Chapter 733

The crusade of the Beluga has finally come to an end. But everyone knows who is the biggest hero in this battle.

It can be said that in this battle, at least half of the white whale’s strength has not been brought into play. The diffuse fog that covers people’s eyes, the fog of destruction that erases things, has no effect in those emerald green pupils.

Even if it was Beluga’s trump card, the clone, which was enough to turn the tide of the battle, Xie Ming directly shot the body into the verge of death, without causing too many casualties.

And more importantly, it was Xie Ming’s last display of the ability, like a god. Control the lightning, control the sand and iron, and kick the monster of fifty meters down to the ground with a single kick.

At the beginning, everyone in the crusade team had some objections to Xie Ming’s three colleagues. After the war, the three of them watched the battle even more. But now, they understand why they are watching the battle.

After all, you see, the white whale is immediately gone as soon as they make a move. So, isn’t it just like joking that Kursiu summoned a crusade team composed of so many people?

According to Xie Ming’s original intention, it is best to wait for others not to make a lot of shots. All you need to do is to eliminate the white fog and assist. But it is a pity that when the white whale is divided into three, if you do not take action, it may cause more casualties.

In order to avoid this situation, Xie Ming still shot. As a result, his fighting time is still 4 minutes and 43 seconds, his mental power is half used, and the third skill of Jingmo also enters the cooling time. Overall, the consumption is not large.

Because the real battle has just begun.


Before the crusade team that defeated the beluga whale and cut off its head and prepared to return to the city, a group of people blocked their retreat. In front of him, there are three men.

One person, with a green watermelon head, wearing a black robe taught by the Witch, and his skin as pale as a dead person. The most frightening thing is the protruding, emotionless eyes.

One person, wearing a white robe, with a cynical smile, golden pupils, and white hair.

One person, short in stature, with long brown hair hanging down to his knees, looked very sloppy.

And behind them, no, exactly behind the green watermelon-headed man, stood thirty people wearing masks and black robes, looking like puppets.

Seeing these people, everyone took up swords. And Rem, even on the verge of a ghostly state, filled with killing intent in his eyes, barely squeezing out four words from his mouth.

“Witch Cultist!”

“Oh, you know us?”

Hearing Rem’s voice, the neck of the man with a green melon skin head bends strangely, and there is a wave of fluctuations in the emotionless pupils. Then, it turned into madness.

“Ah, yes, yes, yes! Maid, how diligent your eyes are when you look at us! This is hatred, hatred, resentment, hatred, hate hate hate hate hate hate !!! But you are not right in this way.”

“Because, the witch allows us to live in the world because of her love! And you, who accepted the witch’s love, have a hatred for me and other faithful believers of the witch!? How much is this… …”


Immediately, he turned his gaze to Emilia. There were tears in those crazy eyes. Bend his body backwards, supporting his hands and feet on the ground, making an iron bridge movement. Tears follow the gravity of the terrain, flow over the forehead, and drop to the ground.

But the next moment, he erected his body again and looked straight at Emelia.

“Ah, witch! My beloved witch! How beautiful you are! I should come and pick you up as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, and as soon as possible! And drag this matter to the present How lazy I am! Laziness! Laziness! Laziness!… the brain… the brain is shaking!!!”

Every time you say ‘lazy’, the man will knock his head on the ground fiercely, once, once, once. This kind of meaningless self-mutilation makes everyone’s hair horrified.

“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself.”

Abruptly, as if the previous excitement was all fake, the man stood up again and introduced himself politely.

“I’m the Witch Cult, I’m in charge of’Laziness’, Priest of the Great Sin, Pettigius Romanikandi, Desu!”

With his neck folded at 90 degrees, Pettchius showed a big White Fang with a frantic smile.

In the same way, she looked straight at Emilia and the white-haired boy in a white robe. But Pettchius looked at Emilia with fanaticism, and the boy’s eyes were full of possessiveness.

“You are, the silver-haired half-elf~”

Glancing at Emilia with aggressive gaze, the young man said in a narcissistic manner: “That’s how it is, and sure enough, this is a unique encounter. Although I don’t have any desires or goals, I am satisfied. I still have the right to my own preferences.”

“Originally, I just wanted to see how the white whale died, but I didn’t expect to meet such a beautiful person here. With a beautiful appearance like a witch, it must be my right to monopolize this appearance. Yes, definitely That’s right. So…”

The boy stretched out his hand and declared naturally: “Yes, the silver-haired half-elf, you will become my 292nd wife.”

This is not a waste of courtship, it is an order, an announcement, and a decision. In the mind of a young man, this is his own right. And since it is one’s own right, then others cannot resist. Because…..

“If you don’t obey my decision, then you have violated my rights. This is not right, this is… lust.” The young man saluted slightly and said to Emelia: “My wife, I It’s your husband, the witch teaches the role of’strong desire’, and Regulus Corneas, priest of the sins.”

The last short man didn’t look at Emilia in his eyes. However, his gaze is fixed on everyone present.

“Unexpectedly, it is you people who killed the Beluga whale…”

The man licked his lips: “Not bad, it looks like you are very delicious. Your memory, your life, your personality, your body, all will become my food and enter my belly. Especially, One mentioned in the gospel…”

“Ah, that’s right, someone who rewrites fate! Ah, ah, my saliva can’t stop when I hear this name! I want to eat him, eat his personality, his life, and kill him The whole person eats into my stomach! Can such a delicious food that has never been tasted satisfy my stomach?”

“I am the Witch Cult, in charge of’Gluttony (Gourmet)’, priest of the sins, Ley Baden Guy Tos.”

One is crazy about love, the other is ultimate selfishness, and the other is endless appetite.

The three great sin priests of the Witch Cult stood in front of everyone at this time. This is an unprecedented crisis.

If there is no Xie Ming. It’s just that Xie Ming currently looks a little strange.

Because he lowered his head, his body was trembling constantly.

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