Chapter 739: The Invincible Truth

The invincible state has many types. But broadly, it can be divided into three types.

Defense, time, space.

Defense means pure invincibility. No matter what kind of attack you use, you can’t break the opponent’s defense and hurt the opponent. But this kind of defense is affected by the plane level and the power level.

For example, the invincibility of the first order will be easily broken by the second order. And Xie Ming’s Aegis Shield’s secondary invincible shield is a third-tier invincible shield, and only the power beyond the third-tier can break it. Therefore, when facing the King of Sprites, Xie Ming didn’t even think about driving up the sub-invincible shield.

It is no different from putting on a few sheets of paper.

The second type is time. The so-called time invincible shield is to freeze your time at a certain moment. What state is at that moment, you will always maintain that state. If you want to break this invincible state, unless you have enough power to break through time, you can only find the flaws in this state.

The third type is space. The most typical example is the strongest defensive enchantment in the Moon World, Altria’s scabbard, Avalon. After using Avalon, the user will enter another dimension space. Unless your attack can break through the dimensional space, you can only give it for nothing.

In fact, the concept of invincible is very vague. It is said that a mountain is higher than a mountain, even if it is the most powerful sprite god king of thousands of planes, isn’t it also severely injured by the fifth-order surrogate of the main god space?

So the so-called invincibility is only relative. As for Regulus’s seemingly invincible state, even if Xie Ming didn’t think about it, there was a solution.

He was directly transformed into the state of the Dragon Killing God, and he could be crushed to death with a single finger.

The reason why Xie Ming was thinking here was only because Regulus was not worth it, and he didn’t deserve him to deal with it seriously.

After sorting out his thoughts, Xie Ming discovered that this thing in front of him is actually not difficult to play.

First of all, the third type can be ruled out, because if his body enters another dimension, then Xie Ming’s just throwing skills will not catch him at all. The rest is the other two possibilities.

He also has a way to prove whether it is the second possibility. It just so happens that his spatial perception ability has entered the intermediate level. As long as he perceives whether the spatial fluctuation of his body is stagnant, it can prove whether his invincibility is related to time.

If it is stagnant, then Xie Ming has a way to deal with it. If not, then Xie Ming can only activate the ghost or madness state and break his defenses forcibly.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming was even more relaxed. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground. Began to silently perceive the surrounding space.

“Damn it! Damn it!!! Damn it!!!”

With the violent shaking, Regulus emerged from the ground, with a distorted expression on his face, cursing uncontrollably.

“Do you like violence to others so much!? Do you know how many lives you have hurt and how much damage it has caused!? I obviously only want to welcome my wife and my happiness! But you With your malice, it is destroying my happiness and infringing on my rights!!”

“Do you know what you are doing!? You are basing your happiness on the suffering of others! Do you know that your behavior is the worst behavior in the world!? Destroying husbands and wives Reunion! Destroy other people’s love! Your behavior is out-and-out’strong desire’!!”

Xie Ming didn’t even bother to lift his eyelids for Regulus’s condemnation.

Violence against others? Hurt lives? Cause damage? He didn’t wash his face and looked in the mirror. How much destruction he himself caused, how many innocent lives were killed, and how many beautiful families were destroyed.

Build happiness on the pain of others? Isn’t his happiness and satisfaction all built on the pain of other people? And Emilia didn’t say anything, so he regarded Emilia as his wife.

Without asking the opinions of others, he took the nonsense as facts and imposed his own desires on others forcibly. There is still serious nonsense here, Xie Ming doesn’t have the kind of leisurely sentiment, and dialogue with such a fool.

“OK, it can finally be over.”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming stood up and looked at Regulus, already looking at a dead person.

In his perception, the surrounding space is constantly changing, and only around Regulus, the space is stagnant. In other words, his invincible state is related to time.

In this way, everything can be explained.

He extracted the space and things around him from time, so even if he went up to the earth, he was unharmed. You can also stomp your feet and wave your hands, which can cause damage like natural disasters.

Because of those things, Regulus extracted them from time. Things that are always static can of course destroy everything. It is impossible for things that change to resist things that stop.

So, how to defeat him, and how to deprive him of power, there are already ways.

Reaching out his hand, he took out a pale silver pocket watch from the portable space, and Xie Ming looked at Regulus faintly.

“I’ve seen through your little tricks. So, take advantage of this now, hurry up to miss your invincible time in the past.”


A trace of stunnedness appeared on Regulus’ face, and then turned into ridicule: “How can you understand my invincibility and my strength like you, a beast that can only use violence against others. I know, you must be Because I knew I couldn’t beat me, so…”

“Forget it, if I continue to talk to you, my IQ will be lowered.”

Shaking his head, Xie Ming pressed the button on the stopwatch.

“Time, stop.”

At this moment, the world 300 meters around Xie Ming entered a state of stagnation. And this one naturally includes Regulus. After that, Xie Ming didn’t draw his sword, so he walked towards the enemy unhurriedly.

“Why, finally gave up?”

Without noticing the surrounding movement at all, Regulus was still mocking Xie Ming: “Then, you go to die!”

Then he stomped fiercely.


“it hurts!!!”

It seems that Regulus’s foot was subjected to counter-shock force for the first time because of the stomping too hard. This sore spot that even a little girl can’t cry makes him roll on the ground with his feet in his arms.

“For…why…my power!?”

The white robe was stained with dust because of rolling on the ground. Regulus endured the ‘severe pain’ and began to be in a daze.

With his brain, he couldn’t figure out why this happened.

“Your time is stagnant, and the outside time is flowing. Therefore, in the flowing time, nothing can hurt you.”

Xie Ming looked at Regulus indifferently, and said faintly: “But at this moment, everything 300 meters around me, except me, has entered a stagnant state. And your time was originally stagnant, so In this stagnant world, you can continue to move.”

“But since you can continue to move in this space where time is stagnant, it also means that your time is flowing in this space.”

“what are you saying!!?”

Regulus looked at Xie Ming fiercely: “Do you like to use your strength to bully others so much!? Do you think I will allow this kind of thing!!?”

“It’s really hard to say this to an idiot.”

Realizing that he was playing the piano against Niu, Xie Ming stopped talking. Lifting his foot and stepping on Regulus’ head, he fixed it.

“It hurts! It hurts!! Lift your foot!! You bastard!!!”

“Hurry up, it’s really exhausting.”

He glanced at the radiant light in his hand, and stopped the stopwatch as if he was stimulated by something. Xie Ming held it up to Regulus’ chest.

In the next moment, from Regulus’s body, countless black particles began to fly out, constantly digging into the stopwatch.

Power began to be stripped.

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