Chapter 744

After CC and Yui returned to their personal space, they found out at a glance, the huge stove on the lawn.

“That is…..”

CC squinted her eyes and walked to the void, and the explanation of the stove appeared before her eyes.

“Equip repair furnace?” CC asked suspiciously, “Isn’t Xie Ming rarely use this stuff? Why would I choose this one?”


Yui changed from an elf state to a girl. After thinking for a while, he said, “It should be more appropriate to choose this? After all, among the options in these worlds, Dad always encounters strange options.”


Thinking of this, CC shrugged: “But it’s good to have this thing, at least it can save a lot of exchange points.”

You know, to use the equipment maintenance furnace shared by the main god space, the maintenance cost will increase with the level and rarity of the equipment. Like CC’s Queen of Swords suit, the overall repair cost 100,000 exchange points.

Xie Ming had also been to the repair furnace and wanted to maintain the Demon Sword and Jingmo. But the price directly dissuaded him.

Demon Blade Village Masa, 400,000 at a time. Net magic, 150,000 at a time.

After seeing this price, Xie Ming looked at the durability value of the two pieces of equipment. Well, there are still about three-quarters, and then turned around and left. What’s a joke, even if he has money, he doesn’t spend it like that.

From the bottom of his heart, Xie Ming is still a very money-saving person. Therefore, choosing this repair furnace is actually a very correct choice. Equipment will need to be repaired sooner or later. Wouldn’t it be great to save such a maintenance fee to fund the purchase of medicinal materials?

However, if the two of them knew that Xie Ming gave up the protection of Phoenix and chose it, he would probably be angry again.

Since this repair furnace can repair ten pieces of equipment at a time, and Xie Ming’s demon sword and two scabbards have been put in, CC also put his sword queen suit into it, and then walked into the house with Yui. .

In the living room, Jingmo was placed on the knife holder, while Xie Ming was wiping the blade with cotton dipped in the light green liquid in the bottle next to it.

It just so happened that the work has come to an end.

Gently suck the last few drops of liquid into the cotton, and then spread it evenly on the body of the knife. After a bottle of liquid went down, Xie Ming could feel that the soul of Yustesa, who was lodged on the demon, seemed to be recovering. Apparently, the effect of Qi Ling Yun nourishing liquid is still good.

Then he raised his head, looked at the two people sitting opposite him, smiled and said, “I’m back, how is the harvest?”

“Not bad.”

CC took off his clothes casually and lay lazily on the sofa: “The Master has already lived in Ripple Qigong, but Dior has not been killed. That guy will run away too much.”


Xie Ming shrugged, not surprisingly: “Without the memory of the plot, it is indeed difficult to solve Dior completely. Then, what is the strength of the vampire in that world?”

“The second-tier low-end.” CC said faintly: “The power of vampires can be roughly divided into two. One is the vampire who directly uses the stone ghost face to transform, such as Dior. His strength was in the middle of the second-tier at the beginning, and at the end. After sucking the blood of many people, it has reached the second-tier peak.”

“But the person who has absorbed Dior’s blood and turned into a vampire has the highest strength in the middle stage of the second stage. And the cannon fodder vampire has only the strength of the first-order peak.”

“I see……”

Nodded, Xie Ming then asked: “So what about evaluation and rewards?”

“Dad, CC mom’s mission evaluation is SS, and the reward chosen is the equipment upgrade scroll and the pendant named Qinglan Heart.” Yui sat next to Xie Ming and smiled: “The effect of the pendant is to attack incidental. 20% penetration effect.”

“Oh, the effect is pretty good.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “Now, you already have four equipment upgrade scrolls. If you are lucky, the Queen of Sword suit can be turned into Tier 3 equipment in the next mission world, and your combat power will be certain at that time. Will rise dramatically.”

“That’s it.”

CC waved his hand and asked casually, “So what about you? What did you get?”

“Outside the big iron furnace, I just ran out of the Spiritual Containment Nourishing Liquid, and the main materials of the Life Evolution Potion.” Xie Ming said while using his space power to put the Cleansing Magic in the repair furnace for repairs.” During the next period of time, I will be busy again.”

“What about the physical aspect?”

“There has been an improvement, but the big problem has not been solved.” Xie Ming shrugged: “The fighting time has changed from three minutes to five minutes.”

“Well…” CC looked up at Xie Ming after a moment of silence, “Will Ripple Qigong help your injury?”

“Yes! Although I really want to say that…”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “But my injury is related to the origin of life, and ripple breathing is to exercise the body through effective application of the vitality of the body, strengthen it, and can produce different effects. So…”

“Well, in a word, it must be right for you to practice ripple breathing well in CC. As for me, let’s go with the flow. Okay, I’m going to cook. What do you want to eat?”


“Yui Yi can do anything.”

“OK, I see.”

Xie Ming stood up and entered the kitchen.


At night, Xie Ming’s consciousness echoed and entered the space where Draig was located. And Draig, holding his chin, looked at Xie Ming with a serious face.

“What’s wrong, Draig?”

Xie Ming asked suspiciously: “In the middle of the night, call me here.”

“Ah, partner… this is actually the case.” Draig scratched his face: “The ability of the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand is actually not completely liberated. You should know this, right?”

“I know.” Xie Ming frowned, “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s not right to say that there is no problem…..It is said that there is a problem, but it is not as serious as that.”

The tail behind Draig flicked back and forth, as if struggling with something.

“Speak up if you have something to say.”

Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “If you have a problem, solve it. It’s not a big deal.”

“…Okay, okay, I’ll confess.” Draig sighed, and then explained: “The ability of the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand has not been completely liberated because the cage hand is still inside. Hosted with the resentful souls of the previous Hosts. If you want to liberate the true ability, you can only resolve their resentment.”

“Before I thought that because of your injury, I wanted to enhance your abilities, so I went to talk to them. They also understood the special features of this generation of Chiryu Emperor, and they are willing to let you resolve their grievances. . But if you want to resolve it, you can only solve it by going to the world we are in.”

“Well, isn’t that good?”

Xie Ming puzzled and said: “Then go there, it’s not a big deal. Go to the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce to find a fat man, there will always be props that will let me go to your world. Why do I need to entangle this?”

“But, Xie Ming.” Draig said earnestly: “If you go to our world, then one thing is inevitable. The White Dragon Emperor will definitely come to you.”

“With the current you, can you beat him?”

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