Chapter 748: Was Dismissed Just After Enrolling?

After a long absence, he put on the student uniform. Xie Ming looked in the mirror and looked at his lazy expression. He looked like a bad student no matter what.

“If it’s bad, it’s bad…”

Shrugging, Xie Ming opened the door and walked towards Juwang Academy without hesitation according to the route in his memory.

Although there are memories of peers, in fact, when I look at this town again with my own eyes, it actually feels a little different.

Perhaps for the people living in Juwang Town, this town is too ordinary, and there is no bright spot at all. But for Xie Ming, this kind of ordinaryness would make him feel comfortable.

Ordinary explanations, ordinary uncles and aunts, occasionally two small wild cats appear on the fences of pavement houses, lazily basking in the early morning sun. As the school gets closer and closer, more and more students wear the same uniform as Xie Ming.

On the first day of school, young teenagers and girls were joking, asking each other how they spent the vacation, whether the summer homework was done, who was with whom, etc. irrelevant things, filled with the sweetness of youth (sour) Smelly) breath.

However, Xie Ming scanned it roughly and found that men account for a relatively small proportion of students, but this is a matter of course. After all, the private Komao Academy was originally a girls’ school. Only in recent years has it become a co-educational school.

Seeing the girls walking in front of him secretly looking at him, Xie Ming smiled politely at them, and then speeded up a bit and passed them.

“Yeah~ he smiled at me!”

“A face you haven’t seen before, is it a transfer student?”

“It seems to have heard that transfer students will come over today, is it him?”

“Oops, it looks like something moved…”

“Hey! Don’t you have a boyfriend!?”

Listening to the discussion of the girls around, Xie Ming naturally wouldn’t take it easy. When girls talk about boys, there is no difference between talking about girls and boys. When you and your good friend meet a girl with outstanding temperament and good figure on the street, won’t they laugh and talk a few times?

Although Xie Ming is not so handsome, he is also a man who has been the king of the world anyway. Although the aura has been condensed as much as possible, the temperament that is different from ordinary people cannot be condensed in.

When the girl saw it, she was really moved. Because girls who are more sensitive than boys can naturally feel the hint of danger from Xie Ming. However, because Xie Ming converges very well, these ordinary female students will naturally regard the danger signs of the body as a feeling of heartbeat.

It is naturally impossible for Xie Ming to pay attention to these boring things. He came to school early today, just to say hello to the Academic Affairs Office and then formally enroll.

But what he never expected was that when he stepped into the Academic Affairs Office, the dean gave him a very good start.


“…I’m sorry, Director, can I trouble you to say it again?”

Xie Ming looked at the dean in front of him in a daze, and he doubted that he had heard something wrong.

“That, I’m very sorry, classmate Xie Ming…..” The dean of instruction wiped cold sweat with a handkerchief and smiled bitterly: “Your Principal has spoken, saying that he has rejected your application for admission.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming frowned: “I remember that your school has accepted my application for admission, and my student status has been admitted to your school. Today, when the school started, he suddenly told me to refuse my admission. This should not meet the regulations of the school and the Ministry of Education, right?”

“Ah…According to the truth, that’s right…”

The director of teaching kept wiping cold sweat, cursing his own leadership for actually entrusting such an errand to himself, and explained to Xie Ming: “So, I am also negotiating with you. As long as you are willing If you quit school on your own, then our school will take the responsibility to find a suitable school for you.”

“That, Director.” Xie Ming laughed directly: “I dare to come to a foreign country to study alone at this age. It is impossible to come here without knowing anything. If I stabbed this matter, Director, you What do you think will happen?”

What about it! I don’t know how! ?

The dean of teaching looked at the smiling students in front of him, and felt that his head was beginning to ache. Even he thought this matter was very inexplicable.

At the beginning, I have prepared all the documents, and it is reasonable that I can enroll today. But have to force other students to drop out of school on the day of enrollment? Haven’t given a reason yet?

This matter is going to be spread, can this school still not handle it? Moreover, the identity of this student is still a foreigner. This Komao Academy is still a private high school with the name of accepting all foreign friends. There are also many foreign students of different nationalities in the school.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the more you think the more trouble, the more you think the more you want to cry!


Looking at the young teaching director in front of him, Xie Ming sighed. He also understands that entanglement with this person who is obviously put out as a scapegoat will not solve the problem at all. After all, it’s better to find the Lord directly.

“Director, I also know that you have your difficulties, but it is impossible for me to drop out of school like this. Why, let’s do it.” Xie Ming smiled: “I don’t know if the principal who doesn’t want to see me is there, if he is. , Can you let me meet him directly and have a clear discussion?”

“Ah…this…. I’ll help you ask.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s suggestion, the dean of teaching was suddenly relieved. He immediately picked up the school’s internal phone number and dialed the principal’s office.

And Xie Ming also sat on the sofa of the Academic Affairs Office, thinking quietly.

There is no problem with his previous resume, and it is impossible to provoke the illegitimate son of the principal like cannon fodder like the urban novel, and then be tripped by him. Then the reason for dropping oneself out of school is likely to be related to the three major forces.

Think about it again, the petite girl with short silver hair I saw last night, the reason for this school to let me drop out is obvious.

It must be an inhuman existence that dominates this school. And they would naturally not agree to the inhumane hunter who came to enroll in an inhumane school.

However, it can be seen from the fact that they dare to enter this academy, the non-humans in the academy are very confident of their own strength. Therefore, they are not afraid that they will make trouble in school.

This confidence also represents one thing.

“That, classmate Xie Ming.”

The dean stood up, smiled bitterly, and said, “The principal said please (let) you come to the principal’s office.”

“Well, I got it.”

Xie Ming stood up and said faintly: “Trouble the director to lead the way.”

The confidence in their own strength means that they will not refuse to meet with Xie Ming.

Good show, then officially staged.

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