Chapter 736 The Purpose of the Witch Cult

The deadlock, of course, was deliberately made by Emelia and Kurxiu. They haven’t forgotten what Xie Ming told them that Petitchius’s other ability was possessed by him. So even if there were several chances to kill directly, they didn’t do anything.

In fact, in Xie Ming’s memory, Pettchius’s subordinates had a total of 100 direct troops named “Finger”, which were divided into 10 groups. At present, there are only 30 finger forces at war with Wilhelm and others.

That is to say, there are still seventy ‘fingers’ that have not appeared. No, it should be said that these seventy fingers have other tasks. And they are just going to complete this task.

Although Xie Ming’s existence caused a butterfly effect, leading to laziness and lust, gluttony attacked Kurxiu’s beluga crusade team. But in the final analysis, the purpose of laziness and lust is completely different from overeating.

Desire and gluttony also said before that they came to see the death of the beluga whale and were guided by the second simplified version of the gospel (the degraded gospel in Rozval’s hands) to Xie Ming. There is only one purpose of laziness.

Let their witch, Emilia, undergo the trial. What trial?

That is to see if Emilia can be a container for the jealous witch.

As we all know, after devouring half of the world, the jealous witch was sealed in the crystal by the world’s First Generation Sword Sage, Shenlong, and Great Sage, and the world has restored peace from then on.

But even if the body is sealed, it does not mean that the jealous witch will die. You know, even if the Sword Saint, the Shenlong and the Great Sage fight together, they can’t find a way to kill the jealous witch, so she can only be sealed.

After all, if they could kill once and for all, how could they not choose this method?

The ultimate goal of the Witch Cult is always only one, to rescue the jealous witch. But there are only two ways to rescue the jealous witch.

The first is to break the seal and free the witch. But before the seal of the witch, a disciple of the great sage—the sage was watching. With a sage guard, I believe that as long as it is not for the level of Reinharut, basically no one can lift the seal of the jealous witch.

Therefore, the Witch Cult wants to liberate the witch, and can only use the second method: to find a container that can be suitable for the witch to contain consciousness.

And Emilia is a silver-haired half-elf like the Envy Witch, and her appearance is extremely similar to that of the Envious Witch. This coincidence can be accidental or inevitable. But for the Witch Cult, especially for laziness, this is inevitable.

Then these lunatics will inevitably drop what they call a trial on Emelia. Destroy the environment that Amelia is in, and kill all the people that Amelia knows and knows well. Of course, it includes Emilia.

If Amelia survives this ‘trial’, then the Witch’s Cult will support Amelia as the new witch. If it can’t… then Emilia’s body will become a container for the jealous witch.

And Emilia’s opinion? Sorry, lunatics will not tell you about human rights and sovereignty.

Therefore, the other seventy fingers of Pettchius went to destroy the Rozval Mansion and the village of Alam.

But Xie Ming had already defended against them and established a very reliable defense force for Alam Village.

That’s right, it’s Warcraft.

The reason why Xie Ming dared to let Emilia, Kurxiu and others start attacking sloth is because his main mission two started to rise again after killing the white whale.

Main task 2: Kill more than 10 Witch Sect related creatures indirectly or directly (173/10)

The beluga whale killed indirectly is equivalent to 100 witches in the calculation of the main god space. After that, before encountering the three great sin priests, the count of the main mission two began to rise again, that is to say, the battle between the monsters and the “finger” has begun.

This fraction of 73 is the number of finger deaths. It can be seen from this figure that the defense war near Alam Village has come to an end. Moreover, it will definitely end before Wilhelm and the others behead the 30 fingers in front of them.

Therefore, Xie Ming relieved the laziness to Emilia and the others. Because of laziness, Xie Ming has calculated it, and there is no chance of a comeback.

After the completion of main task two, main task three finally opened. The content is related to strong desire and overeating.

The main task three: do not use the protection ability, seize the power of ‘strong desire’.

When I first saw this task, Xie Ming was very dazed. You should know that the so-called powers of the priests of the great sin were acquired because they contained the witch’s factor in their bodies.

For example, the invisible hand of sloth is because he has the factor of the sloth witch in his body.

To seize the power of ‘strong desire’ means to seize the factor of the ‘strong desire witch’ in his body. If it was just like this, it wouldn’t be a big deal. After all, Xie Ming’s protection could completely do this.

But this precondition requires Xie Ming not to use extra protection. This made Xie Ming very uncomfortable. If he didn’t use extra protection, how could he take away the witch factor of others?

These thoughts are all before encountering ‘strong desire’. But after encountering strong desires, Xie Ming no longer has this worry. Because he already understood how he should seize it.

And now Xie Ming needs to do only one thing.

Hack them to death, then seize them. It’s that simple.


“Oh oh oh, here comes here, here comes food~”

Playing with the special cross sword of the Witch Teaching in his hand, gluttony licked his lips, and looked at Xie Ming greedily: “Sure enough, my nose does not smell wrong, you are the one who rewrites the fate!”

“I want to smash your eyes, eat your flesh and blood, want to drink your blood, and finally chew your bones and suck your marrow! Believe you, it will definitely keep me hungry. Satisfaction! Can satisfy my endless appetite!!”


Hearing the creepy words of gluttony, Xie Ming shrugged his shoulders with a helpless expression: “Before you, I had encountered many enemies, but like you, I wanted to kill only for the sake of appetite. I am really the first one. See you once.”

“But it’s a pity that I am not interested in being food. So if you want to eat me, it depends on your own ability.”

After speaking, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at lust: “Just now you said, you want to marry my friend and Emilia will become your 292nd wife? Then I want to ask, what about the 291 wives before you? How is it?”

“Huh? Yes, I am a person who is easily satisfied, and also a person with a lot of tolerance. So even if you ignore my opinions and ask my questions directly, I will forgive you very tolerantly and tell you Answer.”

Regulus folded his arms around his chest and said of course: “At present, there are no 291 wives around me, only 53 wives, but I will soon become 54.”

“…Then, can I ask?” Xie Ming said softly, “Where are your other 248 wives?”

“You are really a strong desire, so people other than me really don’t know how to be satisfied. Obviously I have forgiven your strong desires for me, but you continue to violate my rights. But you are me. For the sake of the friend of the 292nd wife, I will answer you again.”

Regulus shook his head, looking helpless.

“People who make mistakes are naturally punished. Those wives made mistakes, so I killed them. But don’t worry, I kill them and it will not affect my love for them. Because they don’t care whether they are alive or not. , I’m still dead, and my love for them will remain the same. But as a husband, I must punish the wives who made mistakes. This is my right. So, it’s a matter of course.”

“Ah, isn’t it?”

Xie Ming smiled, so happy, so cold, so full of murderous intent.

“Then Regulus, let me tell you the good news. To apologize to you for my previous’strong desires’, I will not kill you. Because the right to kill you is not in my hands, but in my hands. Your wife has it.”

“So, you’d better not give me a chance and let me catch you alive. Otherwise, what is waiting for you will only end with a worse than death.”

“After all, a monster like you, death, is too cheap for you.”

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