Chapter 749 Lias Gremory

Following the dean of education, he crossed the academy and came to a school that was obviously dilapidated. This is the old school building of Komao Academy. No matter what you think, the principal’s office cannot be in such a place.

But Xie Ming didn’t say much about the strange behavior of the dean. Because he already knew that the man in front of him had been controlled by magic when he was just talking on the phone.

Of course, this kind of magic is just a simple induction magic, and it will not have any bad effects on the human body, so Xie Ming just let it go.

“Student Xie Ming, we have arrived.”

The dean turned around and said with a wry smile: “The second floor here is the principal’s room. Next…”

“Well, I understand, the director has worked hard.” Xie Ming nodded, and then approached the old school building without hesitation.


The old school building, on the second floor, stepped on the wooden floor, and Xie Ming walked to the door of a room. Looking at the five words “Supernatural Research Department” on the doorplate, Xie Ming suddenly felt a little dazed.

“……. It’s a long-lost name.”

If I said before, Xie Ming still wanted to teach the little boys inside. But seeing these five words is enough to let him let go of all the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart. Because the’Supernatural Research Department’ is the warmest and most unforgettable place in his heart.

“But Lucia’s poison hasn’t been resolved yet, and now I have no face to go back…”

With a wry smile, Xie Ming knocked on the door lightly.

“Please come in.”

An elegant and noble female voice came out of the room. Without hesitation, Xie Ming opened the door of the room and walked in.

In the room, there are four people sitting. But the one with the strongest presence and most aura is the young girl sitting on the main seat. No, to be precise, it was the girl’s waist-length red hair.

It was as bright red as blood, brighter than roses, gems, and any red Xie Ming had ever seen. Such bright hair, coupled with the beautiful appearance of the girl, the proud figure and the elegant and noble temperament are enough to attract anyone’s attention.

And beside her, there was a black single ponytail girl who also had a beautiful appearance and a plump tall figure. It’s just different from the noble temperament of the red-haired girl, this girl feels gentle as water, a typical Yamato Nadeshiko.

At the desk, on the sofas on both sides of the coffee table, there were also a girl and a teenager sitting respectively.

The short silver hair, with cute black cat hairpins pinned to each side, coupled with its petite figure and cute face, can evoke anyone’s favorite thoughts.

The boy has short blond hair and a handsome appearance, coupled with the smile he has been hanging on his face, it can be seen that this boy is definitely the most popular boy in the school.

While Xie Ming was observing the people in the department, everyone in the department was also looking at Xie Ming.

The name of inhuman hunters has long been known even to them. But those are all things heard in the rumors. Although they heard the report of the petite girl last night, after such face-to-face contact, they discovered that this rumored brutal inhuman hunter is not like they imagined. As in.

“So, do I need to introduce myself first?”

Xie Ming took the lead in breaking the silence of the atmosphere, and said with a faint smile: “But I don’t think it is necessary.”

“No, please introduce yourself.” The red-haired girl sitting behind the desk said elegantly: “Although we have known you from information and rumors, those, after all, are only one-sided, aren’t they? ”

This sentence made Xie Minggao glance at the girl. One’s perspective on things determines one’s status and future development. People who are not deceived by rumors or rumors, who rely on their own eyes and knowledge to judge, already have the qualifications of a superior.

“Yes, I was rude.”

Xie Ming smiled and introduced himself: “When we first met, my name is Xie Ming. I am a man of good fortune with a human body and a master artifact. Of course, if you are not lucky, you will not be able to see me here. .”

“I’m Rias Gremory.” The red-haired girl, Rias changed a comfortable position and chuckled: “It’s a demon. They are my lovely family members.”

“Hello, classmate Xie Ming.”

The single ponytail girl bowed softly and said softly: “My name is Juno Himejima, Queen of Rias.”

“Hello, Senior Xie Ming, I am Tacheng Kitten, everyone calls me Kitten, it’s Minister’s Castle (Rook)”

“Meeting for the first time, classmate Xie Ming, I am the Minister’s Knight, Yuto Kiba.”

The teenagers and girls sitting on the sofa also introduced themselves to Xie Ming.


Xie Ming smiled: “This title is still a bit too early. After all, whether I can enroll in school or not, isn’t it up to you to decide, right?”


Zhu Nai covered her mouth and chuckled lightly: “It seems that classmate Xie Ming has a little bit of resentment in his heart~”

“Isn’t that of course?” Xie Ming turned to Byakugan: “It’s anyone who was told to be dismissed as soon as school started. The reaction must be much more intense than mine. I am calm. That’s it.”

Hearing that, everyone present couldn’t help laughing, even the expressionless kitten, Kakuzu’s mouth was slightly bent.

“About this matter, we did not do the right thing, and I apologize to you.”

After smiling, Liya said with a smile: “After all, our identities are all demons and non-humans. An existence that specializes in hunting non-humans came to our school, and naturally it needs our attention.”

“But after the actual contact, I found out that Xie Ming, you are not what we imagined, as long as you are inhuman, you will hunt for it.”

“It’s better to say that I am very curious about what kind of rumors it is that turned me into the image you said.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “So far, all the inhumans I have killed were malicious intent to kill me, or endangered the existence of human beings. However, my behavior may indeed affect some people. So yesterday. Only in the evening brought me such an enthusiastic bedtime exercise.”

“Exercise before going to bed…”

Rias deliberately repeated these four words again, and then showed a beautiful smile.

“Anyway, after seeing you with my own eyes, I don’t think you are that kind of very dangerous person. So in the future, we will be the seniors and juniors of the same school. You can call me Senior Rias~”

“Oh.” Xie Ming was unmoved: “What then?”


Lias was stunned for a moment: “What else then?”

“…I said it.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face, and said convincingly: “Well, I am also under the horrible title of’Inhuman Hunter’, so you can safely let me enroll when you meet like this? Don’t do anything. Precautionary measures?”

“…… Dang, of course!” Lias blushed, and said: “Just for you, what kind of preventive measures we should take, we are still discussing this point. Now it’s just for you to go back and prepare for school, and we will naturally take corresponding measures for you after school is over.”


All the people present looked at Lias silently and did not speak.

“Ah, you deserve to be Lias-senpai, really thoughtful (great reading).”

Xie Ming said without emotion, “Senior Sister, I will go to prepare for school first, and see you after school.”

After speaking, he and the other three gestured separately, and Xie Ming walked out of the office.


“What…what are you doing!” Looking at the other three people who were still staring at her, Lias said in anger, “I didn’t expect it! Can’t it!?”

After all, he went into the shower room in the side room with annoyance and anger.

Leaving the other three people, they looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

“Minister Tsundere.”

The kitten eating snacks silently spoke out everyone’s heart.

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