Chapter 720

“Oh oh oh, it’s really hot, brother Xie Ming.”

At this time, the door of the hall was pushed open again, and Priscilla in a bright red dress and Al in fancy dress walked in. That sentence was obviously a booze, and it was naturally said by the undecent uncle Al.

And Priscilla, still looks arrogant. She opened the fan in her hand and smiled at Xie Ming: “Although the process is different from the concubine’s imagination, you still came to me, Xie Ming.”

Listening to this woman’s tone, it seems that she already knows that Xie Ming’s situation is the same. But Xie Ming, don’t want to pay attention to this annoying woman.

“Emilia.” Xie Ming said softly: “You go and prepare first, don’t worry about me.”


Emilia obviously still hesitated, because she really didn’t want to involve Xie Ming in the matter of Wang Xuan. At the same time, he secretly glanced at Priscilla, whose face was already very bad after being ignored by Xie Ming.

“rest assured.”

Gently patted Emilia’s head, Xie Ming comforted: “I will adapt to changes.”

This is not a reassuring answer at all!

It’s a pity that Emilia doesn’t have such sharp spit skills at all, and she also understands that Xie Ming can’t go out at this time. Therefore, she can only worry about persuading.

“Don’t mess around.”

After speaking, he boarded the high platform again. And Xie Ming was also ready to find a place to stay, quietly waiting for the start of Wang Xuan. However, it is naturally impossible for a woman who has been ignored to just let him go.

“You have the courage, you man.”

Closed the Lei Fan, stretched out her hand to block Xie Ming, and Priscilla stepped on her high heels and slowly approached. The distance between the two of them instantly shrank to the point where they could feel each other’s breath.

“Oh oh oh!!!” Al started booing in an instant, and he was also very surprised. According to his understanding, although Priscilla is arrogant and domineering, and has been married to seven nobles, her body has not been touched by any man.

Even if it’s me, I rarely touch it. But it was incredible that she actually approached a man proactively like this.

Even Al is like this, let alone others. Priscilla’s bad personality, but every senior has experienced it. Such a woman would actually make such a move? And it’s still in full view! I really have to say that this woman is bold.

“Xie Ming!”

Emilia, who had just returned to the high platform, saw this scene as soon as she turned her head, she couldn’t help but feel a little anxious and wanted to go back again. However, she was stopped by Kursho.

“Master Kurxiu?”

Emilia looked at Kurxiu in confusion, and didn’t understand why she was blocking herself.

“Your Excellency Emilia, please look carefully.”

Kuerxiu said softly: “In Your Excellency Xie Ming’s eyes, there is no slightest wave of wavering.”


Indeed, even if the plumpness of Priscilla’s chest is already attached to Xie Ming’s chest, the attractive pale pink lips can be easily picked off as long as he lowers his head. However, in Xie Ming’s eyes, there is still no wave.

Priscilla is indeed very beautiful and attractive. But among the thousands of planes, there are countless people like Priscilla and even more beautiful than Priscilla. So Priscilla wanted to use this method to make Xie Ming shake and regress, it was a bit whimsical.

Maintaining his free standing posture, Xie Ming asked faintly: “So, does your behavior have any meaning?”


Tilting her head, Priscilla smiled and said: “I want to do this, so I just do it. It doesn’t need any meaning.”


Xie Ming sneered, and said calmly: “So, have you played enough?”


Priscilla took a few steps back, opened the fan again, and covered half of her face, her red pupils were full of appreciation: “The concubine body is really getting more and more of you. It’s been a long time since I let the concubine body have it. A touch of heartbeat.”

“I didn’t waver because of the actions of my concubine, or had any disgusting desires. Although this way I slightly doubt your strength as a man, but this is indeed worthy of commendation.”

I don’t need this kind of little girl to evaluate his own man’s strength. If you replace it with any man, it is estimated that you may get angry and have the idea of ​​‘let this woman taste her own strength’. However, Xie Ming will not be angry.

Being angry at this time will only make yourself a disadvantage. As long as one’s own strength is known to her own woman.

So facing Priscilla’s words, Xie Ming asked without changing his face: “Will you have a desire for a guy who is good only with a skin?”

As soon as this remark came out, the hall where no one was talking was directly plunged into zero degrees.

Xie Ming’s words were mocking Priscilla in front of her face. Apart from being beautiful on the outside, there was nothing inherent in it. For a woman, this is no less than slapped her several times in front of everyone.

But this is for normal women. And Priscilla is definitely not a normal woman.

“It is true that the inner part of the concubine body is the elegance that you ordinary people cannot feel. But there is no way, this is the gap between the concubine body and you.”

Priscilla bent her eyes and said with a chuckle: “But don’t worry, since you have been taken by me, then sooner or later you will feel the beauty of the concubine body. Because the world revolves around the concubine body.”

Xie Ming has nothing to say. It is really the first time he has seen such a confident person. Thinking differently, how do you talk? Cross-server chat?

“So, sooner or later you will come to your concubine’s body. As for the process in the middle, let the concubine’s body enjoy it.”

Walking slowly to Xie Ming’s side, Priscilla stood on tiptoe and quietly left three words in Xie Ming’s ear.


Afterwards, he walked straight up to the high platform.


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming discovered something. My original intention was to keep this troublesome woman as far away as possible, but now it seems that she still entangled herself?

Wang (W) and Germany (T) send (F)?

When Xie Ming was a little doubtful about his life, the middle-aged man who had just stood in front of the gate had already stood on the steps of the high platform, and solemnly declared to everyone: “The opening ceremony of Wang Xuan is about to begin, please prepare.”

The sound broke the silence in the hall. Whether it was the knights of guards in white ornate uniforms or the noble civilians in black tuxedos, they all consciously arranged a neat line, one left and one right, one white and one black.

And Al, also came to Xie Ming’s side, scratched his helmet with his fingers, and said arrogantly: “Then, let’s join the list. But, who seems to be missing?”

“If you say Reinharut, he is already in the team.” Xie Ming glanced at the red-haired sword master who was gracefully waving to the two of him in the queue, and said faintly.

“Oh! Really! This guy is still a monster as always…”

Looking at Xie Ming, Al murmured in his heart, and then said with a big grin: “In this way, the five supporters of the king’s election have all come.”

Yes, Reinharut who supports Firut, Al who supports Priscilla, Felis who supports Kursi, Julius who supports Anastasia, and…

Xie Ming who supports Emilia.

Obviously in everyone’s eyes, Xie Ming has become a supporter of Emilia. Although Xie Ming is not yet, everyone already thinks so, and Xie Ming will not specifically deny it.

Well, go with the flow.

Shrugging, Xie Ming tapped his cane and entered the queue with Al.

Wang Xuan is finally about to start.

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