Chapter 750

After school, Xie Ming once again came to the supernatural research department of the old school building. Unsurprisingly, everyone in the research department has also arrived.

“Ah, welcome, classmate Xie Ming.”

Seeing the arrival of the guests, Zhu Nai smiled slightly: “Please sit down, and I will pour tea for you.”


Putting the schoolbag aside, Xie Ming sat on the empty sofa and rubbed his eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?”

Lias looked at Xie Ming’s movements with a smile on her mouth: “Is there any problem with school life?”

“Please don’t say okay knowingly?”

Xie Ming sighed helplessly: “The female students in this school are really too enthusiastic…”

In Japan, the first day of school is usually only a class meeting and a semester opening ceremony held in a gymnasium. At the class meeting, Xie Ming entered a second-grade class under the introduction of the class teacher.

Up to this point, there is no problem. Only at the semester opening ceremony, a girl standing near Xie Ming almost fell to the ground due to anemia. And Xie Ming only supported the girl and helped the teacher carry her to the health room.

But why is it so normal for help being so exaggerated by the girls? As a result, at the end of the opening ceremony, not only the students in the same grade, but also the third-year and first-year students gathered around.

This allowed Xie Ming to become the public enemy of all boys in the school from the very beginning. Fortunately, the president of the student union at the time, a girl named “Zhi Qu Cang Na” came over to help, so that Xie Ming was able to get away.

But the extreme reaction of the girls made Xie Ming a little skeptical of life.

“Now, Kiba.” Xie Ming said puzzledly: “A girl with anemia is about to fall. It’s normal to step forward and support her, right?”

“Well, I think this is normal behavior.” Kiba nodded.

“It’s normal to help the teacher take that girl to the health room?”

“Yes, when others have difficulties, they should help each other.”

“Then why did it cause such a big disturbance?”

Xie Ming frowned: “This is too strange.”


That’s because your posture when helping girls go to the health room is very strange! Basically, other boys will hold on or carry them by their backs. How can a boy help a girl be a princess all the way, across the entire school!

The kitten watched Xie Ming silently, and kept filling his mouth with snacks. Kiba smiled bitterly, Rias and Zhu Nai looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

What kind of ‘inhuman hunter’ is this, it’s clearly a dull iron man!

“Forget it, thinking about it is nothing.” After frowning and thinking for a while, Xie Ming gave up and turned to look at Lias: “Then Lias-senpai, have you discussed how to prevent me? ?”


Rias smiled: “First of all, I would like to invite you to join our Supernatural Research Society.”

“Join the Supernatural Research Society?” Xie Ming took a sip of tea and asked faintly: “May I ask which way to join?”

Joining this department naturally has many meanings. After all, this supernatural research society can be said to be Rias’ base camp, and all of them are her family members.

If you join the Supernatural Research Association from the perspective of a student, Xie Ming will naturally have no problems. If he joined as a ‘inhuman hunter’ and helped Rias and others, Xie Ming would have no objection.

A lot can be seen from the previous conversation. First, Rias’s status among demons is by no means simple. Because in the memory of the peers, I have never seen a demon with dependents. When Rias introduced herself and talked about her surname “Gimonley”, her unconcealed sense of pride can be seen that the surname of “Gimonley” is definitely a nobleman among the demons.

Second, Rias did not look at humans from the eyes of higher creatures like the demons in Xie Ming’s memory, but always treated them equally. This combined to her own demon aristocratic identity, seemed very precious.

According to the truth, dangerous elements like Xie Ming broke into the base camp of others, and the normal operations of others are generally to summon troops and annihilate them. And Li Yasi’s approach was only to make Xie Ming drop out of school.

Possessing great power and influence, but not arrogant or impetuous, handling things calmly and peacefully. This alone can make Xie Ming have a lot of good feelings. So Xie Ming is also happy to help them.

But… if Lias wanted to turn Xie Ming into her own family member in some way, then Xie Ming could only refuse.

As I said before, Xie Ming was very satisfied with himself as a human being, and never wanted to change his ancestry and race in the past. For him, this is a matter of principle, and there is no room for negotiation at all.

Fortunately, Rias seemed to have taken this into consideration, and said with a smile: “Just join us, and we won’t force you to do something. It’s not a bad thing for you, right?” ”

“At least, in the territory of’Gimonley,’ the same thing as last night won’t happen again.”

Lias meant that she would use her rights and status to protect Xie Ming. At the same time, he wouldn’t let Xie Ming do things he didn’t want to do. This is simply a good thing delivered to the door.

Perhaps it was also a kind of show of favor from Lias to Xie Ming. Naturally, Xie Ming would not refuse such kindness.

“That’s it, thank you Sister Lias.”

Xie Ming smiled, and then said seriously: “Then I will also make my promise from my standpoint. If one day, when something that cannot be solved occurs to you, I will do my best to help you through the difficulties. .”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, all four people present looked surprised.

“Thank you.” Lias said with a light smile: “If something like this happens, I will trouble you then, Xie Ming.”

The implication was Xie Ming’s kindness, and they understood it.

“Yes, I seem to be underestimated.”

Xie Ming shrugged in his heart, and there was no slight emotion. Power is not for showing off, but for guarding. When the time comes, I really encounter difficulties, so I can do it myself.

“Next, it’s the second point.” Rias took a sip of tea, moisturized her throat, and then said: “In order to prevent you from making any actions that could easily cause disputes between the three parties, the kitten will act on you. Surveillance (protection).”

“In other words, the kitten will live in your apartment in the future. That’s okay, right?”

“Uh…” Xie Ming was taken aback, glanced at the kitten eating snacks silently, and asked suspiciously, “Rather than asking me if I have any questions, it’s better to say Tacheng classmate…”

“Just call me a kitten, Senior Xie Ming.”

The kitten raised his head and said without ups and downs in his voice: “As long as it is the minister’s order, I will follow it.”

“That’s what she said, Xie Ming.” Lias said with a smile.


Scratching his head, Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “Then I would like to ask you to take care of him, classmate Tacheng.”

“Please take care of me, senior.” The kitten raised his head and looked at Xie Ming earnestly: “Also, just call me a kitten.”

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