Chapter 721 Five Dragon Witches

“Oh, Xie Ming, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

After entering the queue, Reinhardt greeted Xie Ming heartily: “I knew you would be here.”


Xie Ming said helplessly: “Although the princess above has been avoiding getting me in, it’s a pity that others don’t think so.”

“Hahaha, it seems that you have a very complicated reason for coming here.” Reinhardt said happily: “But it is indeed a very happy thing to see you here. Although I am very I want to introduce you to my friends, but…you seem to know each other.”

“That’s right…” Xie Ming shrugged: “By the way, how did the kid and Firut you take away that day?”

“I took it away… Ah, you mean Subaru.”

Speaking of the Pleiades Cai Yue, the expression on Reinhardt’s face was even happier: “He is really a very interesting friend. Although he always says something I don’t understand at all, he has the courage to do as he pleases. I respect it very much.”

“And Ferut-sama…” Mentioning this, Reinhardt took a deep look at Xie Ming: “It’s thanks to Xie Ming for your help. Otherwise, I don’t know how to pass it. How long will it take to find her.”

“I’m also doing this for that girl’s good.”

Looking at Firut, who was impatient on the high platform, Xie Ming smiled: “I don’t know how long, it means that they will be found sooner or later. Since it is only a matter of time, why not let this girl take the initiative? ”

“The initiative…” Reinharut rubbed his eyebrows in distress: “I knew you taught her. Otherwise, with the wild temper of Lord Filut, how could it be possible? Are you willing to learn about politics?”

“What, what, what are you talking about?” Feilisi peeked her head from behind Xie Ming: “Listen to you, Xie Ming discovered the fifth king elector?”

“It’s a coincidence.”

Xie Ming said casually, and then a trace of evil interest appeared on his face: “However, it is estimated that the other king candidates will have a headache. Although Filut’s foundation is very weak, his motivation is not lost to Ananta. From West Asia. I really want to see the restless and helpless expressions on other people’s faces when dealing with such a wild girl.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s words, the faces of the other four knights were speechless. Did you know that the Emily Yaye you support will be helpless because of the wild girl in your mouth?

Reinhardt laughed a few times: “Hahaha, all in all, whether it’s the thing that saved Lord Filut before, or the thing that helped me find Lord Filut, I and the Astreyas are both I owe you a great favor.”

“Well, let’s talk about this kind of thing at that time.”

Not caring about the favor from Reinharut’s mouth, Xie Ming said with interest: “What I want to know now is what other tricks the clown who specially asked me to come here will do next.”


Looking at Rozval who was waiting on the sidelines, Reinharut thought thoughtfully. However, a voice interrupted his thinking.

The middle-aged knight on the steps again solemnly announced at this time: “Next, I will invite the adults from the Society of Sages to enter the arena.”

The door opened again, and the elderly in purple robes stepped on the red carpet unhurriedly and stepped onto the high platform. The leader is an old man who looks very kind, with white beard and hair almost dragging to the ground.

“He is a representative of the Wise Men’s Association, Sir Macrotov.”

Noting Xie Ming’s gaze, Reinhardt explained to Xie Ming in a low voice: “He is a respected elder, and no matter who he is in the whole kingdom, he will be treated with courtesy.”


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Even the crazy woman Priscilla?”

“Ahaha…” Reinharut suddenly laughed again, how did this make him answer.

“Hahaha, brother Xie Ming, you are really welcome.”

At this time, Al accepted Xie Ming’s words: “Yes, even if you are so arrogant and domineering like our princess, you will be slightly restrained in front of him.”


But it is true that this old man is very unusual. In Xie Ming’s observation, even if his eyes saw Emilia’s body, there was not a trace of strangeness in his pupils. It seems that the five dragon witches are just ordinary girls.

As mentioned earlier, before the king was identified, the affairs of the country were handled by the Association of Wise Men. But in fact, even if the king appears, the rights of the wise men will not be reduced much.

Because the country of Lugonika is the kingdom of pro-dragon. The meaning of the king is more to maintain the contract between the kingdom and the dragon. So in a sense, the eight old men who walked up to the high platform and became chairs on both sides are the pinnacle of power in this country.

And the old man Microtov is even more like the existence of the king’s hand.

After all the members of the Society of Sages were seated, the middle-aged knight also introduced himself: “Then, forgive me for overstepping, this ceremony will be presided over by me, the commander of the Knights of Guards, Max.”

“The cause of the incident was that the royal family members headed by the former king died one after another, which led to the crisis of extermination of the royal family of this country! A country without a leader is the kingdom’s biggest dilemma. Not to mention, the existence of the king is related to our exposure. The Covenant between the Kingdom of Gurney and the Dragon.”

“Fortunately, a new prophecy appeared on the dragon calendar stone that showed the will of the dragon. Find five dragon maidens and select one of them to become the real king. This task is taken over by our Knights of Guards. And look for it so far.”

“Finally, the five dragon witches are all here. So I am very anxious that you all come here to witness this scene.”

“Five adults, please show the Dragon Ball!”

The five girls all stretched out their hands. On the palm of the hand, on the badge with the dragon print, the red gem was shining with extremely dazzling light. Looking at the light, everyone present made moving and amazed voices.

“As you can see, Dragon Ball has already recognized the identities of the five dragon witches. Now, under the witness of all the sages, I would like to officially announce the beginning of the selection of the king!”

As soon as Max’s words fell, among the ranks of civil servants, a middle-aged man with his back and thick black eye circles on his face, a nervous-looking middle-aged man walked out, with undisguised mockery, and said so.

“Before this, I think I should consider the identity of the king’s elector.”

“Oh, it really came.”

Looking at the middle-aged man, Xie Ming sighed deeply. But in the eyes, cold light is slowly condensing. This made Reinharut, who felt it, couldn’t help holding the dragon sword tightly, and said with a wry smile: “Xie Ming, I don’t want to fight you here…”

“I don’t want to, so don’t worry.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “I can assure you that I will never make a move. Is this okay? Reinhardt.”

“…….that’s it.”

Reinhardt breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

It is a pity that the middle-aged man did not hear what Xie Ming and Reinhardt said. He still said to himself: “Except for Kurxiu-sama who comes from the famous orthodox school, let’s see what kind of people are left.”

“There are only greedy businessmen from neighboring countries, widows who have married seven husbands, homeless children from slums, and even silver-haired half demons!”

The silver-haired half-devil, these five words, instantly aroused everyone’s disgust. Not for middle-aged people, but for Emilia.

This is the situation of Emilia. A kind girl who is disgusted by everyone just because of her looks.

Emilia lowered her head at this time, but I believe her beautiful purple eyes are full of sadness at this time.

You said, how could this make Xie Ming sit back and watch?

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