Chapter 725: Unrequited Love for 400 Years

Rozval next tells the true secrets four centuries ago.

More than 400 years ago, that was the era of witches. Unlike today, the people of that era were only vigilant and wary of witches, and did not have the hatred and hatred of today. So the witches also lead a fairly peaceful life.

And although the ‘Witch of Strong Desire’ Akidona is called ‘Strong Desire’, her desire is embodied in knowledge. Therefore, people do not have much hostility towards her. And Aiji Donna herself only wanted to pursue knowledge, so she was pretty safe.

At that time, there were four beings around Akidona. Disciple, the first generation Rozval. Artificial elves, Parker and Beatrice created by Aggie Donna. And a woman Xie Ming didn’t know, Luz Bilma.

The life of the five people is very peaceful and comfortable. I thought that such days would continue, but an accident happened.

The jealous witch swallowed half of the world and the six sin witches. And Agedona, who wrote the Master’s Book of Wisdom, had naturally anticipated this, so she made a lot of preparations in advance.

Part of Parker’s memory was sealed because of the contract, and signed a contract with Beatrice, allowing her to guard the forbidden library on her behalf until someone came and gave her another gospel. Seal Luz into the crystal to protect the place where they live-the sanctuary.

Rozvall, on the other hand, was obsessed with Aggie Donna and tried his best to protect his teacher, but he was defeated by the “Witch” who attacked the sanctuary with the “Jealous Witch” and the Melancholy Demon Hecht. Entering near death, completely cut off his future as a magician.

It can be said that Hecht, the Melancholy Demon, was the direct murderer who caused the death of Agedona. Otherwise, relying on the strength of Aiji Donna, it would not be so easy to be defeated by the jealous witch.

On the other hand, Rozval, who is dying, has searched the research data of “immortality” left by Aegidona in the sanctuary, and used the body of the bloodline of the immediate descendants as a “container” time and time again. Replaced the “container” and survived to this day.

All this is only for one purpose. Because the gospel that Agedona left him says so, as long as you act according to the above plan, then you can resurrect the teacher you admired and obsessed with, Agedona.

Therefore, whether it is the purpose of slaying the dragon, or helping Emilia to participate in the election of the king, or even touching Xie Ming’s bottom line, it is only for one thing to resurrect Aiji Donna.

And 400 years’ time has also made his humanity become distorted. In my heart, only obsession was left. In order to meet the teacher again, he would not hesitate to kill the closest person!

Tell the witch teacher to attack the ghost village, cut off Ram’s horns, and force Ram to become his maid. Hired the bowel hunter Elsa to attack Emilia and let Xie Ming enter the Wang Xuan Hall. These things were just because it was written in the gospels, so he did it.

This is Rozval, this is a person who has been unrequited for 400 years, poor worm. Until just now, he has been controlled by the Gospels.

“This is really…”

Hearing about Rozval, only pity was left in Xie Ming’s eyes. Such a guy didn’t even have the idea of ​​letting Xie Ming kill him.

Originally, Xie Ming thought that Rozval’s purpose was to do something big by slaying the dragon. Unexpectedly, this guy was just a licking dog who fell in love with a woman he shouldn’t like.

And that Aiji Donna is definitely not a good thing. Hearing what Rozval told about her dying arrangements, Xie Ming could feel a strong atmosphere of conspiracy. Oh, if this kind of woman is dead, Xie Ming dare to take off his head and kick it!

Agedona, definitely still alive somewhere. Maybe her body is dead, but her spiritual body is definitely still there! And it is very likely that she is in that place called Sanctuary.

But now that Rozval’s details are known, it won’t be that difficult to deal with him.

“Rozval, now, let me make a deal with you.”


“Yes, deal.” Xie Ming said faintly: “I fully support Emilia’s selection of the king, and will no longer commit acts of murdering Emilia in the future. In this way, I can give you one so that you can see it again. How about the chance of Aggie Donna?”

“Can…. see you again… teacher?” Rozval muttered, and then a lot of brilliance slowly appeared in his eyes: “You, is it true?”

“I’m not interested in lying to you, a poor person.”

Xie Ming glanced at Rozval: “You agree or refuse this transaction.”

The answer, naturally needless to say.


After parting with Rozval, Xie Ming went down the stairs from the top of the building, thinking that after so long, the arrangements for Wang Xuan had ended, and Emilia and others should have come out.

Just thinking about this, Xie Ming looked at Emilia who was slowly walking up the stairs.

“Ah, I finally found it.”

Seeing Xie Ming, Emilia breathed a sigh of relief: “I thought something happened to you.”

“Something happened?” Xie Ming was stunned for a moment. Some did not keep up with Emilia’s brain circuit: “What can I do?”

“What else can happen?”

Emilia opened her eyes wide, in disbelief: “You know you just threatened to insult the elders of the nobles of the kingdom and the sage society! This charge is enough to keep you in the prison of the royal capital for a long time!”

“Ah, you said such a trivial matter.” Xie Ming turned Byakugan and said indifferently: “If they really dare to send guard knights over to catch me, then I might take a high look at them. You see. , They don’t even dare to let go of the fart. Those scumbags can only bully you, a kind little girl.”

“Hmm! Xie Ming, don’t you always bully me too?”

Some dissatisfied faces puffed up, and Emilia said angrily: “I am still attacking me in front of so many people.”

“Of course it will kill you.” Xie Ming walked to the girl’s body and squeezed her face: “As my Xie Ming’s friend, you have nothing worthy of inferiority. Seeing your senseless look, I’m so angry.”


Emilia stunned for a moment: “Um, I might have misunderstood it. Xie Ming, are you angry because of me?”

“Isn’t it because of you or who?” Xie Ming asked suspiciously.

“Ah…I didn’t mean that…” Emilia said deliberately: “I mean, Xie Ming, you are not angry because they insulted me, but because

I lowered my head and was angry with my hopeless look? ”


Xie Ming didn’t understand even more: “Why should I care about what those clutters say? Even if they slander and insult me, it’s not painful to me at all. If I care about these clutters every time, then I’m still alive. Alive?”


After a moment of silence, Emilia’s expression suddenly became extremely cold, and she turned her head and left, ignoring Xie Ming.



At this moment, Parker flew out of Emilia and sat on Xie Ming: “Brother Xie Ming, you really are…”

“What’s wrong with me?” Xie Ming looked blank: “I just think that Amelia doesn’t need to care about those people’s words, so I am a little angry. Because you see, Amelia’s goal is equality for all. Right? So instead of paying attention to what other people say, it’s better to focus that energy on…”

Listening to Xie Ming’s explanation, Parker was silent for a moment and patted Xie Ming’s shoulder lightly.

“I think, Brother Xie Ming, you still have to understand girls better.”

After speaking, Parker shrugged and flew to Emelia lightly, desubstituting it, leaving Xie Ming who was a little skeptical of life.

After thinking about what he said again, Xie Ming didn’t find any problems. In the end, he could only attribute this to the little temper of the girl.

“Well, even Emilia is a little temperamental, it’s normal.”

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