Chapter 740

“Asshole, lift up your feet!! I want to kill you! I will definitely kill you!!”

Without noticing his condition at all, Regulus still yelled, cried out, and struggled. After losing time to stop such an open-and-hanging power, Regulus is just a weak chicken that can’t even beat a goose.

Such a weak chicken still wants to struggle on the soles of Xie Ming’s feet? What a joke. You must know that the reason why Xie Ming didn’t step on his head now was because he was controlling his strength.

As time passed, all the black particles flying out of Regulus’s body finally got into the stopwatch. At this time, the effect of the stopwatch also happened to pass.

Time began to flow again.

Lifting the foot that was stepping on Regulus’ face, Xie Ming’s mind also sounded a reminder to complete the mission of the Lord God Space. After absorbing the witch factor in Regulus’s body, the stopwatch in his hand changed its effect.


Category: Props

Effect: Centering on the user, the time within a radius of 300 meters enters a stop state (except for the user), and the duration is 10 seconds (maximum).

Restriction: The stopping time will vary with the strength of the enemies around the body, and it can stop the enemy’s actions in the middle of the fourth stage at most for half a second. Can be used once a day.

The stop time has changed from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. And the level of the enemy that can be stopped has also been raised from the fourth-order low-level to the fourth-order intermediate. In general, there is no loss in blood.

As for why this stopwatch can absorb Regulus’ witch factor, Xie Ming is also unclear. Maybe, maybe, probably because both are related to time. Anyway, the main task is completed, there is no need to dig in.

“Die me!!”


Looking at the falling stones after hitting his clothes, Xie Ming was silent for a moment, and raised his head to look at Regulus.

Regulus also looked at his hand in a daze, somewhat disbelieving: “I… my power?”

“That kind of thing is gone.”

Xie Ming walked over slowly, and said faintly: “Didn’t I just say it? I miss your invincible time in the past, because in the future, you will no longer have a chance.”

After all, Xie Ming kicked out all four feet, and kicked them at the joints of Regulus’ limbs.

“Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!”

With four crisp bones breaking, Regulus fell to the ground, his limbs twisted abnormally.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!”

The pain caused Regulus to make the biggest voice in his life. Tears, snot, and debris on the ground made him look like a beggar, embarrassed.

“You bastard, you shit!! You are so despicable to let my power disappear! Are you still a man like this!? You can’t stand upright to decide the victory or defeat with me, using these despicable means!! If you have the ability to return my power, you don’t need these despicable means!!!”

“It’s noisy.”

Frowning, Xie Ming stretched out his hand and removed Regulus’ chin. Then he tore off a piece of his jacket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Now, the world is quiet.

“Okay, next….. Go back and say hello to Emilia and Rem.”

Picking up Regulus, who had become a useless man, Xie Ming walked in the direction of the crusade team.


After letting Rem and Emilia explain, let them go back to Kurxiu’s mansion and wait for themselves. Xie Ming took Regulus and flew into the air to find Regulus’ remaining wives.

However, Xie Ming naturally couldn’t go looking for it without thinking, it would be a waste of time. Fortunately, Regulus in his hand did not have that good head. After Xie Ming induced a few words, Regulus himself said where the “wives” were.

What will happen if it falls into the hands of the victim as a wicked scum? I believe it goes without saying that everyone can understand.

The bitterness and hatred accumulated over the years is enough to turn any ordinary person into a devil. And the girls who were taken over by Regulus by various means, Tenten’s numb life under fear and hatred, would be more terrifying than the devil.

Regulus’ ending can be said to be extremely miserable. But all of this is his own fault. The cause that was planted at the beginning has become his current result.

And those innocent girls, under Xie Ming’s large-scale spatial transmission, all returned to the royal city, the courtyard of Kurxiu.

After explaining the situation to Kurxiu and Emelia, and inquiring about the wishes of each girl, a general arrangement was also made.

Yes, I want to go back to my hometown. So after Kurxiu gave them the right money, he let them go back by themselves.

Yes, I want to work in Wangcheng because my hometown and relatives are gone. Therefore, Kurxiu also very generously recruited him as a servant, allowing him to work in his own industry.

In this way, more than fifty beautiful girls have their own arrangements.

What is more surprising is that these fifty-odd girls have all maintained their perfect bodies. After getting their explanation, everyone was relieved.

Regulus snatched them over as his wives only because of their beauty. And because of his own power, Regulus couldn’t do anything to these girls. That’s why girls can maintain their chastity to this day.

After all, Regulus’ time is in a stopped state, so metabolism and various physiological reactions are in a stopped state. Of course, that thing is also in a stopped state.

Even the tools of crime cannot be used, how can he play?

Keke….. get back to business.

The Amelia camp and the Kurxiu camp joined forces to kill the beluga. In addition, after the Emelia camp, the deeds of killing the three priests of the Witch Cult, “Laziness,” “Gluttony,” and “Strong desire”, gradually spread throughout the city under the operation of Kurxiu.

In this way, even the most discriminatory against the silver-haired half-elves closed their mouths. Because of the silver-haired half-elves in their mouths, they have done what no one has been able to do for hundreds of years. And because Kursiu said the matter, no one would question it.

Generally speaking, the strategy of fighting the Witch’s Cult as the main purpose of the camp is very successful. Emilia, the image of the people in the minds of the people, also gradually changed. The gap with other champions is gradually narrowing.

But Emilia knew very well in her heart that these difficulties she could not overcome were all because of one person.

It is precisely because of his existence and his help that he can make such a big change in just a few days.

Everything is because of him.

Then the man named Xie Ming is the first and the most important, friend.

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