Chapter 732

While the white whale was still in the air, the only remaining eyeball was gradually filled with bloodshot eyes and became blood red. Then, a roar full of fury and killing intent came from that bloody mouth.


Accompanied by the cry, the pits on both sides of the unicorn on the beluga whale’s head opened like mouths, changing its style from fantasy to Cthulhu. Then, like a fountain erupting, thick mist gushed out of the pothole, instantly enveloping it, and continuously spreading.

“All said, don’t play magic in front of me.”


At this moment, the invisible dense fog seemed to be fixed like plastic, and then it shattered like glass. However, the situation of the Beluga is completely different.

“what is that…..”

Everyone couldn’t help but look up to the sky. Everyone’s pupils shrank for a while. Everyone showed horror on their faces.

Because the beluga wandering in the air, somehow, it has become three.

Just a beluga whale must use the full force of the troops to suppress it. Even during the suppression, some people would be seriously injured by the white whale’s counterattack. Although there was a healing unit headed by Felice as the lifeline for treatment, there were still several casualties in the battle until now.

This is true on one end, let alone three?

“…No more.”

“We… will all die here…”

The swords of the soldiers and mercenaries fell to the ground, and there was a trace of despair on their faces.

Of course, not everyone has lost their intent to fight. At least a few people are still fighting.

Kuroxiu rode the earth dragon under his crotch, and continuously performed slashes that ignored the distance, and led a beluga whale to another place. Wilhelm, waving the two knight swords in his hands on the body of another beluga whale, adding wounds one after another to the white whale.

But there is another end, which has been hovering high in the air, without any movement. At that distance, none of the Kurtish troops could reach it.

“It’s finally my turn to play.”

Stretching his arms, Xie Ming jumped out of the dragon cart, turned his head and smiled at Rem: “Rem, Emily, please take care of you.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.” Rem nodded and replied seriously.

“Xie Ming…”

Emilia said softly, “Please be careful.”

“You too, remember to pay attention to the surrounding situation.” Xie Ming shrugged: “I already know that the Witch Church is wandering around here. As a target, you shouldn’t be too relaxed.”

After that, he walked slowly to the front, raised his head and looked at the monster at the highest point, his eyes slowly becoming calm.

“Monster, has anyone told you such a truth.”

Jing Mo came out of her sheath, the knife pointed at the white whale, and Xie Ming’s body began to be entwined with light blue electric light. The third-ranked ability from the Academy City appeared in Xie Ming’s body again.

The energy in the body is slowly transformed into electricity, and the iron element in the surrounding soil gradually converges and turns into countless black iron swords.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Under the control of Xie Ming, the black iron sword turned into orange rays and shot into the sky, piercing deeply into the beluga whale high in the sky.


“Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.”

Xie Ming grinned, and the rainbow circle in the emerald green pupils looked dazzling because of the large-scale mobilization of mental power. At this time, iron particles with a radius of one thousand meters are constantly gathering, and finally, in front of Xie Ming, a magnificent minaret is formed.

The minaret is constantly rising and rising at a very fast speed. And Xie Ming’s figure had appeared above the white whale at some unknown time.

“I have built such a magnificent altar for you. You actually fly so high, are you a bit impolite?” Xie Ming looked at the beluga whale at his feet with a cold smile: “But it doesn’t matter. I am a tolerant person. Since the guests do not appreciate, then I will let the guests passively appreciate.”

“Spartan fighting skills, tomb step!”


Like a thunderstorm, Xie Ming’s right foot slammed on the back of the Beluga whale. The vibration of a circle of air slowly spread. And the white whale, in the roar of pain, quickly fell. And below it is the iron sand spire.



The white whale uttered the most painful cry so far. Because of its huge body, it is directly penetrated by the minaret. The blood ran down the steeple.

However, this is not the end, because the clear sky that was originally cloudless has become clouded. Bursts of thunder, rolling in the dark clouds, gathering momentum.

Super electromagnetic gun is indeed Misaka Mikoto’s signature skill. The adjustment of its power is always related to the medium in front of Mikoto. But Mikoto’s real trick is not it.

Scanning the shocked and speechless people, Xie Ming shrugged and looked at the beluga whale struggling desperately strung on the spire.

“Try to give you a breath. After all, it is not me who is obsessed with you, but the old man.”

After that, the electricity that had been stored up for a long time turned into a beam of light, rushing into the sky, and in an instant, it seemed that the whole world had no sound.

But this is the silence before the thunder.


With a snap of his fingers, Xie Ming announced the demise of the Beluga.

“Let you see, the real thunder.”

The lightning, which had been accumulated in the dark clouds for a long time, landed at the same time as the fingers snapped. A flash of thunder that resembled a mad dragon crashed on the spire made of iron particles, making the faces of everyone present extremely pale.

There is light first, then sound. An unprecedented thunder, resounding in everyone’s ears.


The black iron spire was directly destroyed by this blast of thunder, and even a huge pit appeared on the ground. The beluga whale scorched all over, after losing the support of the spire, crashed to the ground.

This is the mighty power of nature. This is the third place in the academy city, the ultimate trick of the super-electromagnetic gun Misaka Mikoto, gathering thunderclouds and creating lightning attacks between clouds and ground. The voltage in it can reach an astonishing one billion volts.

Even in the original work, Mikoto didn’t try his best to perform this trick. Because this move is her real life-threatening stunt, and it is also a killer move that can kill anyone.

“Is it over…” Kurxiu slowly approached and murmured.

“The Beluga… is it dead?”

Wilhelm also walked over, his expression very complicated.

“Well, take a breath.” Xie Ming squinted at the white whale and said indifferently.

As if responding to Xie Ming, the beluga whale’s huge body trembled on the ground, as if it wanted to fly into the air again.

“Go, Sir Wilhelm.”

Xie Ming looked at Wilhelm and smiled: “Fourteen years of hatred, just today, let’s draw an end.”


Taking a deep glance at Xie Ming, Wilhelm couldn’t help holding the knight sword in his hand, and then solemnly bowed to Xie Ming.

“Very much, thank you.”

Jumping into the huge pit, looking at the white whale smelling of coke in front of him, Wilhelm raised his weapon.

“With this, dedicated to my wife, Theresia van Astraea.”

“Sleep forever, Beluga.”

The sharp blade pierced deeply into the body of the white whale. The sword qi shattered the last trace of the beluga whale’s vitality.

The natural disaster that has been raging for hundreds of years, one of the three major monsters, the monster of fog, the white whale.

Today, died of the sword ghost, Wilhelm’s hand.

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