Chapter 735


Pettchius bent his neck at 90 degrees and said without any emotional fluctuations: “Elf Elf Elf Elf Elf!! The laziest existence in this world!!!”

“Obviously I have a long life, but I have been doing nothing! I am idle! I’m so lazy!”

“Yeah… I really don’t know what to say if I was said so…”

Parker frowned in distress: “Although elves have a long lifespan, personally, I think I am very hardworking.”

“The cat from 9 to 5 said that he is hardworking…” Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit: “And you are either by Emilia or Betty every day, where are you hardworking?”

“I hate it, Xie Ming.” Parker covered his face, pretending to be shy: “Why expose me!”

“That… Master Parker, Master Xie Ming…”

Rem was holding a meteor hammer and said helplessly: “Now, it’s still in battle for the time being.”

“That is, Parker, Xie Ming, can you be more serious!” Emilia said with some annoyance.


“Ahem, okay, okay.”

Xie Ming spread his hands, his expression calmed down from laughter: “Then, let me arrange my opponents, it’s okay.”

“no problem.”

“Please say, Your Excellency Xie Ming.”

As the leaders of the crusade team, Kurt Xiu and Wilhelm said so, the crusaders behind naturally have no objection.

“The’laziness’ in front of you will be dealt with by Emilia, Parker, and Kursho. Father Wilhelm, Rem and everyone from the crusade team will attack the witches behind with all their strength. Be sure to strike first. Kill these Witch Cultists, and then kill Sloth.”

Xie Ming calmly said: “There are two kinds of laziness abilities, one is the invisible hand caused by the witch factor on his body. These palms are numerous, and they are extremely destructive. Emelia, you can be with Parker. Work together to create some icy debris to see through the movement of these palms. Kurxiu is responsible for supporting.”

“The second ability is that he can possess someone with a certain physique. And the Witch Cultist behind him must have several people with this special physique. Therefore, we must kill these people quickly. This is left to the prestige. Old Man Ulheim couldn’t be more suitable.”

“As for the rest of the crusade team, after you kill the Witch Cultist, please don’t come to help. Because this will only waste your life. This is not to look down on you, but the fact.”

“So Xie Ming, how about you?”

Emilia said worriedly: “Are you going to fight against lust and overeating alone?”

“Ah, that’s right.” Xie Ming said calmly: “I only know the details of laziness, so I can safely leave him to you to deal with. But I don’t understand the abilities of lust and overeating at all, so in order to avoid accidents It is most suitable for me to deal with casualties.”

“My side is too, once you solve the laziness, don’t come to help. Because…”

Xie Ming looked at the desire and gluttony not far away: “The strength of these two people is probably only under Rein Harut.”

Everyone was silent.

If the priests of the Great Sin in the Witch Cult are the most notorious and the most harmful existence, then there is nothing more laziness and strong desire.

Laziness, that is because of his very diligence, has been carrying out destruction and massacre everywhere. There is only one reason why strong desire can be as famous as laziness.

And while the priests of the sins have not done much about gluttony, from the point of view of the beluga, the monster representing ‘gluttony’, the power of gluttony is absolutely extraordinary.

Among all the people present, only Xie Ming is the most appropriate to deal with them. Therefore, everyone was silent.

Sure enough, he is still too weak.

But this is not the time to entangle these things, there is only one thing they can do.

“Master Xie Ming.”

“Xie Ming.”

Emilia and Rem looked at each other, and then said in unison: “Please be careful.”

“Oh!” Xie Ming patted their heads and smiled: “You too, be careful. Parker, don’t let your baby girl get hurt. Sir Wilhelm, Rem is in trouble. Thank you for your attention.”

“Understood, Your Excellency Xie Ming.”

“Don’t worry, Xie Ming. It’s not time for me to go to bed yet, I’m so energetic!”

“That’s really reliable.”

Xie Ming twisted his arm, put the demon on his waist into the portable space, and replaced it with a black scabbard, Murata Muramasa: “Then, let’s go to war!”



“Ah ah ah, witch! witch!! Please grant me more love!!”

As soon as the battle began, Emilia and Park launched a barrage attack formed by the cone of ice on Pettigius. But in front of the lazy invisible hand, these can be smashed just by waving.

But unfortunately, the purpose of these ice cones is not to injure the enemy, but to deliberately smash them into ice fragments to deal with the invisible hand. For Xie Ming, Emilia has always had 100% trust.

“I am not a witch!”

Even in the face of madmen, Emilia’s attitude is as serious as ever: “My name is Emilia, a friend of Xie Ming, and Lugonika’s king. I have never been a witch!”

“Although my daughter is very cute, I can’t let pests like you come close.”

Parker and Emelia stretched out their hands at the same time, and the magic in the atmosphere began to condense. In just a few seconds, they created a circle of ice walls beside Pettigius and trapped him in it.

“Too tender, too tender, too tender, too tender!!!”

Twisting his body in an extremely deformed way, Pettchius’s invisible hand seemed to have turned into a spear, directly photographing the ice wall surrounding him to pieces. Emilia had to jump up and escape the attack.

“Ah, witch! Please do more, more, more, and love the hardworking me!!!”

Several invisible hands stretched out, and they all grabbed to Amelia, who was unable to take advantage of it in the air. However, his opponent is not only one!


With a clear drink, the slash ignoring the distance cut off all the black hands reaching Emelia. Kurt repaired his sword and pointed at Petitchius: “Madman! Your opponent, and me!!”

“Why do you want to stop the witch from pampering me!!! That’s it, do you want to snatch the witch’s love for me?! It’s really true, unforgivable, Desu!!”

Dozens of black hands merged in the air and turned into an extremely large invisible hand. Under the shining of ice debris, they slapped Kurxiu fiercely.

“Master Kurxiu!”

“Hey, where are you looking, pests?”

A huge ice cone quickly formed in front of Emelia, and quickly slammed into this huge invisible hand.


The invisible hand was knocked crooked, and a huge hole was formed not far from Kurxiu. The ice cone shattered.

Kurxiu and Emilia exchanged glances, and then attacked Pettchius at the same time.

“Diligent and diligent! Whether it is the witch or the war girl, they are really too diligent!!! The brain, the brain is trembling!!!”

Pettigius couldn’t help bursting into tears, but the movements on his hands did not stop. Dozens of malicious hands stretched out from behind him again, grabbing at the two people in front of him.

The scene has reached a deadlock.

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