Chapter 743

The five-day period is neither long nor short. But for Emilia and Rem, these five days were too short.

It is precisely because of the shortness that Rem and Emilia have been inseparable from Xie Ming in these five days. And Ram, who saw all this in his eyes, didn’t have much to say.

From Rem, Ram also learned what Xie Ming did in just a few days after leaving the mansion. It can be said that Xie Ming has completely changed Emilia’s future life, and it is not an exaggeration.

In the same way, Xie Ming also changed the relationship between his sisters and, in a sense, also changed the lives of the two sisters. And such a person who has changed himself is about to leave, even Ram’s heart will have a little bit of reluctance. Besides, what about Emilia and Rem?

For the two girls who suddenly clung to him, Xie Ming was a little bit dumbfounded. He has also experienced many partings so far, but it is the first time that these two girls are so clingy.

Even if Xie Ming said many times, he would come back after healed his injuries. The two girls nodded, and then continued to stick to Xie Ming.

However, Xie Ming’s original plan was to spend the remaining time with these girls. Therefore, Xie Ming gave up resisting these two girls’ behavior.

If you want to stick, stick it. But the business is still to be done. Can’t it really be that way, wasting five days.

So during the day and morning exercises with Amelia, after breakfast, Xie Ming pulled Amelia into the study, and began to teach Amelia how to deal with various situations, and exercise Amelia’s self-confidence and handling. method.

At this time, Rem was cleaning the entire mansion quickly. The speed was so fast that both Ram and Meili cast small eyes at Xie Ming from time to time because of this.

After Rem finished dealing with the business, Xie Ming asked Emilia to think about what she had just learned, and pulled Rem outside to start fighting her.

Rem is an ordinary ghost, but this does not mean that Rem’s combat effectiveness is very weak. And after observing Rem’s several battles, Xie Ming found that Rem hadn’t systematically learned combat skills, only relying on the Ghost Race’s own physical ability and reaction speed to fight.

Although the qualifications are ordinary, it does not mean that Rem has no room for improvement. According to Xie Ming’s evaluation, if Rem learns combat skills, coupled with demonization, the combat effectiveness can even reach the general middle stage of the second stage.

The Knights of the Guards of the Kingdom, that is, the second-tier low-end combat power.

Therefore, during these five days, after Rem finished his housework in the morning, he would receive Xie Ming’s Spartan exercise in the afternoon. Although because of female reasons, Xie Ming did not adopt the super-intensity and vicious exercise method that he taught Lugu. But for Rem, it was also very difficult.

However, Rem didn’t complain about anything. Rather, she even felt very happy because she was taught by Xie Ming, and she looked happy.

All in all, during the past five days, Xie Ming has exercised Emilia and Rem in his own way. And on the fifth day of the night, which was a quiet night, he left a note and returned to the main god space.


“The main god substitute 23333 has returned to the main god space and is now undergoing evaluation and settlement.”

“Mission World: Re: Life in Otherworld from Zero”

“Mission Difficulty: the second stage of the low stage ~ the fourth stage of the middle stage (100~360)”

“Execution number: 1”

“Number of main lines: 3”

Main task 1: Let the three world darlings with enhanced protection surrender. (26/3)

Task evaluation: S

Main task 2: Kill more than 10 Witch Sect related creatures indirectly or directly. (700/10)

Task evaluation: Ex

Main task three: main task three: do not use the protection ability, seize the power of ‘strong desire’.

Task evaluation: Ex

Overall task evaluation: Ex

Task reward: 1,500,000 exchange points, 100 data points.

Please choose three of the seven Ex rewards listed below.

1. Power: the invisible hand

2. Protection: the protection of the phoenix

3. Artifact Containing Nourishing Liquid

4. +10 weapon enhancement scroll

5. TX—09 automatic equipment repair furnace

6. The source of life

7. Chobe

Xie Ming looked at the seventh option silently, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. It seems that since which world, there must be a special leather thing in these seven options.

But if you put Chobe on it, it’s too much! ! !

What is this! ? Do you really want me to sign a contract to become a magic boy? ! piss off! !

But ignoring the seventh option, the other six options are still very good.

Power and protection can be said to be the characteristics of the plane of ‘Otherworld life from scratch’. And the invisible hand of laziness also has the ability to facilitate, harm, and yin as a whole.

Don’t you mean that sometimes people want to have three heads and six arms? This invisible hand can satisfy your six-armed wish. Not only can it take you to fly, the destructive power is also quite good, and it is very convenient to get overcast.

The protection of the Phoenix is ​​the same as the phoenix feathers used by Xie Ming before, which can bring people back to life. This protection is different from Phoenix Feather, it has no enhancement effect. However, even the strong in the middle of the fourth stage can also be resurrected by this protection.

This is the protection of Reinhardt, who is hanging on the wall, and the effect can be imagined. Compared with this, the invisible hand is weaker.

The third option, Spiritual Containing Nourishing Liquid, is a potion that can help a weapon possessing spiritual wisdom to nourish spiritual wisdom. On Xie Ming’s Black Blade Purifying Demon, Justissan’s mutilated soul fell asleep inside. If you use this, you might be able to fill up the soul of Justesa.

The fourth option, +10 weapon enhancement scroll, a scroll that can save a lot of money.

The fifth option, TX-09 automatic equipment repair furnace, hence the name suggests, is a prop that can be used to repair the equipment on the substitute. In the continuous use of the equipment, the durability of the equipment will be lost. Basically every surrogate will repair his equipment before entering the mission space.

However, Xie Ming seemed to have never used that equipment maintenance device much. After all, the only equipment on his body that needs to be maintained is Demon Blade Village Masaru and Jingmo. The remaining equipment is either not necessary for maintenance (Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor and Aegis Shield), or there is no maintenance value.

As for the two main weapons of Yaodao Village Zheng and Jingmo, Xie Ming’s various sharpness bonuses caused their durability to decrease rather slowly. So this option is optional.


Thinking of the existence of a witch in his personal space, Xie Ming also put this option among the candidates.

The sixth item is the origin of life. A super precious material for making alchemy potions. It is also the advanced potion of Life Liberation Potion that Xie Ming sold at a high price before, and the main material for the evolution of life.

So Xie Ming now has to choose three from these 2, 3, 5, and 6.

So, how would he choose?

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