Chapter 723: Transformation

Severe cases require strong medicine, which is Xie Ming’s habitual style. For Emilia, her low self-esteem has been deeply rooted, so if you want to get rid of it, you must first let her face these sad eyes.

Discriminatory eyes, hateful eyes, hateful eyes, Emilia must learn to accept them.

Because the purpose of Emilia is to create a world where everyone is equal.

If she doesn’t have such ambitions, then Xie Ming can completely deal with this matter in another way. But she chose such a difficult road, so all Xie Ming can do as a friend is to support and help her.

In Xie Ming’s eyes, Emilia’s situation is actually very similar to the situation of the child of the curse in the’black bullet’. The ignorant people didn’t have the courage to fight the Witch Cult, so they could only turn the fear and anger in their hearts into anger and vent to Emelia.

At the beginning, it was very difficult for Shengtianzi to change people’s views on the cursed child by virtue of his super high personality charm. Moreover, in the “black bullet”, there are still modern people with more open minds. Even so, she was unsuccessful.

As the object of discrimination and hatred, Emilia wants to change people by herself. To be honest, it is really unrealistic. However, in front of her was one of the two who had seized the world’s largest country and ruled the entire world only by the power of the two brothers. No matter how hard it is, can it be harder than this?

So Xie Ming was completely confident and sent Emilia to the throne. But before that, Emilia herself had to change. She must understand, must face up to the extremely ugly negative feelings in people’s hearts!

She must understand what is right and what is wrong, and establish her own concept of right and wrong… She must, she must get rid of her inner self-esteem.

Emilia might not have thought so much, but she also understood what Xie Ming said about it. Xie Ming will not harm himself or deceive himself. Then, there is only one thing she needs to do.

It is the people who choose to believe in these discriminations and hate themselves. I still choose to believe, the only friend who is willing to stand up for myself and feel angry for myself.

Does this still need to choose?

Although she was a little scared, Emilia slowly raised her head, looking at Xie Ming with her bright purple pupils, and asked softly: “I, is it really okay?”

Can you really live with your head upright? I can really do it, so I don’t have to care about my appearance anymore? Really, can you face these sad eyes? …….

This is ok, it contains too much. Xie Ming, all understand. The answer he gave was naturally affirmative.


Touching Emilia’s head, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Remember! You, but my confidant friend!”

Seeing Xie Ming’s confident look, the anxiety and low self-esteem in Emilia’s heart seemed to be dispelled all at once, and she burst into laughter.

Obviously, this place made myself feel wronged too much. But at this moment, he can show a smile in this place. And all of this was brought by him.

He, why should he be so good to himself? Why do you want to help yourself like this?

“Because we are friends.”

Emilia knew that if she asked her, the answer would definitely be this.

Since my friends have helped me in this way, it would be too much if I don’t live up to it a little bit.

As he said, he must face it. No, it’s not moving anymore.

Seeing the change in Emilia’s eyes, Xie Ming laughed, and let go, letting the disgusted and discriminated silver-haired half-elf face everyone’s eyes again. At this time, Emilia no longer bowed her head.

These gazes are very hurtful and painful. However, you have to face it yourself.

Slowly forward, Emelia firmly, toward the high-levels of the Lugonika Kingdom, the nobles, the knights of the guards, and the sages, so declared.

“My name is Emilia. It is what you hate. The silver-haired half-elf! I still don’t understand why just because I am a silver-haired half-elf, you want you to associate me with the’Jealous Witch’. . But, I don’t need to understand these.”

“Because I am a silver-haired half-elf, I can establish a contract with the big elf Parker who controls the attribute of fire! It is because I am a silver-haired half-elf that I can understand people who are discriminated against because of my birth! It is also because of me. It’s a silver-haired half-elf, so I can know what is so important to me, my only friend!”

Seeing everyone’s astonished eyes, Emilia smiled: “I was chosen by the Shenlong, one of the five dragon witches! I am the king of choice, unless one day the Shenlong does not recognize me, then I I am not qualified. And before that, I was still the one who was qualified to be the king of choice.”

“The purpose of my king’s election is to create a country where everyone is equal! In order to no longer have people and be discriminated against because of their identity! So in order to fulfill my wish, I will work hard to ascend the throne! I will let the world change the way it treats me view!”

“I’m very sorry that it took up everyone’s time.”

Bowing to everyone, Emilia returned to the high platform and smiled at Xie Ming under the high platform.

Xie Ming gave a thumbs up, and walked out of the hall on his own. Because he knew that Emilia at this time no longer needed her own help.

Watching Xie Ming’s departure, Macrotov, who had been sitting in his seat and watching the changes, said softly: “Master Emilia, do you know the identity of Master Xie Ming?”

“do not know.”

Emilia smiled: “Because I just need to know that he is my most important friend, that’s enough.”

“Really…….. also…”

Microtov touched his beard and looked at Emilia, who was completely different from before. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “It’s really amazing, the emperor.”

Then he stood up and said to everyone.

“As Master Emilia said, she is the dragon maiden chosen by the dragon. We have no right to interfere with the choice of the dragon. Therefore, if anyone wants to question the origin of the dragon maiden and slander the chosen one , Will be punished for insulting the royal family.”

Since then, all the king’s electors except Kurxiu will no longer be ridiculed because of their identity. The gap between them and Kursiu has been reduced today. And all of this is due to a man’s behavior.

“Oh~ Mr. Xie Ming is really getting more and more out of our expectations…” This was Anastasia’s thoughts.

“It seems that the evaluation of Your Excellency Xie Ming will continue to rise.” This is Kurxiu’s idea.

“I like you more and more, Xie Ming. The world will let you come to my concubine sooner or later.” This is Priscilla’s thoughts.

“Wow, Brother Xie Ming is so handsome!” This was Filut’s thoughts.

Of course, no matter who it is, even if arrogant as Priscilla, he understands one thing.

This silver-haired half-elf lady is no longer the same. At first, no one was optimistic about her. Not only because of her identity, but because Emilia did not have the consciousness of becoming a kingly candidate.

And now, she, who has transformed, has Xie Ming’s help again. The Emilia camp has become a force that everyone can’t underestimate.

But the man who caused all this is waiting quietly on the top floor of the royal city.

Because he knew that a person would definitely come to him.

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