Chapter 726

I have to say that Emilia is really an angel. With Xie Ming’s straightforward thinking, it is estimated that other girls can ignore him for a day. As for Emilia, her anger disappeared in just a few minutes.

The two talked and laughed together on the road, and returned to the hotel where Emilia was. And there, Rem had been waiting for a long time.

“Master Xie Ming.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s return, Rem bowed slightly and smiled happily: “Welcome back.”

It seems that Rozval, who returned first, has already talked to Rem about what happened with Wang Xuan.

“Ah, I’m back, Rem.”

Reached out and touched Rem’s head, Xie Ming smiled and said, “Where has Rozvall gone?”

“Master Rozval said that he was in a hurry, so he went to the’Sanctuary’.” Rem said softly, “Master Rozval said that regarding the Wangxuan matter, Master Xie Ming and Master Emilia will take care of it. ”


Xie Ming squinted his eyes, not surprised.

Rozval is not a fool. When Xie Ming said that there was a way for him to see Aggie Donna, he should have reacted, and his master did not die. No, not completely dead. So, where is the most likely place to see the master?

There is only one answer, Sanctuary.

He went to the sanctuary first, maybe just want to gamble to see if he could see Agedona. After all, this is his four hundred years of dedication, and it is completely understandable to have such a mood. And for Xie Ming, he can go anywhere, as long as he doesn’t get in the way.

At present, Emilia still needs Rozval’s support, after all, she has no roots now. If Rozval is lost, then she will become the first king to be brushed down. So Rozval’s existence is necessary for Emilia, at least for the current situation.

This is one reason why Xie Ming let Rozval go. But after Emilia has her own foundation, Rozval is useless. At that time, Rozval’s ending depends on his performance.

For Rozval, Xie Ming didn’t have any psychological burden at all to do such a thing of unloading the grievance and killing the donkey.

Turning his head to look at Amelia, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Then, let’s go back to the room to discuss the next policy for Wang Xuan.”


“Why, I’m still hesitating now, thinking about whether I should be dragged into the king’s election?”

Seeing Emilia’s tangled expression, Xie Ming immediately understood what this girl was thinking.

“Only at this time can I guess so accurately…” After murmured in her heart, Emilia said apologetically: “It is because of me again that you are allowed to participate. The previous three This is also a request, this time too. I don’t know how to apologize to you.”

“Hmm… Emilia, do you think that what happens between friends will apologize to each other?”

Xie Ming asked a question that the bull’s head was not right, which made Emilia stunned for a moment. After that, she began to think seriously: “I think… I should apologize only after doing something I am sorry for the other party.”

“Correct.” Xie Ming nodded: “Then, Emilia, have you done anything to sorry me?”

“Of course.”

Emilia said guiltily: “It’s because of me every time that you make Xie Ming give in and compromise again and again and do things you don’t want to do.”

“There are two mistakes in your answer.”

Extending two fingers, Xie Ming said softly: “Indeed, I compromised because of you. But if Rozval took advantage of you, I would not compromise. Therefore, you and I are both victims. You should really be the victim. I apologize, it should be Rozval, isn’t it?”


“The second mistake.” Before Emilia was finished, Xie Ming continued: “I never said that I am unwilling to help you. The reason why I don’t help you is because I respect your wishes. .Because you don’t want me to mix in, so I didn’t mix in. Otherwise…”

Xie Ming smiled: “Do you think that with my character, you might be able to face this alone?”

Gently tapped Emilia’s head, Xie Ming flipped Byakugan: “You should change your personality that suffers from a loss earlier.”

After speaking, Xie Ming walked into the hotel on his own, leaving Rem and Amelia holding her head.


Emilia murmured: “Also say me, isn’t your own personality easy to lose? Right, Rem.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming is such an adult.” Rem smiled slightly and said softly: “But it is precisely because of this that Master Xie Ming was able to save Master Emilia and Rem.”

“Hey! What are you doing!”

At the door of the hotel, Xie Ming shouted to the two of them: “I don’t know where the room is!”


Emilia and Rem looked at each other and then smiled.

“It’s over now!”


In the most luxurious room of the hotel, Xie Ming and Amelia sat opposite each other. Rem was standing by, waiting quietly, demonstrating his super high qualities as a maid.

“Then first, let’s sort out the current situation.”

Xie Ming tapped his finger on the table lightly, and said faintly: “Originally, Emilia was the weakest among all the king’s electors. She was rejected by the high-ranking nobles and also rejected by the people at the bottom. In addition, the supporter Luo Zvar is not reliable. In this case, he dared to participate in the election, so in a sense, Emilia is also quite strong.”

“Master Xie Ming.” Rem said dumbfoundedly: “Please stop talking, Master Emilia is about to cry.”


Looking at Emilia, who was lying on the table and covering her head with tears in her eyes, Xie Ming said amusedly: “I said, this is just the original. But now, the situation is different.”

“After today’s incident, Macrotov has admitted that whether it is at the top or the bottom, their racial discrimination will at least not appear on the surface. This result will narrow the gap between you and the other four kings. A lot. And more importantly, is the change in your mentality.”

“Yeah.” Emilia nodded gently, and she also understood how important today is to her.

“However, although the gap has narrowed, it does not change that you are still the weakest among the king’s pickers.” Xie Ming said in a strict manner: “I am just your helper, so just today, I will help you. Analyze. But after that, you must learn to judge, analyze, and make the right choice for yourself, understand?”


“Don’t be so scared, I will help you again.”

Xie Ming smiled, and then said sternly: “From the perspective of today’s situation, the first thing Emilia has to do is things, mainly three points.”

“First, build a team that is completely owned and controlled by you.”

“Second, change step by step, your image among the people. This step is very difficult, but it must be done. As for how to change…”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming smiled sullenly: “I should be thankful that there is now a group of people like the Witch’s Cult. If you talk about how to change the image of people, you have to turn yourself into a hero and get rid of the Witch’s Cult for fools. Is such a poisonous solution more effective?”

“…Why? It’s obviously a good thing, but when you say that by Xie Ming, it makes people feel full of conspiracy.” Emilia couldn’t help but complain.

“Ahem… But this plan is the most effective. So we must set up such a big banner to declare to the world that the Emilia camp will fight the Witch’s Cult to the end. The Witch’s Cult will never be destroyed for a day. The Amelia camp will not stop for a day. In this way, the heroic image of Amelia in the hearts of fools will slowly be established.”

“After all, it’s a group of foolish people.”

“…” Emilia no longer wanted to specifically correct Xie Ming’s words, so she could only quickly skip this topic: “So, what about the third point?”

“The third point is what we are going to do right away.”

Xie Ming took a sip of tea and slowly said two words.


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