Chapter 751

After that, in order to prevent Xie Ming from being reckless, he didn’t understand anything. Lias and Zhu Nai also explained the general situation of the three powers with Xie Ming.

The world is divided into three levels, heaven, underworld and human. Angels live in the heavens. In the underworld, fallen angels and demons have divided their territories, and the three major forces have been fighting non-stop for nearly a thousand years.

However, due to long-term battles, the number of pure-blooded angels, fallen angels, and demons has been continuously reduced. If this continues, all three forces will perish. So the three parties have come up with various methods to reincarnate other species in the Three Realms into their own races.

The reincarnation method developed by the devil is ‘devil chess’.

This chess is not Chinese chess, but international chess. One king (King) and one queen (Queen), two knights (Knight), two bishops (Bishop), two castles (Rook), and eight soldiers (Pawn).

The king of demon chess can only be performed by the superior demon or the most superior demon, or the strongest existence among the demons, the demon king. And Rias is now the king, which means that Rias is the superior demon.

Each piece has different abilities that can bestow demons. Among them, the king’s pieces will greatly strengthen all the abilities of the holder. The queen, on the other hand, has all the abilities except soldiers and kings, and is worth 9 soldiers.

A knight is good at speed. A knight is equivalent to 3 soldiers.

The castle is known for its strength and defense, and can use the ability of the king’s car to replace the king to take damage instead of the king. A castle is equal to 5 soldiers.

The bishop, who is good at magic power, is equivalent to 3 soldiers like a knight.

The last ones are soldiers. Soldiers don’t have any special abilities, but they have unique abilities, promotion. When the king believes that the area is in the enemy’s sphere of influence, the soldier can be promoted to any pawn except the king and gain its ability. Moreover, you can also change among these four chess pieces at will.

Only the upper-level demon can obtain the demon chess and the king’s position. In other words, Rias definitely possesses a powerful strength that matches her beautiful appearance.

“So…” Xie Ming nodded: “In other words, apart from Lias-senpai you are a pure-blood demon, Zhunai-senpai, Kiba and Kitten are all reincarnated from other races. Devilish?”

“That’s right~”

Lias smiled lightly: “And in this school, besides me, there is a superior pure-blood demon.”

“The president of the student council, take Canna.” During the brief contact in front of the gymnasium, Xie Ming had already felt the magic in the girl: “In other words, the members of the student council are also the family members of the president of the student council.”


“I still have some questions…” Xie Ming asked the question he had always wanted to ask: “Senior Lias, the true form of your demon, is it very different from the human form?”

“It’s very different from the human shape?”

Everyone was stunned, and then Zhu Nai covered her mouth: “Ahhhhh, it turns out that Xiao Mingming, you have fought with the’lost demon’.”

“Lost Demon?”

Xie Ming recalled the deformed and brutal demons in his memory, and he couldn’t help frowning.

“Yes, they have monster-like bodies and cruel and cruel personalities. We all call them ‘lost demons’.”

Rias stood up and walked to the desk. A pair of pitch-black, sickle-like bat wings spread out from behind with the sound of’swish’: “The appearance of a demon is no different from a human except for having this pair of wings. However, the’lost demon’ is completely different. .”

“They recklessly used the power of the devil, betrayed and killed their master, so they lost their minds and eroded their bodies by the power of the devil, so they became that state. And to the’lost demon’ who ran into their own territory. The execution is also one of the duties we must perform.”


Looking at the serious Rias, Xie Ming couldn’t help but smile. Indeed, the feeling the demons present gave him was completely different from the feeling those demons gave him.

The minister in front of him is a bit similar to Zhu Yin in some places.

“However, since there is the existence of the’lost demon’, angels and fallen angels should also have similar existences, right?”

“On this point, let me answer.”

Zhu Nai stepped forward and said with a smile: “The existence of angels after the fall is the fallen angel. Since the fallen angels have fallen, naturally there will be no other influence. However, the organization of angels and the church does exist. A group of fallen exorcists.”

“These exorcists unscrupulously use the power of light, regardless of whether they are indiscriminately killing any humans related to demons, brutal and cold-blooded. So our other duty is to protect humans related to us and annihilate these’lost exorcists’. division’.”

“Lost Demon, Lost Exorcist…”

Repeating these two words, Xie Ming raised his head and his expression became extremely serious: “Then, the last question. Sister Rias, are you in a coexistence relationship with humans, or a relationship between exploiting and being exploited?”

This is what Xie Ming really wants to ask. And Rias and the others’ answers will also determine Xie Ming’s course of action in the future.

Similarly, Lias and others also understand the true meaning of Xie Ming’s question. So their expressions became serious.

“Xie Ming, I also said before that the three major forces are now in the stage of lack of personnel. Therefore, for us, human beings are supplementing the life source of our own race. I will not guarantee other demon families, but I am sure Tell you, the Gremory family is a family that likes peace.”

“Nowadays, the way demons live has also changed a lot. Because today’s humans have lost the magic circle for summoning demons, we will send our subordinates and envoys to publish the magic circle for summoning demons in the form of leaflets. People will summon demons through this magic circle, and demons will help them realize their wishes.”

“Of course, there is a price to realize one’s wishes. But unlike before, the price charged by demons will no longer be human souls, lifespans, or life. Humans only need to pay us and our wishes have the same value. Items will do.”

“For example, a kitten.” Lias looked at the kitten: “She is now our salesperson. Because of the characteristics of the castle, she is extremely powerful. She often helps people achieve some princesses, carrying things or chatting. Desire. And the price people paid for her was snacks.”

“……alright, I got it.”

Just using leaflets to publish the summoning magic circle was enough to make Xie Ming complain. And the wishes of those modern otakus gave Xie Ming the urge to cover his face. Let the petite girl hug her princess?

…….Well, it’s not that I can’t understand the feelings of those otakus, it really feels very emotional.

“I have no problems.”

Xie Ming stood up and stretched out his hand: “From now on, please take care of it, Minister Lias.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s actions, everyone was relieved as they smiled. Under everyone’s gaze, Rias also stretched out her little white hand and shook Xie Ming’s hand.

“It’s the same here, please take care of me, brother Xie Ming~”

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