Chapter 727: Alliance


Emilia froze for a moment, then fell silent.

“It seems you have understood it.”

Smiling, Xie Ming said faintly: “Yes, although the situation of our Emilia camp has improved, it is not a state of peace of mind. To be honest, any camp, as long as there is an idea, it is so complete. It can eliminate us.”

“So in order to avoid this situation, we must gain strong allies and establish offensive and defensive alliances.”

“But…” Emilia said with some worry: “Will anyone be willing to form an alliance with us?”


Xie Ming said affirmatively: “Weakness is our disadvantage and our advantage. Although other camps can eliminate us, it is not so easy to do. Any single camp wants to eliminate us, Then they must be prepared to hurt their muscles and bones.”

“What we need to avoid now is to prevent other camps from forming alliances to exclude us first. Although this possibility is small, it is not impossible. Therefore, forming alliances is what we must do now.”

“However, this is just my proposal.” Xie Ming looked at Emilia: “It is not me who participated in the election of the king, it is you. I am your friend, so I will advise you. But if you want to adopt it, you still have to It’s up to you, Emilia.”

“…Xie Ming, your analysis is very correct, and they are all upright plans.”

Emilia said softly: “Just do what Xie Ming said.”

“very good.”

With a light snap of his fingers, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Then, now we should choose which camp to ally with.”

“Which faction… are you allied with?”


Xie Ming looked at Emilia: “Having the right judgment is a quality that a king must have. Therefore, I will not help you choose. You have to judge by yourself. Kurxiu, Anastasia, Priscilla, Firut. Which of these four camps has helped us the most.”

“Also, this judgment cannot be done with emotion. To be a king and to create a world where everyone is equal, kindness and gentleness alone are useless. You have to judge calmly and judge by analyzing the facts. ”

Having said that, Xie Ming closed his mouth and looked at the troubled Emilia quietly.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Gentleness and kindness are the strengths and weaknesses of Emilia. Because of her gentleness and kindness, she has her own unique personality charm. But it is precisely because of this that she will repeatedly go deep into danger.

Helping people in difficulty is a good thing, but we must learn to help calmly. The old saying goes: Self-cultivation, family harmony, country governance, peace of the world. If you can’t even take care of your own, how can you help more people?

It is Xiaoshan to help one person. But after I have developed steadily, it is a great good to help more people. And to help others in the range of one’s ability is good. If you help others even if you can’t protect yourself, it will only become more and more chaotic.

This is Xie Ming’s current test of Amelia. The prompt has already told her, and then, it depends on her own choice.

“…If you really want to choose one person, I think…I will choose Lord Kurxiu.” Emelia thought for a long time, and then said herself somewhat unconfidently. s Choice.

“Huh~” Xie Ming asked calmly, “Why?”

“Because… Feeling right?”

Emilia said uncertainly: “Because I am a half-elf, I am more sensitive to human vision and malice. For the other four, Filut is still a bit repulsive to me, as is Lord Anastasia. And Prie Master Sheila…but only Master Kursiu does not exclude or discriminate against me.”

“Moreover, from the perspective of the selection of the king, Lord Kurxiu is also the most advantageous among us. Therefore, whether it is from personal feelings or the selection of the king, choosing Lord Kurxiu should be the most correct choice.”

Looking at Xie Ming, Emilia cautiously asked: “That’s right?”

“Since you have reached a conclusion, why bother to ask my opinion?” Xie Ming sighed: “Forget it, self-confidence still needs to be cultivated slowly. All in all, your idea is correct.”

“Huh…” Emilia breathed a sigh of relief.

“Don’t relax too early.” Xie Ming smiled: “The next question. The Kursho camp is the most advantageous camp among the five kings, so how can we make her and us the most disadvantaged? What about alliances?”


Emilia’s movements froze for an instant, and then looked at Xie Ming pitifully.

“This is what I want to teach you.” Xie Ming took a sip of tea and said faintly: “If you don’t know, you have to ask. All judgments must be based on facts. How can you know if you don’t see each other? Are they willing to form an alliance with us?”


“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

“Please prepare a letter of visit and send it to Karsten’s house. The time of the visit is tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Rem will prepare now, Master Xie Ming.”

Rem bowed slightly and then entered the room.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s affairs.” Xie Ming stood up and smiled lightly: “Remember to think about today’s affairs, and prepare for tomorrow’s visit.”


It seems that the little girl’s enthusiasm is still good.


The next day, the Karlstern House, Kursiu’s study.

Kurxiu and Emilia sat opposite each other. Behind Kurxiu, Phyllis in the knight uniform and Wilhelm in the housekeeper’s uniform stood. Behind Emilia are Xie Ming and Rem in the dark red trench coat.

Both sides looked very serious.

“I am willing to accept our visit, thank you very much, Lord Kurxiu.” Emilia said sincerely and seriously: “Our visit this time is only for one thing. I just want to become equal with Lord Kurxiu. Covenant.”

“I see.”

Emilia needs Xie Ming’s explanation to understand, but Kurxiu is different. As the Duke of the kingdom, she can understand the other party’s intentions only from the word ‘covenant’.

This is also the political literacy gap between Emilia and Kursiu.

“Indeed, among the five kings, you and I should be the easiest and most suitable to conclude a covenant. But…”

Kurxiu asked earnestly: “The conclusion of the covenant is based on the benefits of both parties. From the current situation, the conclusion of the covenant is only good for you, and it is not beneficial to us. Harm. Is this unfair to us?”

“Furthermore, you have also said that you have concluded an equal agreement. Then, if you do not have equal conditions, then the word equality is even more difficult to talk about. So if you want to conclude an equal agreement with us, you can also Please put forward a relative bargaining chip that can make our heart beat.”

“Yes, we know this.”

In the evening’s prediction, no, even if there is no expectation, Emilia understands that she has no advantage at all. But Xie Ming’s words, Emilia also thought about it over and over again.

If the other party accepts his letter of visit, and after he proposes to form an alliance, he does not refuse. Then it means that some of the things that one side possesses are needed by the other side.

If you don’t understand, you have to ask. And Kurxiu’s character would not be plundered by fire like Anastasia. So, you only need to speak out.

“Since Lord Kurxiu didn’t refuse, then it means that our side has the things that Lord Kurxiu needs. And this thing makes Lord Kurxiu willing to form an alliance with us.”

“Then, Lord Kurxiu, please speak frankly.”

Emilia said seriously: “What price do we have to pay?”

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