eyes, Emilia got rid of all the negative feelings in her heart.

Indeed, seeing Xie Ming here made her very flustered, very disturbed, and very shaken. But these feelings all stem from her identity as the king’s elector. In front of Xie Ming, she was just Amelia, who was a friend of Xie Ming.

So when you see the first, perhaps the only friend in your life again, how do you feel? What should I say?

This, there is already an answer, right?

Opening his eyes again, those beautiful pupils were filled with joy, the corners of his mouth curled up, her hands were overlapped on her chest, and Emilia burst out with an extremely eye-catching smile.

Whether it is a civilian or military officer, a noble or a knight, whether it is someone who hates her in his heart, or someone who doesn’t care, they are all deeply infected by this smile.

Looking at this smile, they seemed to be returning to the innocent life they had when they were young. When I was playing with my friends at that time, did I also wear this kind of smile?

“Good morning, Xie Ming. Did you sleep well last night?”

An ordinary greeting, casual and natural. But inside, the girl’s joy about “reuniting with friends” is about to overflow.

“Good morning, Emilia.”

Xie Ming chuckled and touched Emilia’s head: “I slept well last night, especially when I thought of meeting you today, I can’t help but imagine what kind of expression you would look like when you see me. As a result, it was exactly the same as I thought.”

“Um…Xie Ming, you bullied me again!”

The young girl’s anger and the youth’s chuckle brought a gentle wind into this serious hall.

The two are friends, and their friendship cannot be destroyed by any tricks or conspiracies.

This is the thought that appeared in everyone’s mind after seeing Emilia and Xie Ming.

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