Chapter 722

The half-devil with silver hair is a derogatory term for the half-elf with silver hair. It goes without saying who the magic word represents.

“Such a filthy existence actually makes her the king’s choice! It is simply…”


“Whether it is the Astraea family who supports the vagrants, or the ignorance of the Mezas frontier who elected half-devil as the king…”


“She shouldn’t have let her enter between the thrones at all!!”


With the sound of the cane tapping louder than louder, the noisy hall that had been talked about instantly became quiet. Everyone turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

And there is exactly where Xie Ming is.

“Why keep your head down?”


“I ask why you are bowing your head, Emilia.”

Xie Ming came out of the queue and looked at Emilia with seriousness and anger in his eyes: “Why do you keep your head down?”


The first time I saw such a serious Xie Ming, Emilia was a little panicked and at a loss: “I…”

“Do you admit what these gangsters said?”

“Miscellaneous….. Miscellaneous?!”

When Xie Ming called himself that, whether it was a wise man or a lowly civil official, his face was instantly filled with anger: “You…you disrespectful kid! Do you know…”

“To shut up.”

boom! ! !

There was no sound or movement, but everyone couldn’t help taking a step back. The sage members who were sitting on the chair with an angry face couldn’t help but leaned against the back of the chair, as if this would give him a sense of security.

The guards knights also clenched the knight sword at their waists, but they didn’t have any courage to pull it out. Just because of this, it can bring some peace of mind to myself.

Because the aura that Xie Ming exploded at this time was not a kind of murderous intent, but another kind of aura that belonged exclusively to the king of the world, the emperor’s power!

Knight, what guts do you have to point your sword at the emperor?

Looking around coldly, Xie Ming said coldly: “I’m talking to Emilia, if you wait for the choppy, if you dare to interrupt…”



The word ‘kill’ instantly frightened the nervous middle-aged civil official and collapsed to the ground, using his limbs to move back. And those so-called ‘sage’s sitting on the chairs’ faces were as pale as paper.

“Xie Ming…”

Emilia looked at the man in front of her, and suddenly felt as if she had never really understood him. I just want to chat with him ignorantly and rely on him. But never thought about asking him, asking about his past, his experience.


Xie Ming looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him again, and asked faintly: “You haven’t answered my question. Why do you bow your head? Is it because you admitted these miscellaneous things?”

“When…. Of course not!” Emilia retorted: “I have nothing to do with’Jealous Witch’,’Satilla’, and’Witch Cult’!”

“So, why do you keep your head down?”

Slowly approaching, Xie Ming continued to ask: “I blame myself, why were you born as a silver-haired half-elf?”


“Are you complaining why God gave you the same look as the “Jealous Witch”?”


“Are you sad because these miscellaneous artists discriminate against you because of your looks?”


Yes, all are. Xie Ming’s three questions almost drew the deep sense of inferiority hidden in the darkness of Emilia’s heart directly under the eyes of everyone.

Why is he a silver-haired half-elf?

Emilia thought about this question.

Even if your hair is not silver, blond, red, or black, wouldn’t there be so many sad things?

Why do you look so similar to the “Jealous Witch”?

Emilia, of course, complained about God, why did she have such a face. It is precisely because of such an ugly face that I keep everyone away. There is no mirror in Emilia’s room. Because she hated seeing her own appearance in the mirror very much.

sad? Of course it will be sad. Just because of one’s own identity and appearance, they are treated differently and discriminated against. Anyone who is replaced will be sad and angry.

No matter how kind and gentle Emilia is, she is still a human being. Being treated like this for a long time will naturally lead to inferiority. Rather, she can still maintain her kindness and gentleness, which is already very valuable.

“Let me ask you a few questions, Emilia.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Do you think you are at fault?”


“Answer firmly!”

Xie Ming increased his tone: “Do you think the reason why you are discriminated against by these miscellaneous practitioners is because of your fault?!”


Of course it was my own fault. If I didn’t look like this, how could others treat me like this. Emilia’s eyes were full of sadness, and her head dropped a little.

“You can’t answer, it’s okay, I’ll answer it for you.” Xie Ming’s stick suddenly tapped, and countless cracks appeared on the mirror-like ground.

“It’s not you who is wrong, it’s this group of craps!”


Emilia was stunned for a moment, then raised her head: “Xie Ming…what…what did you say?”

“I’m saying, you didn’t make any mistakes!”

Contemptuously glanced at the group of civil servants who dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, glanced at the pale-faced’sages’ on the eye stage, Xie Ming categorically said: “Wrong, it is this group of people who have been swallowed by fear. Miscellaneous!”

“Xie Ming…what are you talking about…”

“Don’t you understand? Okay, then I’ll make it clearer.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “It’s not you who swallowed half of the world, it’s the’jealous witch’. Then, why should you be discriminated against by this group of clutter? Just because you look like her? What a joke!”

“The reason why they discriminate against you is because they fear the’jealous witch’ and fear the’jealous witch’. And their despicable character makes them transfer their hatred and hatred of the’jealous witch’ to you. ”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming sneered: “If the’jealous witch’ is really in front of them, guess what kind of behavior would they be?”

“What…like…behavior?” Emilia looked at Xie Ming blankly, her brain a little down.

“Look, it’s like that.”

Pointing the stick to the middle-aged civil official, Xie Ming laughed and said: “No, it will be even worse than him. I dare to use my life to guarantee that if the’jealous witch’ appears in front of him, he will definitely not dare to be like just now. Recklessly. Maybe he will lick the feet of the witch and ask the witch to spare him his life.”

Without concealing his discrimination against these ‘nobles’, Xie Ming’s eyes were full of mockery.

“You said, how can the words of such a chopstick be correct? Only know how to use the origin and blood to evaluate the pigs of others, how can you know the goodness and beauty of people?”

Turning his head, Xie Ming looked at Emilia and said softly: “The day I first came to the royal capital, no one was willing to help me. Everyone avoided me like a snake Sasori. Only you, reached out to me. Gave a helping hand.”

“That kindness is priceless to me.”

“So, raise your head, Emilia.”

Slowly approaching, Xie Ming said seriously: “You have nothing to feel ashamed or feel inferior. Because you are my unique friend Xie Ming admits!”

“Thanks… Ming…..”

“Raise your head, Emilia. Keep your head down, nothing can be solved. What is the purpose of your participation in the election?”

“To create a world where everyone is equal.”

“Then you have to look up, look at these ugly and ugly faces in your eyes, and remember them in your heart! Because they are the enemies you want to fight against!”

“I’ll say it again, Emilia.” Xie Ming said softly and sternly: “Don’t avoid this look! Remember, it’s not you, but them! If you really want to create a human being An equal and peaceful world, then there is only one thing you need to do first.”

“Hold your head up!”

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