Chapter 737


Hearing Xie Ming’s speech, Regulus sighed deeply and looked at Xie Ming with pity: “This is human sorrow, an insatiable desire that makes people die step by step. At the beginning, You want to ask me questions, and after being satisfied, you want to continue to ask me questions. In the end, you still want my life?”

“Obviously, anything can be solved by communication. As long as you give in and tolerate each other, then the world will be very peaceful and happy. But it is because there are too many people like you who do not know how to be satisfied. . It would be great if everyone in the world was as easy to be satisfied as me and tolerant of others.”

This paragraph seems to make sense, but when it comes out of Regulus’s mouth, it really is like farting. Believe that the thickest part of this guy’s body should be his face.

Speaking of letting people in the world tolerate each other’s concessions? What was it that Regulus robbed girls to become wives and killed them easily? Easy to satisfy? Then after seeing Amelia, you can’t help but regard Amelia as your own wife. This is called easy satisfaction?

The high-sounding truth in my mouth, but in fact everything I said is just for myself. Seeing a beautiful girl, that is his wife. If others make a mistake, they must be killed.

Compared with Regulus, Priscilla, the mad woman in the royal city, looked very cute. Because Regulus is a completely selfish monster who unscrupulously uses his own violence to force others, as long as he is satisfied.

From this bastard, Xie Ming could see what kind of virtue the great sin witch Egidona, who was dubbed ‘strong desire’, was like.

It’s disgusting. The so-called being a bitch and setting up an archway, this proverb is really suitable for this monster in human skin.

For such a person, Xie Ming never said a word to him. There is only one thing he needs to do.

Cut him!

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”


As the demon sword was unsheathed, a blade of light that seemed to be able to break through the sky burst instantly. Deep knife marks were left on the ground, and Regulus was no longer visible.

Xie Ming frowned and looked into the air. Regulus, being propelled by his own blade light, was constantly flying into the air. In Xie Ming’s observation, he didn’t even have any damage to the white robe on his body, not even dust.

This is a very unusual thing. You must know that Xie Ming’s current draw and scabbard bonus can even kill a Tier 3 peak with ordinary strength. And now, he didn’t even cut off the other party’s clothes?


Yes, only this can explain why Regulus was unscathed. Sure enough, the guy who can go to the main task is definitely not so easy to solve. But looking at him, it seems that he can’t get down for a while, so the problem is easy to deal with.

Thinking this way, Xie Ming stabbed the demon knife behind him.


I don’t know when, Glutton Ley has already walked around Xie Ming’s back and stabs the small sword in his hand at Xie Ming with a very strange and wonderful footwork. The sneak attack was the most meaningless thing for Xie Ming.

The demon sword flipped over and cut Ley’s small sword easily. Then turned around and cut vertically.

“he he he he he!”

With a weird laughter, Ley, like a warrior who has experienced many battles, used his short and nimble advantages to escape the blow. Afterwards, he looked at Xie Ming, his eyes flashed with appetite.

“Lunar eclipse.”


Without any warning, a blood stain appeared on Xie Ming’s arm, but it was immediately controlled by Xie Ming’s own blood, which had become a habit, and only a drop of blood shed.

“…Interesting ability.”

Xie Ming glanced at his wounds and said faintly: “You can actually hurt me directly, and there is no sign. You originally thought that your power is to swallow people’s memory and existence, but in the end there are other abilities?”

“Ahhhh, delicious blood!!”

Seeing the blood that slid down Xie Ming’s arm to his fingertips, Ley’s saliva couldn’t help but flow down.

“Want to eat my blood?” A weirdness flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and then he threw the blood from his fingers at Ley: “Then you taste it?”


Without any hesitation, Lay opened his mouth and caught the blood that Xie Ming threw out. Then, intoxication appeared on his face.

“Ahhhhh, delicious! It’s so delicious!! A drop of blood is like this, if you take your whole person………umhhhhhh!!!”

Before he finished speaking, Ley’s whole body turned purple and he began to bleed from his orifices.

“The blood… is poisonous!!”

“Oh, yes.”

Xie Ming said weirdly: “This is the first time I have seen someone live so impatiently.”

Perhaps many people have forgotten, but Xie Ming has not forgotten. In his own blood, Lucia’s poison that can swallow all life is contained. The so-called tolerance means that you usually encounter his blood without any problems. But once Xie Ming’s blood comes into contact with someone else’s blood, or is eaten by someone, then congratulations.

Lucia’s poison is the most stable state only in Xie Ming’s blood. But if you leave Xie Ming’s blood, then this poison will quickly swallow life. You must know that Xie Ming usually handles his lost blood very carefully to prevent his own blood from causing harm.

Seeing the gluttony that had lost his life fluctuation after struggling for dozens of seconds, the corner of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

“Burn it.”

He took out the azure blue rose and fired several explosive fire bombs to burn Ley’s body to ashes. Xie Ming looked up again into the air.

Because there, a white-haired boy was constantly accelerating, and fell to the ground fiercely under Xie Ming’s gaze.


The sound of landslides and cracks even interrupted the battle between Emilia and Rem and others in the distance for a few seconds.

“Xie Ming…”

“Master Xie Ming…”

The two of them looked worriedly in the direction of the loud noise, and then a trace of determination flashed in each of their eyes.


“Yes Yes.”

Seeing Emilia’s expression, Parker sighed and then got serious. Suddenly, the temperature of the surrounding environment plummeted again, to the point where people can exhale white gas.

“Ooo, witch! witch!!”

Petitchius, who was already bruised and bruised, couldn’t help but burst into tears when he saw this, “Actually, for that kind of man!! Witch!! Please look at me who is diligent!! Please give me more love!!! !”

The invisible hand behind Pettitius, following the master’s mood swings, began to dance wildly, destroying everything around him indiscriminately. But at this time, Emilia had no idea of ​​delaying with him.

“Evil, pay the price for your sins!”

Accompanied by an upright and clear voice, in front of Amelia, a huge icicle shot straight at the enemy.

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