Chapter 741 The Change of Emilia

After dealing with all kinds of things in the royal city, two days have passed. It was time for Xie Ming and the others to say goodbye to Kurxiu and others.

“Your Excellency Emilia, Your Excellency Xie Ming, are you really not staying for a few more days?”

Still wearing a meticulous military uniform, Kurxiu said to the three of them: “Because of the three of you, the losses of the crusade team have been minimized. At least, it is not too late to leave after the celebration party is over.”

“It’s meow~”

Felice was also a little awkward: “It’s also an alliance anyway, what’s the big deal about participating in a celebration.”

“Because of Your Excellency Xie Ming, our crusade against the Beluga was so smooth this time.” Although Wilhelm was already a serious face, the hatred and obsession in his eyes had disappeared. At least compared with before, Wilhelm’s temperament at this time has become brighter.

“The biggest hero is not there. This time the celebration party seems a bit misleading.”

“The old man is serious.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Everyone deserves credit for being able to kill the white whale and the priest of the great sin. What’s more, the three of us really can’t stay here for a long time. Amelia needs to go back to deal with all kinds of things after the Witch Cult’s attack. , Even I am about to embark on a journey again.”

“On a journey?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, even Rem and Emilia looked over, their eyes filled with puzzlement.

“What’s wrong? Xie Ming.”

Emilia said worriedly: “Did something happen?”

“Master Xie Ming, if there is something Rem can do, please tell Rem to your heart’s content.” Like a puppy, Rem looked at Xie Ming pitifully.

“I said, you wouldn’t forget it.” Xie Ming said dumbfoundedly: “The reason why I came to the Kingdom of Lugonica is mainly to heal my injuries. And now even the best healer in the mainland, Philip Silk can’t heal my injury. Of course, I have to continue on the journey to find hope of recovering from my injury.”

This is not a lie.

After the main task was completed, Xie Ming was able to stay for only seven days. But now that he has stayed in the royal city for two days, Xie Ming can stay on this plane for only five days.

And Xie Ming will continue to look for how to recover from his injuries in the plane that he will step into next. Therefore, these words are not merely to deceive everyone.

Looking at Kurxiu again, Xie Ming said with a smile: “During this period, I also thank Kurxiu for your care. I will continue to stay in this country for five days. For these five days, I still want to stay with the mansion. The two of you, as well as Emilia and Remdo get along for a while. So, I’m really embarrassed.”

“Really… Your Excellency did not lie.”

Kurxiu glanced around and learned that Xie Ming was leaving, the two people who were a little unhappy, shook their heads with a chuckle, and stretched out their hands: “Then, let’s say goodbye to your Excellency. No matter what happens in the future, Your Excellency Xie Ming and Your Excellency Amelia will both be friends of my Kursiu.”

“Thank you very much, Lord Kurxiu.” Containing her emotions, Emilia walked forward and held Kurxiu’s hand: “I also hope that I can maintain a friendship with Kurxiu-sama. ”

After a brief farewell to the three of Kurxiu, Emilia and Xie Ming got into the carriage of the dragon cart and left the Kurxiu mansion under the drive of Rem.

Watching the three people leave, Kurxiu opened the door first, but suddenly, she stopped.

“What’s the matter? Master Kurxiu?” Feilis asked strangely, tilting her head.

“Speaking of which, isn’t your Excellency Xie Ming mastering the magic of space?”

Kurxiu was a little puzzled: “When the time comes for the celebration banquet, please use Space Magic directly with Her Excellency Emilia, can’t it be enough?”

“…That, Master Kurxiu.” After a moment of silence, Felis said helplessly: “Master Kurxiu wants to eat birds and poultry, so he will use his sword skills to kill one. Are there birds in the sky?”

“No.” Kurxiu said earnestly: “Unless it is a situation of survival in the wild, how could I do such a thing.”

“It’s the same with Xie Ming, Master Kurxiu.”

Phyllis shrugged and gently pushed Kursho, followed by Wilhelm, and the three entered the house.


After half a day, the three finally returned to the Rozval mansion.

And besides Ram, there was actually Mei Li in the costume of a maid who greeted the three. It seems that this little girl already wants to drive.

For Xie Ming’s return, Ram did not have any surprises. Facing the three people who had just entered the house, Ram still maintained his direct style and conveyed two messages to Emelia.

One is the order that Rozval delivered after he returned. From that moment on, all the power, management, and property of the Mezzas family were managed and used by Amelia.

The second is to comfort the people of the territory.

After all, even if nothing happened, the Witch Cultist and the Warcraft were also fighting around the village. The villagers will surely accumulate a lot of panic and dissatisfaction in their hearts. Therefore, to appease the villagers, Emilia, who now has all the permissions of the Mezzas family, must come forward in person.

To be honest, this is as difficult for Emilia as it is to fight Petrchius again.

After all, the reason why the Witch Cult struck was precisely because she was a half-elf with silver hair. It is precisely because of her that the villagers have these dangers. Now that Amelia comes forward in person, the villagers will inevitably pour their panic and dissatisfaction on Amelia’s head.

Two things, Emilia didn’t have any doubts, and she took it down very neatly. This surprised Ram.

If it was Emilia before Wang Xuan, she might be a little uneasy. But at this time, she already had the courage to face all this. Because of this courage, the way she soothes is also different.

For Amelia, who didn’t have the confidence and courage before, she might apologize from house to house, and then silently endure the curses from the villagers. But at this time, Amelia had already understood her responsibility and had self-confidence.

Therefore, after she asked Ram and Rem to gather all the villagers in the square, she made her own explanation and guarantee. At the same time, he also told about the alliance with Kurxiu and the crusade against the white whale and the three priests of sin after he went out this time.

An ambiguous apology cannot solve the inner anxiety of the villagers. At this time, what Emilia brought to the villagers was not an apology, but a strong guarantee. Let the villagers know that even if the Witch Cult strikes, they have enough power to protect them.

What the villagers need is this sense of security.

Therefore, this originally very difficult thing was solved easily.

The silver-haired beautiful girl who is confident and feels safe is completely different from the silver-haired half-elf who does not have the confidence to apologize from house to house.

Xie Ming’s guidance to Amelia during this time has allowed her to grow up.

However, this person who is also a teacher and friend is about to leave.

Thinking of this, Emilia, who was a little happy, became very heavy again.

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