Chapter 742

Rozval Mansion, banned library.

When Amelia and Ramrem were going to solve the panic problem of the villagers, Xie Ming came in here in a light car.

And the young elf, still alone, sat on a wooden chair, looking at the heavy book in her hand.

“I’m back, teacher Betty.”

Xie Ming greeted with a smile: “Does Teacher Betty miss me?”

“Hmph, let’s talk in your dreams.” Beatrice said grimly: “Since you are back, then Betty and your contract is complete.”

“About this…” Xie Ming smiled flatly, “Maybe this contract will continue.”


Beatrice raised her head and looked at Xie Ming: “So, you are leaving again?”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming slowly approached and sat on the ground casually, leaning on the chair where Beatrice was sitting: “Do you know all about Mr. Betty about going to Wangcheng this time?”

“I know it by and large.” Beatrice said faintly, “You have become that little girl’s knight, right?”

“Not really.”


Beatrice turned her head and stared at Xie Ming closely: “Just now, what did you say?”

“I have not become a knight of Emilia.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “I used other methods to help Emelia change herself and change Emelia’s disadvantage in the selection of the king. Therefore, Rozval and I turned our faces.”

“…The person who rewrites the fate…rewrites the fate…it turns out to be such a meaning.”

Beatrice put down the book in her hand and muttered to herself in a daze. Then, he looked at Xie Ming: “Then, did you kill that clown?”

“No, not really.”

Xie Ming smiled and explained what happened afterwards with Beatrice. Rozval’s confession to him, and his deal with Rozval.

Beatrice quietly listened to Xie Ming’s narration, and when she heard her own life experience and experience, a trace of dissatisfaction with Rozval flashed in her eyes. After hearing Rozval’s behavior, he was even more angry with the clown.

And in the end, when I heard about Xie Ming’s deal with Rozval, there were many inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

“So, what do you want to express when you talk to Betty?”

“What do you express…” Xie Ming sighed: “Well, I want to ask, what do you want to do, Teacher Betty?”

“Don’t you know from that clown? Betty is just waiting, according to the Gospel record…”

“But the gospel has been changed by me.”


“Now, teacher Betty.” Xie Ming turned around on the ground, looking directly at Beatrice: “Now that the gospel is changed, you still have to stay here and wait for the so-called ‘that person’ to appear?”

“What do you know about Betty?!”

Hearing Xie Ming’s question, Beatrice couldn’t help feeling a bit of anger in her tone. On his body, there was also a trace of magical reaction due to emotional fluctuations.

“Yeah, I don’t understand anything.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand, gently grasped Betty’s little hand, and said softly: “If I say I can understand Teacher Betty’s 400 years of experience, I will punch myself. But I want to know what Betty thinks. This idea has nothing to do with whether I understand Teacher Betty’s experience, does it?”

“…This is a contract between Betty and her mother.”

After Beatrix was silent for a moment, she whispered: “This is…a contract.”

The contract with the elves and the elves is very important to the elves and the elves. Especially for elves, a contract is an agreement that must be followed. That’s why Beatrice, in this empty forbidden study room, waited for 400 years alone, and endured 400 years of loneliness.

Unless you wait for the ‘that person’ in the gospels, Beatrice will continue to wait in this forbidden study room. From this we can see how irresponsible and selfish the ‘Witch of Desire’ is.

“The contract…”

Of course Xie Ming understood the meaning of the contract to the elves. But Beatrice’s answer also made him understand the mood of the young elf.

“Teacher Betty, you should know that it is recorded in the gospels that I am a person who can rewrite my destiny.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Then, of course I can become the ‘that person’ you have been waiting for.”


Hearing this, Beatrice was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xie Ming’s gaze, there was a strong hope and incredibleness, and her little hand could not help holding Xie Ming: “Really…really?”


Xie Ming smiled and said, “However, I can’t sign a contract with Teacher Betty now.”

“………Also, people with the aptitude of the elves will naturally not be willing to sign a contract with Betty.” Beatrice lowered her head: “After all, after signing a contract with Betty, she can’t sign a contract with Betty. The elves signed a contract.”

“That… Teacher Betty, you seem to have misunderstood something.” Xie Ming touched Beatrice’s head with the other hand, and smiled bitterly: “The reason why I can’t sign a contract with Betty is not because I don’t want to. It’s because of my body.”

“…..What’s the meaning?”

“It looks like you really forgot, Teacher Betty.”

Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “I am seriously injured now? The origin of life has opened a hole? The so-called signing a contract with the elf is to link the lives of both parties together, right? Link to me now, Betty Does the teacher want to die in love with me?”


Beatrice’s face quickly turned red to the naked eye to the base of her ears. But even so, she did not let go of Xie Ming’s hand.

“So, let me beg Teacher Betty to wait for a while.” Xie Ming said softly: “After five days, I will set off again to find a way to recover my injury. When my injury recovers, I will definitely come back. , Brought out this banned library with Teacher Betty.”

“I just don’t know, Teacher Betty, would you like to wait for me for a while?”

“Wait… for a while…”

Beatrice repeated these words, then raised her head, and asked a little nervously: “Wait for a while, can you recover from your injury? Will you really come back after recovering from your injury?”

There was no malice or suspicion, it was just Beatrice’s anxiety. You know, Xie Ming is the only life-saving straw she has appeared in these 400 years. This makes Beatrice, how can she not worry?

“Ah, this is the promise I made to you.” Xie Ming touched Beatrice’s forehead lightly with his forehead: “Although I am not an elf, the promise I made to people always uses life. To make it happen.”

“Would you like to believe me and wait for me for a while? Betty.”

“Humans are always so cunning.”

Beatrice closed her eyes and said softly, “Then, Betty will wait for a while.”

“Until you come back here again, Betty will continue to wait.”

“In the name of Beatrice, a new contract is concluded here.”

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